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The Guidance offers a practical approach to key aspects of internal monitoring of an EU-funded intervention, throughout its different phases:
Tool | What it is useful for? |
Chapter 1. INTPA Monitoring & Reporting Systems: Global Overview | The first two chapters of the guidance explain the legal-regulatory and procedural framework for monitoring at corporate, instrument and operation levels. They also outline the roles and responsibilities of the Commission and its counterparts, the implementing and development partners, and other stakeholders. |
Chapter 3. Design Phase | Chapters 3-4 explain the logic, requirements and best practices for designing and managing monitoring systems throughout the intervention cycle. Key issues covered by the guidance are outlined in Figure 1 below). |
Figure 2: Process chart
- The European Commission (EC)i: The Exact External Wiki : Introduction to Results and Monitoring
- The European Commission (EC): Guidance for Monitoring & Evaluation Focal Points at INTPA
- The European Commission (EC), DG INTPA, Guidance on Results and Indicators for Development
- The European Commission (EC), DG INTPA, Result-Oriented Monitoring (ROM)
- EU Learn: training on Monitoring
- The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 2010. Glossary of key terms in evaluation and results-based management
- The European Union (EU).Better Regulation Guidelines
- The European Commission (EC), DG INTPA. Gender Mainstreaming Resource Package: Indicators for measuring results on gender equality