Participant reports may have different statuses, displayed on the relevant screens in beneficiary projects: Excluded by NA-no participant report requested - after exception was requested and confirmed by the NA Please note that when a mobility activity is flagged as Force majeure, the Participant Report status for the mobility activity remains Requested, whereas it should, in these cases, be NA-Excluded. You must contact your National Agency requesting the exclusion, if applicable for mobility activities in your granted project.
See the page Manage Participant Reports in projects for additional information.
When possible, this glossary quotes from the programme guides. The programme guide definitions and explanations precede the definitions based in Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps guides. The programme guides' glossary can be downloaded or viewed on line from:
Glossary entries in this wiki assist the end user to navigate to content on how to perform related tasks in Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corp Platform and related modules.