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This page explains the basic functionalities and common elements for all application forms.

These are general rules and may not be implemented in all forms and all sections.

The application forms provide detailed onscreen instructions, notifications and warning messages specific to the form you are working on. Please read that information carefully and if you require further assistance, consult the content related to the specific application form action.

In addition, certain fields have explanations which you can read by moving your cursor on the field title.


1. Form Layout

After you click Apply for the desired opportunity the application form is displayed. The following elements are available:

  1. Header

    • Basic information on the call and your application form is displayed at the top of the work area.
  2. Content menu

    • Allows you to navigate to the various sections in the form. The available sections vary, depending on the Action you apply for. 
    • Initially all sections display a red X. When a section has been correctly completed, the icon changes to a green check. 
    • Sections containing subsections can be opened by clicking on the arrow > on the right
    • The buttons All and Red mark on top of the Content menu can be used to show all sections for the form or only the incomplete ones, meaning the ones with the red x. 
  3. Content area 
    • Includes the content of the form that you will fill in. In the below example, the Content area displays the Participating organisations section of the form.
    • Click on the information icon next to the title of the content area view additional information of the section. 
    • Previous / next section buttons: to access the previous or next section / subsection of the form.
    • Full screen button: will open the currently selected section in full screen mode.
  4. PDF button
    • Click on the button to export the application form to a PDF file.

Application form layout


2. Header

The header in the work area of the application forms displays basic information about your form. By default, it only shows key details. Click on the arrow to expand and view further information.

Information displayed in the header:

  1. Form ID
  2. General information on the selected application form: Programme, Round, Call and Action type
  3. Status of the form (e.g. draft, submitted) and Submission deadline
  4. Detailed information such as Application owner, Application creator, creation and last modification dates, sharing information, and a progress bar indicating the completion percentage of the form.

Application form header


3. Navigation through/within application sections

3.1. Content menu

To access a specific section, use the Content menu. The content menu also allows to easily check the progress of the completion of the sections and sub sections of the application form.

The sections in the Content menu should be completed in sequence.

  1. It is possible to collapse the Content menu using the dedicated arrows (<), in order to expand the content area.
  2. The All button on top of the content menu is selected by default, displaying all available sections of the form. Click on the Red marks button to display only sections that are incomplete.
  3. Initially, all sections in the content menu display a red X. When a section has been correctly completed or no input is required, a green check displays. 
  4. Sections containing subsections display an arrow > to the right of the section name. 
  5. Numbers in a blue circle next to a section name indicate the number of included elements, for example in section Annexes.
  6. The sections Sharing, which allows the sharing of an application form, and History, which contains the Submission history for the application, do not display the red X or green check. 

Here two examples of the Content menu for a KA131-HED - Mobility of higher education students and staff application form. The first image shows the content menu with all available sections where  the Context section is marked as complete. The second image shows the content menu only displaying the incomplete sections and the Participating organisations section expanded to display the available subsection(s). 

Content menu

Alternatively you can use the previous/next buttons in the content area to navigate through the various sections in the application form. 

You can also use the Full Screen button in the content area to maximise the information you see on screen. The Main and Content menu will no longer be visible. 

You can still navigate through the sections and subsections of the form by using the previous/next buttons.

To revert to normal view, click on the Exit full screen button.

3.2. Subsections in the Content menu

The previously used navigation tree has been replaced by subsections in the Content menuThis may not yet be reflected in text and screenshots on all detailed documentation pages for all forms.

Subsections are available for certain sections by default or are added dynamically when you add elements, such as organisations, to your application form.

Click on the arrow > next to the section title of a section with subsections to see the available subsections to complete. The title of a subsection can change to reflect the name of the element it refers to, such as an organisation name, to distinguish between different subsections of the same type within a section.

You can select any subsection directly by selecting it from the Content Menu or by using the previous/next arrows in the Content area.

The completion of a subsection is indicated by a dot. A red dot displays for incomplete subsections and a green dot for completed subsections. 

Sample subsections in content menu


4. Mandatory fields and sections

Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk. They must be filled in before you are able to submit the form. 

Mandatory field

If a section is marked with a red X it means that mandatory information is missing, not all rules have been observed, or that one or more subsections are incomplete. 

If a section includes subsections, these are also marked with a green dot when all mandatory fields are filled in and all business rules are observed. All subsections in a section must be completed in order to mark the section complete.


5. Auto-saving & draft

The form is automatically saved as you fill it in.  

After closing the form, you can find it again by returning to My Applications via the main menu.

6. Filling in form in other language than English

If you answer the questionnaire in any language other than English, you may be required to provide an English translation of your answer to certain fields. 

In our example, the Consortium summary is required in both the foreign language and English for a KA130-HED application.

Form in other language


7. Additional help and guidelines

7.1. Guidelines

Click the ? icon next to the Application details to open the guidelines. Here you find information and links to help you complete the form. Click the Close button to close the guidelines.

Form specific guidelines

7.2. Section specific guidelines

Throughout the form it is possible to find more information about a particular section to be filled in by clicking on the relevant information icon in the Content menu. The relevant Section information window displays. Clicking on OK will close the window.

Once a section is completed, a green check is displayed instead of the information icon. 

Section specific guidelines

7.3. Field specific tooltips

Some fields contain tooltips to help you complete the form. Placing the mouse cursor on the field title opens the related tooltip. 

Field specific tooltips


7.4. Warning and information messages

You might find notifications in certain parts of your form. Your actions in the form may also trigger certain warning messages. Read those notifications and messages carefully and, in the case of warning messages, make the appropriate corrections. 

Here are some examples:

Warning and information messages

7.5. Character limits in text fields

Text fields may have a character limit. The maximum number of characters that can be used for a specific answer is indicated in the top right corner of the text box. It is not compulsory to use the maximum allowed number of characters.

The character limit will count down automatically when you start filling information. If the maximum number of characters has been used, a red 0 is displayed. No more text can be added.

Remaining characters available in text field

7.6. Date and number formats

Dates in the application forms must follow the dd/mm/yyyy format. A date picker (calendar) is available for most date fields, offering only dates in a certain range in case there are duration restrictions.  

The default date in the date picker is today's date, unless otherwise specified. 

The default currency used in the forms is the Euro unless otherwise specified. Currencies in the forms are displayed using the following formats: 1.300,00 / 23.140,05 / 1,20 / 0,50.


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