
This page explains how to register an organisation in the Organisation Registration system if you are planning to participate in one of the actions managed by National Agencies under the Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps programmes.

*** NEW *** eLearning video on how to register your organisation

A new eLearning video is now available: How to register my organisation in Organisation Registration system

Take note

The illustrations in this wiki page are for consultation purpose only and do not always reflect the latest implementation.

There may be minor changes to the screen appearance and layout which are described on the updated page Basic functionalities of the Organisation Registration system


Before you start the registration of your organisation please ensure it is not already registered. Use the Search functionality to check.

To complete the registration process and save your progress, you must click the Register my organisation button. This button is not active until all mandatory sections are completed. Additional sections become available after registration to allow you to upload documents or view associated accreditation.

Take note

The Organisation Registration system does not have an auto-save functionality. Do not close your browser or navigate to another webpage unless you have completed your registration by clicking the Register my organisation button. Otherwise, any information you have provided will be lost and you must start the registration from the beginning.


1. Click on "Register my Organisation" 

In the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps platform go to Organisations in the main menu, then click on Register My Organisations. The Prerequisites for organisation registration page opens.

1.1. Read prerequisites for the registration of an organisation

The page contains a list of prerequisites which you should read before registering any organisation.

  • Why do I need to register my organisation
  • What are the prerequisites for organisation registration

Open Register my organisation

2. Check if your organisation exists in the Organisation Registration system

Type the name of your institution in the search box and click Search.

A Search Result list of institutions matching your search criteria is presented. Note that there may be more than one page in the list.

For further help on how to search for an institution and the use of advanced search see How to search for organisations in the Organisation Registration system.


If your organisation is known by more than one name, also try to see if it is registered under an alternative name, such as the English name of the organisation.

You may ask your colleagues or the administration of your organisation if the organisation has already been registered as an Erasmus+ / European Solidarity Corps organisation.

If an OID has been invalidated by the National Agency in their project management system, the invalidated OID cannot be updated and the information will be greyed out.

2.1. Organisation found

If you have found your institution in the search results, you do not need to register it again. Take note of the Organisation ID (OID) from the list. This unique identifier is required for all applications to Erasmus+ or European Solidarity corps open calls.

If you require to have full access to the organisation details, find the colleague who registered the organisation and request to be added as an authorised user.

Search for organisation - organisation found

2.2. Organisation not already registered

If you did not find your organisation in the list, you may now initiate the registration process by clicking the Register a new Organisation button at the bottom of the page.

Search for organisation - organisation not registered

3. Sign in to be able to register your organisation

If you are not already signed in to EU Login , sign in now. 

Sign in to EU Login

4. Start registering the details for your organisation

The Register My Organisation application opens a blank form in Organisation data. 

Use the Content menu to navigate to the various sections in the registration form. Only after one section is completed (indicated by a green icon) can you proceed to the next.

An information message displays, informing you about the publicly available information of your organisation when it is registered in Organisation Registration system.

If you try to navigate to the next section without having completed the previous one, a warning message displays. 

Start registration - open registration form

5. Fill in the "Organisation data"

Provide the required information on your organisation, such as the legal name, business name, legal status, language, country and more. 

Don't forget!

Remember to verify whether your organisation already is registered in ORS by using the Search functionality. If your organisation is found, there is no need to register again.

If during the registration process, another organisation is detected having exactly the same legal name as the one you have provided, a message is displayed indicating the Organisation ID of the other organisation. This can help you double check whether your current organisation is already registered, but will not prevent you from finalising the registration.

The available tool tips, indicated with the icon (info), provide additional instructions and assistance for filling in each field.

Please note:

If you register as a natural person, you cannot specify a Legal form of your organisation.

5.1. VAT number validation in Organisation Registration system

In the Organisation Registration system, enhanced verification has been introduced for the VAT field (1).

The checkbox VIES format applicable (2) is also available, allowing you to indicate whether the VAT number inserted into the VAT number field is formatted for VIES (VAT Information Exchange System) validation. VIES is an electronic means of validating VAT-identification numbers of economic operators registered in the European Union for cross border transactions on goods or services.

VAT number field and VIES format applicable checkbox

Remember that the VAT number of an organisation can adhere to the national formatting rules in ORS. However, this does not imply a direct verification of the validity of the specified VAT number.

Such checks may be implemented during the organisation validation and certification process by the National Agencies. 

In ORS, the VAT number field is a free text field and VAT numbers can be inserted based on the national format. For example, the field can contain dots, spaces and/or special characters.

Free text field for VAT number

If you choose the VIES format applicable checkbox, the VAT number must match the formatting criteria, as an error message will appear and you will no longer be able to save your changes until the VAT number has been corrected.

incorrect VAT number for VIES

Once the correct format is inserted into the field, the error message will disappear and the changes can be saved.

correct VAT number format for VIES

For more information on the VAT identification number structure for for VIES (VAT Information Exchange System) validation, see Q11 in the following FAQ for VIES

Depending on the selected type of organisation, the VAT number may or may not be required, for example, the VAT number is not applicable to natural persons or organisations exempted from VAT.

VAT number not applicable

5.2. Complete Organisation data

After all mandatory information is entered, the Organisation data menu icon turns green and you can proceed to the Legal Address section.

Fill in basic Organisation data

6. Fill in the "Legal Address"

Access the Legal address section from the Content menu and provide the required information. 

After all mandatory fields are completed, the Legal address menu icon turns green and you can proceed to the Organisation Contact Person section.

Fill in Legal address

7. Add the "Organisation Contact Person"

7.1. Access the "Organisation Contact Person" section in the Content menu

The Organisation Contact Person screen opens. 

7.2. Provide all required information

Information such as First and Last Name, Position in the organisation and professional e-mail have to be provided. All mandatory fields are clearly marked with *.

By default, the checkboxes to use the organisation phones and organisation address are not ticked. If those details are the correct ones for the Organisation Contact Person, tick the checkboxes. The relevant information will be taken over from the Organisation Data section of the registration form. If the phone numbers and/or address of the contact person are different from the information provided under Organisation Data, provide the information in the available fields. 

The icon in the Content Menu changes to green once all mandatory information in this section is provided. You can proceed to the next part of the registration: Authorised Users

Access the Organisation contact person section

8. Add the first "Authorised User"

As the person registering the organisation, you are the first Authorised User

At this point in the registration process it is not possible to add more authorised users, but the option is available after the registration form is submitted.

8.1. Access the "Users" section

The Users screen opens with an empty table, where you must enter your personal details. Your professional email address is already filled in as it is retrieved from your EU Login account. This e-mail address cannot be changed. 

Open Users section

8.2. Provide all required information

Provide the missing mandatory information. The icon in the Content menu changes to green when all required fields are filled in. 

There are two ways of recording the details:

  1. If you are also the contact person of the organisation, click on the Copy contact person details button to quickly fill in your information from the Organisation Contact Person section.
    Remember: You cannot replace your own professional email, otherwise you would lose access to the organisation. If you used a different email in the Contact Person section, that email does not allow you to sign in as an authorised user.
  2. If you are not the contact person, fill in your details manually
    1. If your phone numbers and/or address are the same as those provided under Organisation Data section, tick the Use organisation phones? and Use organisation address? checkboxes. Otherwise, fill in details in the available fields. 

In our example below, the contact person is the same as the authorised user, but the professional email addresses are different.

Provide all required information for the Authorised User

9. Click "Submit" to submit the data

Once all information is entered in the registration form, all sections in the Content Menu are marked with a green tick mark, a green status message is displayed and the Submit button in the top right corner is enabled. Click the button to submit your data to finalise the registration.

A confirmation message is displayed as well as your newly created Organisation ID. The Organisation ID consists of 8 digits preceded by the letter "E". 

The screen changes to Edit My Organisation and the Submit button is replaced by an Update button.

A header is displayed with the main information about your organisations your screen and the status of your registration. You will notice the status has now changed from Draft to Registered and the newly created Organisation ID, as well as the Legal name of your organisation is displayed. 

The Registered status indicates that the submission was successful. It does not mean that the organisation is already certified by the National Agency.

Once you have registered your organisation, two more sections become immediately available:

Moreover, it is now possible to add more authorised usersIt is recommended that you add at least one additional authorised user.

Submit the registration

10. The "Accreditations" section

The Accreditations section is displayed in the Content menu after registration. At this point nothing is displayed. Once your organisation is certified and accredited, this section will list all valid accreditations in relation to the decentralised actions of the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes.

The Accreditations section

11. The "Documents" section

Once the organisation is registered you can add documents that are needed by the National Agency to certify your organisation. Information on the documents to be uploaded can be found in the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programme guides. See the page Manage documents in the Organisation Registration system for additional information on how to upload and manage your organisation documents.


The following supporting documents must be completed and uploaded in the Organisation Registration System before your organisation registration can be certified by your NA: Legal Entity form and Financial Identification form.
EU standard Templates for Legal Entity form and Financial Identification form as well as instructions on how to complete these are available on this page: 
Forms for EU contracts.

View documents

12. Notifications

The Organisation Registration system will send a notification e-mail to the person that registered the organisation and all persons that have been indicated as authorised users. This notification will include the Organisation ID, additional information and relevant links.

13. The certification status in the Organisation Registration system

The current status of the organisation is displayed to the right in the Organisation header. 

  1. Initial organisation status:
    • Registered - The organisation has been successfully registered in the Organisation Registration system and has received an OID (marked in green).
  2. Organisation status after reception of organisation details in National Agency's project management system:
    • Waiting for NA Certification - The organisation details have been received by the National Agency's project management system but has not been certified by the NA (marked in yellow).
    • Waiting for Confirmation - When an already certified organisation has been updated in the Organisation Registration system, but has not been confirmed in the National Agency's project management system (marked in yellow).
    • NA Certified - Organisation has been certified in National Agency's project management system (marked in green)
    • Invalidated - Organisation has been invalidated in National Agency's project management system (marked in red).
      • Invalidated organisations cannot be edited in Organisation Registration system.

Sample organisation status

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