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There may be minor changes to the screen appearance and layout which are described on the updated page: How to complete the application form.
The Project Budget section of KA154-YOU - Youth participation activities application forms provides an overview of the calculated budget for your project and the EU grant you request. You will also be able to add additional costs in this part of your application.
The budget information available is based on the information provided in preceding sections of your application form as well as the added cost items in this section. Our example below shows how to complete the Project Budget section in a KA154-YOU - Youth participation activities application form.
Questions or fields may vary depending on the action you apply for. Please read the onscreen information carefully to complete the relevant fields and sections.
Click on Project Budget in the Content menu. The Project Budget screen opens.
The Project Budget screen contains the following subsections:
Under Project Costs you find an overview of the calculated basic project costs based on information provided in previous sections of the form. All information is read-only.
The Coaching Costs subsection is only available if you are applying for a group of young people, meaning you selected Group of young people under Type of Organisation for the applicant organisation, in the Participating Organisations in applications section of your application, and you have selected YES for the field Will you have the support of a coach? when completing Description of the activities section.
Provide the Number of days needed for coaching and add a Justification in the relevant fields. The total grant is automatically calculated.
If needed, you can request funding for Exceptional Costs for a financial guarantee requested by your National Agency.
Provide the amount of financial guarantee in Euro. The eligible amount is automatically calculated.
Do not confuse the Exceptional Costs in this section with the Exceptional costs for expensive travel. The expensive travel costs have to be requested in the Project Details section of your application form.
Under Inclusion support for participants you can request funding for costs directly linked to participants with fewer opportunities and their accompanying persons that are not covered by the standard funding categories.
Click on the Add an inclusion support button. In the newly displayed row, provide the Number of persons for inclusion support, the Inclusion support for participants (EUR) and provide a Description and Justification of expenses.
Use the Add an inclusion support to add further inclusion support requests, if required.
If you erroneously have inserted a request for inclusion support, you can delete the line by clicking the red bin in the Actions column.
Once you have correctly completed all sections and subsections, the section is marked with a green check.