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OPSYS is developed for the RELEX-family by DG DIGIT.

The ecosystem is open is open to internal staff and to external partners. External partners Partners (referred to as Economic Operators of the European Commission or other EU bodies) access the ecosystem via the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal (SEDIA). This Portal covers the currently available functionalities and will be integrated into a common corporate solution, which represents the single entry point for all external partners across all DGs.


What can be done in the Portal?

Manage Your Organisation

As an external Economic Operator of the European Commission or other EU bodies, you can manage your organisation details via the Portal once you are registered as a participant.

Results and Monitoring on Interventions

The Lead Implementing Partner is the Contractor, or the signatory to the contract with the European Commission. Lead Implementing Partners or Contractors are contractually in charge of implementing activities for EC-funded Projects. They have a contractual reporting obligation both on progress made towards the targets and on the financial execution, which is measured as a result of the collection of information via the various sources of verification identified in the formulation phase of the Project. This includes the encoding in the Portal of the latest values available for each indicator of the Logframe that is attached to the Intervention.

The tasks mentioned above are often delegated to an Implementing Partner or Expert, but the Lead Implementing Partner or Contractor remains responsible for the submission of the values to the Operational Manager.

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Introduction to Results and Monitoring

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titleCooperating with Implementing Partners and Experts


Lead Implementing Partners or Contractors (once assigned by the Operational Manager) can either themselves, or cooperate with Implementing Partners or Experts, to access the Intervention and create and/or update the attached Logframe with results and corresponding indicators and their values.

Once logged-in to the Portal via EU Login, and depending on their role and permissions, Economic Operators will be able to:

  • Register their organisation in the Participant Register;
  • Self-manage the rights and roles of their organisation; 
  • Re-use their organisation's data and documents;
  • Electronically acknowledge their invitations to tender, express their willingness to submit, prepare, validate and submit their tenders using advanced encryption;
  • View their submissions in EU calls for tenders and access the tender reception confirmations (proof of submission);
  • Withdraw their submitted tenders and access the tender withdrawal reception confirmations (proof of withdrawal);
  • Electronically sign contracts and tender documents;
  • Electronically upload and manage their deliverables;
  • Electronically initiate amendments to a contract;
  • Electronically sign amendments to a contract initiated by the EC;
  • Have a record of all exchanges and notifications with the Contracting Authority.

Registration as a participant is also required to actively participating in a call for tender.

Permissions are automatically granted through your EU Login profile and registration as a participant, others are defined by roles.

The encoding of results, indicators and values for the monitoring and reporting on Interventions is performed by Lead Implementing Partners, or can be delegated to Implementing Partners or Experts. These results and indicator values are then submitted by the Lead Implementing Partner to the Operational Manager of the Intervention


titleLogical Framework


In OPSYS, we identify the Logical Framework Matrix (LFM) as a Logframe, which is attached to an Intervention.

As an Implementing Partner or Expert, it is required to create and/or update the Logframe of an Intervention that has been assigned to you by adding the Results, creating indicators, and adding their values.

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Reporting on Progress

Management of Contracts for Public Procurement or under Framework Contracts

Participants, Contractors and Experts (i.e. Economic Operators) manage their submissions of offers for Requests for Services under Framework Contracts, or tenders for Public Procurement from the Portal (for eSubmission and eProcurement), which are launched by the European Commission or other EU bodies (i.e. the Contracting Authority).

Once the contract is established between the Economic Operator and the Contracting Authority, the management of the contract and deliverables is also done via the Portal for the Economic Operator.


titleFramework Contracts


Invitation and Submission

As of the 24/01/2020, the contracting procedures under Framework Contracts SIEA 2018, AUDIT 2018, PSF 2019, EVA 2020 and EVENTS 2020 are managed in OPSYS.

Shortlisted Framework Contractors receive an invitation to submit a tender proposal via the Funding & Tenders Portal > MyArea account (once logged-in). After acknowledging the invitation, expressing willingness to participate in the tender, creating and submitting a proposal via eSubmission, the Contractors are automatically notified by OPSYS if the proposal submitted has been awarded, reserved or rejected by the Evaluation Committee.

Contract Management

Please consult Framework Contracts pages for all information concerning the management of specific contracts (e.g. award notifications, expert availability, signature of the contract, manage deliverables, amendments, etc.).



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