
In the Activities section of the application form you are asked to provide details about the mobility activities you plan to organise and the amount of EU grant you are requesting to implement them

In KA182-SPO application forms, you can add up to 10 activities and up to 2 preparatory visits, keeping in mind that the total allowed number of participants per project is 10, and that each activity (excepting preparatory visits) must include at least 1 participant. The following activities can be implemented:

  • Coaching or training assignments
  • Job shadowing and observation periods
  • Preparatory visits

Once you have defined the activities, you can start filling in more details about the participants, travel, request exceptional costs, etc.

An overview of the budget for each activity as well as totals for all activities are also available in this section. Full budget details are displayed in the Budget section of the form.

This page is relevant for:

  • Erasmus+ Call year 2025 r1
    • KA182-SPO - Mobility of sport staff

Take note

Questions or fields may vary depending on the action you apply for. Please read the onscreen information carefully to complete the relevant fields and sections.


Before you start

  • You must have completed the Context and Participating Organisations sections in the application form.


1. Open "Activities" 

Click on Activities in the Content menu. The Activities screen opens, where you will answer a number of questions and add the activities you plan to develop. You will also have an overview of the requested grant and number of participants for each activity. 

Each activity you add will be displayed as a separate subsection in the Content menu, under Activities.

Each subsection is marked with a red dot if there are no flows defined for an activity or if there is missing or invalid mandatory information in the section. The activity subsections will be marked with a green dot when all mandatory information is correctly filled in.

To gain additional space on your screen you can also close the Content menu using the arrow icon < or work in full screen mode. See How to complete the application form for details. 

Click on Activities in the Content menu

2. Answer the questions

Before specifying the activities, you need to answer a number of general questions about the activities you plan to implement.

Answer the questions in the Activities screen


3. Add activities

In the Activities screen scroll down to the Activities found section.

3.1. "Add activity" button

When you open the Activities section, an empty row is already available for the first mandatory activity. If you plan more than one activity in your project, click the Add activity button to add additional rows.

Click on Add activity for each additional activity

3.2. Fill in activity details

For each activity row, select the Activity type and Destination country from the respective drop-down lists, and type the desired Activity title in the dedicated field.

Once the activity details are filled in, a unique Activity ID is assigned to the activity type, which consists of the activity code and an incremental number. In our example, the ID ASSGN01 corresponds to the first added activity of the type Coaching or training assignments.

If the actity is planned as a Blended Activity, please click the Blended Activity field. 

Add the first activity

In addition, the Content menu now includes:

  • The total number of activities added
  • A subsection with the title of each newly added activity

Here is an example where four activities have been added, showing the three different available types.

Activities listed in the Content menu


4. Add flows to the activity 

4.1. Select an activity in the Content menu

In the Content menu, click on the activity for which you want to add flows.

The activity details screen opens, which includes two sections:

  1. Flows summary
  2. Budget summary

In the Flows summary section, you will add at least one maximum ten flows to the selected activity.

4.2. Add flows using the plus (+) icon

Flows are displayed as cards, with the key details displayed in the card header once you have filled in the required information.

The first flow card is already available and can be filled in straight away. For each additional flow, click on the plus (+) icon at the top of the activity detail screen to add additional flow cards. 

Each flow has a Flow ID, which is generated automatically and assigned incrementally.

Each flow card can be individually collapsed or expanded using the dedicated up/down arrow.

The Total No. of persons (including accompanying persons) for all flows in the selected activity will be calculated automatically and displayed at the bottom of the flow list.

Click on Flow summary


4.3. Fill in the flow details

Take note

The fields to fill in and the applicable rules and restrictions may differ depending on the selected activity. Please read the onscreen information carefully before you fill in the flow details.


When filling in the flows for each activity, keep in mind the maximum allowed number of participants at project level (not including accompanying persons and participants in preparatory visits). If this number is exceeded, an error message will be displayed in the Activities overview section and you will not be able to complete the activity section.

Similarly, the maximum number of participants that can be added to a Preparatory visit is two (2). If this number is exceeded, that preparatory visit activity cannot be completed.

Each flow is divided into a number of subsections, where you will specify flow details and budget information. Each subsection is displayed as a card, which can be individually collapsed or expanded using the Edit icon or the dedicated up/down arrow.

Open each card in sequence and fill in the details. The form will adapt based on the information you provide, and you may need to fill in additional subsections or correct errors based on messages displayed on the screen.

Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk (*). Each card is initially preceded by a red line and displays the status Incomplete if there is missing mandatory information, either in that subsection or in another subsection that depends on it. Once you have correctly filled in all the necessary information, the line turns green, and the status is now displayed as Complete. Once all subsections are complete, the flow card is also marked as complete, with a green line.

Certain fields, such as grants, are updated automatically based on the information you provide, and cannot be modified manually.

Here is an example of a flow for the activity type Coaching or training assignments and its subsections before and after completion:

Fill in the flow details - example

If all details have been correctly filled in, the flow cards are preceded by a green line. If there are incomplete flows, those flows are marked with a red line, and the missing or incorrect key information is indicated in red in the flow card header. 

Flows summary - example


4.4.  Review the "Budget summary"

If you scroll down to after the flow details, you will find the Budget summary subsection. 
This subsection provides a breakdown of the budget requested so far for the selected activity. All information displayed here is read-only, as all grants are calculated automatically based on the information you provided in the flows. If changes are required, update the relevant information in the flows.

Here is an example for the Budget summary for Activity 01 of type Coaching or training assignments:

Budget summary - example

4.5.  Preparatory visits specifics

For preparatory visits you must also provide information regarding the objectives of the visit, the participants involved, and the main activity that the preparatory visit relates to.

To do so, select the Preparatory Visit subsection and:

  1. Fill in the fields at the top of the screen.
  2. Click in the Related to activity field and select the relevant activity from the drop-down list.

The Number of participants and Total Grant (EUR) values displayed in this screen are retrieved from the Flows Summary subsection of the selected preparatory visit.

Preparatory visits specifics

4.6. Update a flow

In the Flows Summary for a selected activity, click on the Edit icon next to the desired flow. The flow details are displayed, and you can make the desired changes. The grant fields and the Budget summary will be updated accordingly.

4.7. Delete a flow

In the Flows Summary for a selected activity, click on the Delete (red bin) icon next to the desired flow to delete it. Confirm the deletion by clicking on YES in the pop-up window. The Budget summary will be updated accordingly.


5. "Activities" overview

Click on Activities in the Content menu for a high-level overview after you have provided the details and flow information for all activities.

  1. View the updated Number of participants, Number of accompanying persons, and Total grant (EUR) for each activity as well as the totals at project level. Where applicable, these values also include numbers/grants calculated based on (partial) information provided in the subsections.
  2. In the Content menu view the total number of activities in the project is shown - in our example 4

Activities overview

Take note

If you have exceeded the total number of participants allowed at project level (not including accompanying persons and participants in preparatory visits), an error message is displayed in the activities overview screen. Even if each of the activities is complete, the Activities section will be marked as incomplete with a red cross in the Content menu, and you will not be able to submit the application form. Please make the necessary adjustments in the relevant activities.

Error message - maximum number of participants exceeded

5.1. Update key details of an activity

In the Activities overview screen you can change the high level details of a given activity: the activity type, title and/or destination country. Any flow details already entered may now need to be updated to complete the activity.

Take note

Changes to an activity will affect previously entered information and possibly completed flows in that activity and will result in the activity and flows being marked incomplete. In this case, you have to check and update each flow accordingly. 

5.2. Delete an activity

In the Activities overview list, click on the Delete (bin) icon for the activity to remove. Confirm the deletion by clicking on YES in the pop-up window.

Take note

Deleting an activity will remove all entered data for the selected activity in all subsections.

Delete an activity

6. Example of a completed "Activities" section

Once you have correctly completed all sections and subsections, the section is marked with a green check.

Activities section is complete