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Manage My InvitationsFind and Participate in a Call


Table of Contents


1.1 Search for a Call

Economic Operators and (for tenders) or potential candidates can search /applicants (for calls for proposals (forthcoming - see calls for proposals note below) or tenders for grants) can search for calls for EU External Actions from the Search Funding & Tenders (1) page on the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal, or directly from the search function (2) on the main page of the same portal.


Calls for Proposals for grants from the European Commission in the field of External Actions are still published on the International Partnerships (previously EuropeAid) website, and managed through e-Calls PADOR and e-Calls PROSPECT. This is planned to change in the near future, where all publications for calls will be managed from the Funding & Tenders Portal.

On the Search Funding & Tenders page, select the programme "EU External Action (RELEX)" from the left search and filter menu, and use the filter by keyword(s) or other filters to limit the search results.


Click on the title of the call to access the Call Details pagecall and application or submission details.


Please note that for calls for proposals for grants from the European Commission in the field of External Actions are still published on the International Partnerships website (previously EuropeAid), and managed through e-Calls PADOR and e-Calls PROSPECT. Additionally, and from the 13/03/2023, these calls for proposals will also be published on the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal (see details above). The International Partnerships website will no longer be used for the publication of calls following a transition period. There is no change for applying for a call, whether from the International Partnerships or Funding and Tenders Portal websites, as the call publication will redirect the applicant to complete the application for the call exactly as before in e-Calls PROSPECT.

1.2 Participate in a Call



You will need to be logged-in with EU Login in order to submit a tender. For more information, follow the detailed instructions on the EU Login Guide, and login or create your EU Login account. If you need help with your EU Login, please contact INTPA SUPPORT SERVICES EC External Relations Application Support (ERAS).

  • For Open Procedures in direct management, Economic Operators will submit a tender for the call for tender via TED - eTendering, and complete their tender submission online via eSubmission from the Funding & Tenders Portal.
  • For the first step of a Restricted Procedure in direct management, Economic Operators will submit a request to participate in the call for tender via TED - eTendering, and complete their request submission online via eSubmission from the Funding & Tenders Portal.
  • For the second step of a Restricted Procedure in direct management, invited Economic Operators will submit a tender for the call for tender via TED - eTendering, and complete their tender submission online via eSubmission from the Funding & Tenders Portal (see Manage My Invitations).
  • For the first round of a Negotiated Procedure in direct management, invited Economic Operators will submit a tender for the call for tender via TED - eTendering, and complete their tender submission online via eSubmission from the Funding & Tenders Portal.
  • For subsequent rounds of a Negotiated Procedure in direct management, invited Economic Operators will submit a revised tender and complete their tender submission online via eSubmission from the Funding & Tenders Portal.
