
This page explains the basic functionalities and provides general information on assignments available for experts, consolidators and/or editors from My Assessments, a web-based tool part of the Assessment module.

These assignments, for example the recording of evaluations of applications and/or project reports or editing of such evaluation, are given to the experts by the National Agency and will be available from the list of assignments displayed when accessing My Assessments.

For an overview of the assessment process, please consult the page Expert Assessment.



  • To access My Assessments you need an existing EU Login account, with the role as Expert configured by the National Agency. See the page Expert login to EESCP and Assessment Module for details.
  • Assignment(s) as an expert, consolidator and/or editor given by the National Agency

What is "My Assessments"?

My Assessments is the web user interface used by experts, consolidators and editors to visualise their list of assignments given by the National Agency, and provides direct access to the Assessment Details of such assignment that will allow them to draw-up and submit the evaluations. 

The term 'project' is used generically throughout the Expert User Guide Wiki pages to signify both, the assessments of applications and reports.

The three main activities performed in the tool are:

  1. Assessment - the evaluation of applications or reports 
  2. Consolidation - the creation and submission of the consolidated version of an assessment, based on the assessment(s) carried out by one or more experts
  3. Editing - the improvement of the linguistic quality of the contents of the consolidated assessment; not mandatory

These activities, further called assignments, are given to the expert(s) by the National Agency, and are then available for processing from the My Assessments screen. 

The Wiki page Expert Assessment provides an overview of the Assessment process, explaining the key steps related to the above-mentioned three main activities.

The page Assessment Details basic functionalities provides a description of the general functionalities in the Assessment Details screen, which will open when accessing an assignment from My Assessments.

Assignment roles for experts

The National Agency can assign projects to an expert in the roles Expert, Consolidator and/or Editor. While an expert may also be a consolidator, if assigned as such by the National Agency, an editor is not necessarily also an expert. 

The following table provides a list of rights and tasks, which are defined for each of the available assignment roles in the Assessment module:

Expert (E1, E2, E3)

Consolidator (C)

Editor (E)

Experts record their evaluation of an application or report, assigned to them by the National Agency. An expert can be external or National Agency internal.

Experts have the following rights in the Assessment module:

  • Can list all project assessments to which they have been assigned, from the My Assessments screen 
  • Can create, draft, update and submit the assigned, individual assessments
  • Can approve the consolidated assessment version, if involved in the consolidation process
  • Can view all information and documents needed to perform the assessment

In My Assessments, the expert roles are displayed in the Assignment Role column as Expert1 (E1), Expert2 (E2) and Expert3 (E3).

Assignment role Expert

The Consolidator is in charge of creating the consolidated version of the assessment. The Consolidator is automatically assigned by the system, but the NA Selection Manager has the option to change the default selection upon creation of the consolidation.

  • If more than one expert is assigned to assess a project, one expert is nominated as Consolidator.
  • By default, the expert nominated as the first expert is the Consolidator. The NA Selection Manager has the possibility to change this later when the Consolidate action is performed.
  • If only one expert is assigned to a project assessment, the system automatically creates the consolidated version as a copy of the assessment submitted by the expert.

The consolidator has following rights in Assessment module:

  • All the rights inherited from the role of expert
  • Can list all projects where the expert has been nominated as consolidator in the My Assessments screen
  • Can view assessments submitted by all experts of a project for which they are assigned as consolidator 
  • Can create, draft, and update the consolidated assessment version 
  • Can request the involved experts' approval for the consolidated version of an assessment. 
  • Can submit the approved consolidated version

In My Assessments, the consolidator role is displayed in the Assignment Role column as Consolidator (C).

Assignment role Consolidator

The Editor has two main tasks:

  • Editing the consolidated final version of the assessment to improve the linguistic quality. No changes can be made to the scoring, the checkbox flags, the decisions or any other content that is not classified as commentary.
  • Reviewing the individual and consolidated assessments (read-only view) even if they are still in draft (not submitted). This is possible until the project status is Editing ongoing. 

The Editor task is an optional task in the Assessment cycle. It can be assigned to an internal or external expert, with the role Editor in their Expert Details.

The editor has following rights in Assessment module:

  • Can list all projects where the editor has been nominated in the My Assessments screen
  • Can view and edit the consolidated version of an assessment; scores, decisions and any comments that are not to be modified can only be viewed
  • Can view the individual and consolidated assessments that have not yet been submitted (draft)
    Note: In the future, this right will be removed from the Editor role, as soon as the planned role of Lead Expert is implemented.

In My Assessments, the editor role is displayed in the Assignment Role column as Editor (E).

Assignment role Editor


Accessing "My Assessments" 

In the Single Entry Point main menu, select Assessments and then My Assessments. The My Assessments screen opens. The following are available:

  1. Search and filter panel: to search for specific assignments. 
  2. Search results panel: displays the list of assignments given to you by the National Agency. 

Accessing My Assessments from the Main menu


"Search and filter" options in the "My Assessments" screen

Default filters

In the My Assessment screen, standard filters such as programme or key actions, are available in the Search and filter panel. For full details about the general functionalities of the search filters, please see Search filter basics

The following default filters are available under My Assessments:

  1. Active filter: is the combination of criteria your are currently using; the active filter can be saved, updated and set as default.
  2. Quick Filter Search field: gives you the possibility to search for content using a free text field. 
  3. Predefined filters: allow you to narrow down your list of results. These are Programmes, Calls, Rounds and Key Actions.

The Search and filter panel can be collapsed or expanded on a desktop computer screen by clicking on the available arrow </>. On mobile devices, this panel is collapsed by default. 

General Search and filter options in My Assessments

Specific filters

The following specific filter options available are:

  1. Fields: check boxes to select Adult Education, Higher Education, School Education, Vocational Education and Training, Youth and/or ESC.
  2. Assessment types: check boxes to select Application, Interim Report, Final Report and/or Accreditation Progress Report.

  3. Assignment role: check boxes to select Expert, Consolidator and/or Editor. Part of the Assignment role filters is the Assignment status filter with the options:

    1. Consolidation Flags: filter buttons to highlight consolidator assignments of a specific status in the Search results list for easy recognition. 

    2. Expert assignment status: check boxes to (de)select expert assignments of a certain assignment status.

    3. Consolidator assignment status: check boxes to (de)select consolidator assignments of a certain assignment status.

    4. Editor assignment status: check boxes to (de)select editor assignments of a certain assignment status.

  4. Advanced filter:

    1. Beneficiary Organisation Name: drop-down list of all organisations whose projects are currently under assessment.

    2. Project code: drop-down list displaying the project codes for the available assignments.

    3. Assignment ID: drop-down list to select a specific Assessment ID, such as APP-E1-02. 

    4. ESC50 filters: options to filter for completed ESC50 - Quality Label application assignments by selecting Host, Support and/or Lead role via check boxes and combining these with the outcome of the assessment using the buttons Role AwardedRole Not Awarded and/or Role Not Assessed. 

You can use the available toggle buttons to show or hide some of these filters.


The system default filters are set to Programme Erasmus+, current Call year, All rounds, All Key Actions, Assignment Role: Expert, Consolidator and Editor, and with all available options selected under Expert assignment status, Consolidator assignment status, and Editor assignment status. 

Specific Search and filter options in My Assessments

For more details on using the Search and filter options, specifically the Consolidation Flags and ESC50 specific filters, see the page Search and filter in My Assessments.

The "Search results" list


The list of Search results provides an overview of assessments currently assigned to you by your NA, as per selected search filters. On top of the list, the number of assessments found and any active filters are displayed. 

If no assignments were found matching the selected search criteria, the message No assessments found is displayed. 

The list of Search results offers the following basic list functionalities: 

  1. Sort by column,
  2. Pagination,
  3. Customise, and
  4. Scroll bars on the bottom and right of the table to facilitate access to all available columns/rows, as more information than can be displayed in the window on your device may be available. 

Basic functionalities of the Search results list

"Customise" the Search results list

You can decide which columns are displayed in the search results using the Customise button. 

Click on Customise to adjust the columns displayed

Select and/or deselect the columns you wish to see or hide by using the available checkboxes. Save your settings and/or set as default. See How to use the Erasmus and European Solidarity Corps platform for detailed information on this functionality. For example, you can add columns specific for ESC50 - Quality Label assessments, such as Role(s) requested or Role(s) awarded. 

To close the panel click on the X in the top right corner of the panel. 

Available Customise options for the results list

In the Search results list, the following columns are available for display: 

  1. Project codeFor assessments, the Project code displays the project code of the application or report under assessment. The project code is hyperlinked in the Search results list in My Assessments, with the exception of cancelled assignments. Clicking on it will open the project assessment in a new tab on the Assessment Details screen, depending on your role and the assignment status either in edit or read-only mode. 
    • For Application assessments, the project code is displayed as sent from the National Agencies project management system, for example 2022-1-CZ01-KA152-YOU-0000014584.
      • For ESC50 - Quality label application assessments from call 2023 onward the project code ends with an indication on the quality role(s) requested (H and/or S or L), for example 2023-1-RO01-ESC50-QLA-000000004_H-S if the application is for the Host and Support role, or 2023-1-RO01-ESC50-QLA-000000005_L if the application is for the Lead role.
    • For Final report assessments the project code ends with _FR and a number indicating the report version, for example 2021-1-BE01-KA122-VET-000016557-FR-01.
    • For Accreditation Progress Report assessment the project code ends with _APR and a number indicating the report version, for example 2021-1-FR01-KA120-VET-000016557_APR-01.
  2. Assignment ID: displays identifier assigned to expert to define the relationship between them and the given assessment in AM. 
  3. Assignment Status: displays status of the assignment. 
  4. Assignment Role: role for the given assignment; either Expert1 (E1), Expert2 (E2), Expert3 (E3), Consolidator or Editor. 
  5. Assessment Type: displays either Application, Interim Report, Final Report or Accreditation Progress Report.
  6. Threshold reached: only filled in if expert or consolidator assignment was completed; either YES or NO.
  7. Assignment date: by default hidden. Displays the date and time to assignment was given.
  8. Start date: by default hidden. Displays the date and time the assessment details of the assignment have been opened by the expert the first time.
  9. Latest update: by default hidden. Displays the date and time the assessment was last updated by the expert.
  10. Assignment submission date: only filled in if expert or consolidator assignment was submitted; shows date and time of submission.
  11. Project title: displays the Project title of the assessed project, if applicable. 
  12. Beneficiary organisation name: displays the Beneficiary organisation name of the assessed project.
  13. Conflict of Interest: only filled in if expert or consolidator assignment was completed or if the expert/consolidator marked an assignment having a Conflict of interest, without completing the assignment; either Yes or No.
  14. Role(s) to be assessed: by default hidden. Displays the Quality Label roles requested, can be: Host, Support and/or Lead
  15. Role(s) Awarded - Call: by default hidden. Displays Quality Label roles attained in previous years, if any, displaying the role and year. 
  16. Site Visit: by default hidden. Displays the value selected by the expert when assessing an ESC50 call year 2023 onward application for Host and/or Support role. Displays Yes, No, N/A (if the Site visit is not applicable), or as empty, if the expert has not yet marked the assignment with the option for a Site visit as yes or no.
  17. Decision Host Role: by default hidden. The column will be filled in for completed ESC50 - Quality Label assignments with the possible options Role AwardedRole not awarded or N/A, if the role has not been applied for by the organisation. Empty if the assessment was not submitted. A tool tip is available with information in this column.
  18. Decision Support Role: by default hidden. The column will be filled in for completed ESC50 - Quality Label assignments with the possible options Role AwardedRole not awarded or N/A, if the role has not been applied for by the organisation. Empty if the assessment was not submitted. A tool tip is available with information in this column. 
  19. Decision Lead Role: by default hidden. The column will be filled in for completed ESC50 - Quality Label assignments with the possible options Role Awarded, Role not Awarded, Role not assessed or N/A, if the role has not been applied for by the organisation. Empty if the assessment was not submitted. A tool tip is available with information in this column.
  20. Project UUID: by default hidden. It is a system generated identification code that is unique per project assessment.
  21. Report Parts: by default hidden. The column will display the report parts to be assessed for Accreditation Progress Report assessments applicable for KA120, KA150 and ESC50.
  22. Actions: contains the Actions button for each assignment. Available and active actions vary, depending on Assignment role and Assignment status.


You may find the same project (same project code) displayed multiple times in the Search results, but with different Assignment Roles and/or Assignment Status. 

Search results list with all columns displayed

In this example we filtered for ESC50 - Quality Label application assessments for year 2022 and 2023. In the ESC50 specific columns the relevant values are filled in, as applicable and where available. 

Search results list with ESC50 specific information

Here is an example of the available tool tip for Role(s) Awarded - Call when hovered over. 

Tool tip example


Assignment statuses

The following is a list of possible assignment statuses, which can be displayed in the Assignment status column in the Search results: 

For Expert assignments: 

  • Assignment ongoing: the expert is working on the individual expert assessment
  • Assignment completed: the expert submitted the individual assessment results
  • Assignment cancelled: an expert assignment was cancelled by the NA; it is possible to requests a new version of the assignment from the same expert or to replace the expert
  • Consolidation ready for approval: the consolidator sent the consolidated version for expert approval; not all expert(s) involved in the consolidation process did yet approve the consolidation
  • Consolidation approved: all experts involved in the consolidation process approved the consolidation

For Consolidator assignments:

  • Consolidation ongoing: the consolidator is working on the consolidation assignment
  • Consolidation pending approval: the consolidator sent the consolidation to the expert(s) involved for approval and still needs to be approved by the expert(s) involved
  • Consolidation ready for submission: the consolidation was approved by all experts involved in the consolidation process; the consolidator can submit the consolidation
  • Consolidation submitted for validation: the consolidator submitted the consolidated version
  • Consolidation cancelled: a consolidation assignment was cancelled by the NA

For Editor assignments: 

  • Reviewing (read-only): the editor has been assigned, but other steps in the assessment process are still ongoing; the editor has access to view the assessment
  • Editing ongoing: the editor is working on the editing assignment 
  • Editing completed: the editor has completed and submitted their editing assignment; the project assessment status changes to Final Assessment Validation ongoing, except if automatic submission was selected upon initialisation of the consolidation for the project or if the quick submission with editing option was activated for the project
  • Editing cancelled: the editor assignment was cancelled by the NA, before the editor assignment was ongoing. The editor has no more access to the affected assessment. 
  • Editing cancelled (Reviewing read-only): an editor assignment was cancelled by the NA while the editing assignment was already ongoing; the editor has still view access to the assessment; reviewing rights for editor will be revoked only if the assignment is removed from Experts Assignment.


Assignments that display the red Ø CANCELLED label in the Assignment status column can no longer be opened and the assignment is no longer available for action. These projects have been cancelled in the National Agency's project management system. The project code is no longer hyperlinked. 

My assessment - assignment status


"Export" list of assessments functionality

It is possible to export the list of available assessments as an MS Excel file, which will include the assignment details for the assigned projects. You can use the available filters to narrow down the results according to your needs. 

Select one or multiple projects from the list of search results using the available checkboxes in the first column. If you do not select any projects, all assignments that are available in the current search results will be exported.  

Click on the Export button. The file download will start immediately. Once completed, a success message displays. 

Export functionality

In the downloaded excel file, the following information for the exported projects is available:

  • Column A: contains the Project code of the assigned projects.
  • Column B: contains the Project UUID; a system generated identification code. 
  • Columns C-F: contains the Assignment ID, Assignment status, Assignment Role and Assessment Type for the exported assignments.
  • Column G: contains the Decision; only filled-in for completed assignments
  • Column H-K: contains the Assignment date, Start date, Latest Update date and Assignment submission date
  • Column L: contains the Project title, if available. 
  • Columns M-N contains the Beneficiary organisation name and Conflict of interest, either NO or YES.
  • Columns O-T: contains the ESC50 - Quality Label specific information, such as Role(s) Requested, Role(s) Awarded, Site Visit, Decision Host Role and more.
  • Column U: contains the Accreditation Progress Report assessment specific Report parts.

Example of exported list of My Assessments


"Export Assessments" functionality

It is also possible to export the assessments including all their content from Assessment Monitoring as an MS Excel file. The downloaded file will include the sections. 

To download the assessments:

  1. Select one or multiple projects from the list of search results. Use the search filters to narrow down the results according to your needs.
    • If you do not make any selection, all available projects as per set search filters will be exported. In our example, we filter for expert assignments that have been completed. 
  2. Click on the Export Assessments button.
  3. The file download starts immediately. A success message displays when completed. 

Export Assessments functionality

The following information is available in the downloaded file:

  1. Assessments Information (blue)
    • Call, Program, Round, Key Action, Action type, Project Code, Assignment ID, Assessment Type, Assignment Role, Assignment Status, Organisation, Project title, Grant, Conflict of interest
    • You may also find multiple rows for the same project, depending on the search filters set before the export and your assignment role(s) in a project, for example as expert and consolidator. 
  2. Assessment scoring and comments (light blue) 
    • The different Award criteria, their individual scoring and comments provided during assessment are available in this part of the file (Award criteria #1, Scoring, Award criteria #1 Comments, Award criteria #2, Scoring, Award criteria #2 Comments,....)
    • The Total score and Threshold Reached (Yes or No) information is available in the last two columns of this section
  3. Typology questions (yellow) 
    • The different Typology sections, questions and the value provided during assessment is available in this section of the file (Typology section #1, Typology question Value #1, Typology section #2, ...) 
  4. Comments (orange)
    • The Comments such as for applicants, beneficiary, Recommendations on grant reduction for the NA, etc. provided during assessment (Comment title #1, Comment input #1, Comment title #2,....)

Take note

Depending on any filters set when selecting Export Assessments, the downloaded file may contain multiple sheets. If there is no data to be exported for a specific sheet, it is not included in the exported file. Following options may be available: 

  • Sheet 1: Assessments for Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps - excluding application assessments for ESC50, KA171, Accreditation Progress Reports and KA220, call 2022, Final report assessments
  • Sheet 2: KA220 Final report (WP) - KA220 call 2022 Final report assessment only; additionally containing the Work package specific information, including the related Award criteria comments and outcome/scoring
  • Sheet 3: ESC50 projects - additionally contains the specific columns per role, Lead role, Host role and Support role, including the related Award criteria comments and outcome/scoring, Site visit etc.
  • Sheet 4: KA171 projects - additionally contains the specific columns per region, including the related Award criteria comments and outcome/scoring
  • Sheet 5: Accreditation Progress Report - applicable for KA120, KA150 and ESC50; additionally contains the specific columns per report part including Award criteria, Typology questions and/or scoring, as applicable, to be assessed

Example of exported assessments containing various sheets containing all assessment information


Actions available from the "Actions" button per assignment 

From the Actions button available in the Actions column for each available assignment, a number of options are available.
The options and availability of these vary, depending on your assignment role, and/or the assignment status as well as the completion of a task as part of the assessment cycle.

Here an overview of available Actions per assignment type:

Expert assignment 

Consolidator assignment 

Editor assignment 

  • Open Assessment: always active. Opens the assessment of the expert in edit mode, if the assignment is ongoing. Once the assessment was submitted, it opens it in read-only mode. 
    Alternatively clicking on the hyperlinked project code of the assignment will result in the same action.
  • Conflict of interest: active for as long as the assessment has not been submitted. This allows you to open an assessment directly in the Conflict of Interest section. A negative conflict of interest statement is required to be able to submit an assessment.
  • Submit Assessment: active only after the Conflict of interest statement in the assessment and all other mandatory sections of the assessment have been completed, and the assignment is in status Assignment ongoing. Inactive for expert assignments with status Assignment cancelled and Assignment completed or with a Conflict of interest. 
  • Approve consolidation: active only when the consolidation has been submitted for expert approval, and if the expert is involved in the consolidation process. The expert assignment status is Consolidation ready for approval. 
  • Open Assessment: always active. Opens the consolidation assessment in edit mode for ongoing assignments. Will open in read-only mode after the consolidation was submitted or if the consolidator assignment was cancelled.
    Alternatively clicking on the hyperlinked project code of the assignment will result in the same action.
  • Submit for expert`s approval: active only for projects with more than one expert involved in the consolidation process. The Consolidator assignment status is Consolidation ongoing. Selecting this option will open the Approval section of the consolidation.
  • Submit Assessment: active only after all experts involved in the consolidation process have approved the consolidation, and the Consolidator assignment status is Consolidation ready for submission. 
    If only one expert is assigned to participate in the consolidation and no automatic submission is initiated by the NA, the option is available only if the Conflict of interest statement and all other mandatory sections of the consolidation version are complete, and the assignment is in status Assignment ongoing. 
  • Open Assessment: always active for editing assignments. Opens the editing version of the assessment for the editor in edit mode, if assessment is in status Editing Ongoing.
    For editing assignments in status Reviewing (read-only), completed or cancelled the corresponding assessment opens in read-only mode. Editing is not possible
    Alternatively clicking on the hyperlinked project code of the assignment will result in the same action.
  • Submit Assessment: active only while assignment status is Editing ongoing.

Actions for expert assignments

Actions for expert assignments during consolidation

Actions for consolidator assignments

Actions for editor assignments

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