
The project contact as indicated in the application form will automatically receive an email when the project is created in the Mobility Tool+. The projects preferred contact can create additional contacts for the applicant organisation and for partner organisations.

Relevant for...

Call YearProgrammeAction
2018 onwardEuropean Solidarity Corps

ESC11 - Volunteering Projects

ESC12 - Volunteering Partnerships

ESC13 - Volunteering Partnerships Annual

ESC21 - Traineeship and Jobs

ESC31 - Solidarity Projects


1. Click the "Contacts" menu item

In Mobility Tool+, click on the Contacts tab. The full list of project contacts is displayed. If the project is new, only the applicant organisation contacts as provided in the Web Application Form are available.

Open Contacts tab

2. Filter per organisation

On top of the contact list you can filter the contacts by organisation, using the available drop-down. Only contacts for the selected organisation will then be displayed in the list.

Note: For ESC31 projects, only the applicant organisation is displayed in the drop-down list, as this key action only allows one organisation per project.

Optionally filter contacts per organisation

3. Click the "+Create" button

To add a new contact for an organisation click on the +Create button.

Add new contact

4. Fill in Contact details

The Contact Details screen opens. All mandatory fields are indicated with the message value required in an orange box. The values cannot be saved button is inactive. It will change to Save once all mandatory information was provided.

Empty Contact details screen

4.1. Select the organisation

Select the organisation for which you want to enter the contact details from the drop-down list. Applicant and Partner organisations of the project are displayed.

Should the organisation for which you want to add a contact not be visible, you have to create it first. See ESC MT+ Manage organisations.

Select organisation

4.2. Enter all mandatory details

After you selected the organisation, continue to provide all required details, such as Name, Surname, Title and more.

4.3. Indicate if contact is "Preferred Contact"

You have two check boxes available to indicate the role of the contact for the specific organisation of which the Legal Contact box is inactive.

  • Preferred Contact:
    • If you select this radio button, the contact(s) will be marked as such in the organisation list as the preferred contact person(s) for that organisation.
    • The preferred contact will receive the automatic notifications when the project data is updated in the NA's Project Management System and resubmitted to Mobility Tool+ by the National Agency.
    • By default this is the project contact as outlined in the application form but may be changed to a newly created contact for the beneficiary organisation.

  • Legal representative:
    • This check box is not active.
    • Only once the contact is indicated in the NA's Project Management System as a legal representative, the box will be checked.
    • The legal representative details cannot be adjusted in Mobility Tool+. To adjust the legal representative details please contact your National Agency.

Allow access to the Project?

Depending on the organisation, you can select the Access to Project type for a contact. Click the specific radio button to allow Edit Access, View Access or No Access to the project details in Mobility Tool+.


A contact person with edit access has all rights to update the project. The beneficiary remains responsible of granting edit access to users.

Complete all mandatory fields

4.4. Contact details are the "Same as Organisation"?

Click on Same as Organisation to copy the organisation address and phone details to the contact persons details. If the address for the contact is different than the organisation one you can fill in the details manually.

Select if Contact details same as for organisation

4.5. Click on "Save"

Once all information is entered, click the Save button to save the newly created contact. The list of contacts will open again and the new contact is displayed.

Save the changes

New contact in the list

5. Editing a contact

Click on the pencil icon to edit a contact.


Project contacts can also be updated in Mobility Tool+ after project finalisation by the National Agency. The new contact person will be able to view the details of the project.

Edit an existing contact

6. Deleting a contact

Click on the bin icon to delete a contact. Confirm the deletion if you want to go ahead.

Take note

The legal representative cannot be deleted.

Delete a contact

7. Contact information in the list of organisations

In the list of organisations (accessible via the Organisations tab) you have a column available displaying a small icon indicating how many contacts are registered for each organisation. Clicking on this icon will bring you directly to the contact list for the specific organisation.

Note: If the column Contacts is not displayed in the list view, you can add it. See Add/Remove columns in Mobility Tool+.

View updated contact information in the list