
VAT number validation in Organisation Registration system

In the Organisation Registration system, enhanced verification has been introduced for the VAT field (1).

The checkbox VIES format applicable (2) is also available, allowing you to indicate whether the VAT number inserted into the VAT number field is formatted for VIES (VAT Information Exchange System) validation. VIES is an electronic means of validating VAT-identification numbers of economic operators registered in the European Union for cross border transactions on goods or services.

VAT number field and VIES format applicable checkbox

Remember that the VAT number of an organisation can adhere to the national formatting rules in ORS. However, this does not imply a direct verification of the validity of the specified VAT number.

Such checks may be implemented during the organisation validation and certification process by the National Agencies. 

In ORS, the VAT number field is a free text field and VAT numbers can be inserted based on the national format. For example, the field can contain dots, spaces and/or special characters.

Free text field for VAT number

If you choose the VIES format applicable checkbox, the VAT number must match the formatting criteria, as an error message will appear and you will no longer be able to save your changes until the VAT number has been corrected.

incorrect VAT number for VIES

Once the correct format is inserted into the field, the error message will disappear and the changes can be saved.

correct VAT number format for VIES

For more information on the VAT identification number structure for for VIES (VAT Information Exchange System) validation, see Q11 in the following FAQ for VIES

Depending on the selected type of organisation, the VAT number may or may not be required, for example, the VAT number is not applicable to natural persons or organisations exempted from VAT.

VAT number not applicable