
Versions Compared


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This page explains the list functionality for the Mobilities screen in KA1 and KA3 projects. The list functionality is similar to that of Organisations or Contacts. The specific functionalities and options for mobilities are explained here.

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The "+Create" button

The +Create button allows you to create a new mobility.

It is possible to fill in the minimum amount of information for a mobility and save it as draft. The mobility is indicated as fully completed by having a tick mark in the Complete column. If an X is shown in this column, the mobility was saved as a draft and has missing information. After clicking the +Create button, the Create Mobility screen opens. See MT+ Add mobility for KA1 and KA3 projects  for step-by-step instructions to add mobilities to a project.

After clicking the Create button, the Create Mobility screen opens.Image RemovedAfter clicking the Create button, the Create Mobility screen opens.Image Added

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Mobilities in different Project Versions

The different project versions only appear for projects that are finalised. Changing the version of the project via the version drop-down displays the list of mobilities for the different stages of reports, NA validation or checks.

A version is displayed with status Submitted - the mobilities can no longer be edited, as they are submitted to the National Agency.

Checks are displayed with a unique code, and display the status Closed.

Upon opening a project, the Version displayed is by default the latest version. The page MT+ KA1 and KA3 Validated and checked versions provides more details on this functionality.


The version drop-down will only be visible once the project is finalised. Then you will also notice a new tab: NA Validation, which can be used to check any changes made during the NA Validation.

Here is one example. The first screen shows the mobilities after the last closed check. The second one shows the mobilities reported initially.

Two examples of Mobilities in different Project VersionsImage RemovedTwo examples of Mobilities in different Project VersionsImage Added

Projects subject to a claim/appeal will also show those in the version drop-down, even if the project is not finalised. A claim can be in status Reported, meaning it is open, or Submitted and might also display differences in the mobility list, if applicable.

Multiple versions in drop-down boxImage RemovedMultiple versions in drop-down boxImage Added

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"More Actions" button

The More Actions button provides two additional options to export of participant report(s)  and revalidate Mobilities (where applicable).

More Actions button, opening drop-down list if applicableImage RemovedMore Actions button, opening drop-down list if applicableImage Added

"Export Participant Report(s)" functionality

This feature is available via the More Actions button. To export Participant Reports:

  1. From the More actions button, select Export Participant Report(s).
  2. In the Export Participant Report(s) screen select the report data to download: Inbound, Outbound or All.

  3. Click on the Export button.

  4. The export table updates. The status of the request is displayed as Export in Progress.

  5. Once the export is completed the Download file icon is now available. Click on it to download the requested participant reports as a *.zip file and follow the onscreen instructions to save or open the file.
    The status of the request is updated to Complete

Export Participant Report(s) functionalityImage RemovedExport Participant Report(s) functionalityImage Added

"Revalidate Mobilities" functionality

After every release or hotfix in Mobility Tool+, the mobilities (draft or completed) of a project which were last saved before the said release are considered outdated and must be revalidated before the beneficiary report can be submitted. In such mobilities you might not find any invalid fields, but revalidation is required because it is possible that due to an update of the rules, a mobility could be classified as outdated or specific fields marked as invalid.

This implies that mobilities previously completed may not comply to the updated rule(s) enforced or changed after a release. Revalidation is therefore needed, at the latest before submitting the final report.

The Revalidate Mobilities feature is also available via the More Actions button. The page MT+ Re-validation of mobilities provides further details on this functionality.

Revalidate Mobilities functionality

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Mobility List Tabs

"All" tab

The All tab in the mobility list view displays all mobilities, completed and draft as currently available in the project.

For 2014 and 2015 projects only the All tab is available. following The screenshot shows the list of mobilities for a 2019 KA105 - Youth mobility project.

All tab - List all mobilities

"Complete" tab

The Complete tab (available for projects from 2016 onward) shows the entire list of mobilities that are completed, meaning all mandatory mobility details are provided.

Complete tab - list only completed mobilities

"Draft" tab

The Draft tab (available for projects from 2016 onward) shows the list of mobilities in draft. Mobilities displayed here missing mandatory information. These mobilities are not considered part of the current budget in the Budget tab.

Draft tab - lists only mobilities in status draft 


"Overview" tab (KA101, KA102, KA104, KA105 and KA116 only)

For KA101 - School education staff mobility, KA102 - VET learner and staff mobility, KA104 - Adult education staff mobility, KA105 - Youth mobility and KA116 - VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter projects an additional tab is visible in the mobility list view: the Overview tab.

The blue label shows two numbers:

  • The number on the left indicates the amount of granted (i.e. planned) activity types for this project. This number reflects the Granted Mobilities list below.
  • The number on the right indicates how many of the granted activity types include completed mobilities recorded in the project. This number reflects the Completed Mobilities list below. If no mobilities are recorded, the displayed number is "0"; it updates automatically as you add mobilities for each action type.

Overview tab - only available for some key actions

Two tables are displayed under the Overview tab: Granted Mobilities and Completed Mobilities.

  • The Granted Mobilities table provides an overview of mobility targets per activity type set for your project in your application. The information displayed is received from the National Agencies project management system and cannot be modified.
  • The Completed Mobilities table provides a summary of the mobilities completed per activity type so far in your project.

The tables are empty if no mobilities are available in the project.

Overview tab - provides an overview granted and completed mobilites

The Completed mobilities table updates automatically as completed mobilities are recorded in the project.


Please note that it is not required to achieve the exact number of mobilities as estimated at application stage and displayed in the Granted Mobilities table. Priority should be given to achieving the project objectives as described in the European Development Plan or Internationalisation Strategy. The values presented in the target numbers can serve as orientation.

Smaller changes in targets can be explained as part of your project's final report and will be taken into account during project evaluation. If you would like to make more significant changes to the project targets, please consider contacting your National Agency to receive their advice on the matter.

titleClick here to expand for the Completed Mobilities Table calculations.

The calculations for the values per row in the Granted Mobilities table are as follows:

  • Number of participants requiring a grant = All mobilities where Travel + Individual Support + Linguistic Support + Exceptional costs for expensive travel + Special Needs Support + Exceptional Costs + Course Fees Grant* is higher than 0, excluding accompanying persons and regardless of the zero-grant flag value.
  • Number of participants not requiring a grant = All mobilities where Travel + Individual Support + Linguistic Support + Exceptional costs for expensive travel + Special Needs Support + Exceptional Costs + Course Fees Grant* equals 0, excluding accompanying persons and regardless of the zero-grant flag value
  • Total number of participants = Number of participants requiring a grant + Number of participants not requiring a grant
  • Average duration per participant (days) = Average of Duration of Mobility Period (days) for all mobilities where Travel + Individual Support + Linguistic Support + Exceptional costs for expensive travel + Special Needs Support + Exceptional Costs + Course Fees Grant* is higher than 0, excluding accompanying persons
  • Number of accompanying persons = Number of mobilities flagged as Accompanying person.

*Course Fees Grant: Only in activities of type AE (Adult education) in KA104 projects and SE (School education) in KA101 projects.

Overview of completed mobilities

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Specific Mobility list columns

In the mobility list certain specific columns are available for display and may be particularly relevant. 

  1. Report Status and the related options Requested On, Received On and Reminded on - allows to consult the status of a participant report from the moment the initial invitation email is sent until the participant report is submitted. 
  2. Invalid fields - displays a numeric value in a red box if there any missing mandatory details for a mobility. This occurs either because the mobility is still in draft status or because mobilities previously marked complete do not comply with a new/changed rule after a Mobility Tool+ release and are therefore missing mandatory fields
  3. Accompanying person - Mobilities marked with a check in this column are flagged as Accompanying Persons and must not fill in participant reports.
  4. Draft and Complete - a check in this column indicates the mobility as complete, an X indicates it is as draft that requires updates. Draft mobilities are not used in budget calculations. 
  5. EU Mobility Total Grant (calculated) - displays the calculated grant for the mobility by summing up the amounts for EU Travel Grant, Exceptional Cost for Expensive Travel EU Grant, EU Individual Support, Course Fees Grant, Linguistic Preparation Grant, Organisational Support, EU Special Needs Support and Exceptional Costs, where relevant.
  6. COVID-19 - Mobilities having an end date within 2020, the Force Majeure flag checked, and for which Force Majeure Explanations contain keywords such as "corona" or "covid" will automatically have the flag checked in this column. This flag cannot be changed manually.

General information on the list functionalities in Mobility Tool+ is available under MT+ List functionality.

Specific Mobility list columns

"Add/Remove Columns" functionality

The Add/Remove Columns option allows you to select or to deselect columns as well as arrange the order of the columns in the list.

  1. Click the Add/Remove Columns option.
  2. The options appear at the top of the window. Black columns are already selected and displayed in the list view.
  3. Click on the black column to remove it from the list view and click the white column to add it tot the list view. Your changes are reflected immediately.
  4. You can also drag and release a column button to rearrange its position in the list.
  5. Click the green Done button to close the Add/Remove Columns option. The list columns are updated accordingly.

Add or remove columns in mobility list

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"Search" field

The Search field allows you to search for mobilities quickly. If you type the name of the participant in the Search field, the result will appear in the list.

 Search field

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"Selection" option

The Selection option allows you to select or de-select mobilities. Click on the radio button to select from the following options: All in this page, All existing records, None or inverse.

In the example below, the option All existing records is selected. All mobilities in the list are highlighted in yellow.

The select options

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"Export" option

The Export button allows you to export your selection. It is possible to export as PDF file, XLS file or CSV file. Select the export option you require and follow the screen instructions to save or open the file.


This export of mobilities is not the same as exporting the list of mobilities for bulk import. That can only be done in the Mobility Import - Export tab. The page MT+ Manage export and import of mobilities provides details on this functionality.

Export functionality

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"Bulk operations" option

The bulk operations button allows you to delete (multiple) records or to Re-Send Participant Report Requests.

 Bulk Operations

Bulk option "Re-Send Participant Report Requests"

The Re-send Participant Report Requests option allows to send reminders to participants to fill in their Participant Report. It is only possible to resend the participant report if the end date of the mobility is reached.
You can check in column Requested On the date the automatic email notification was originally sent.
Click Re-send Participant Report Requests. Confirm that you want to send a reminder message to the participants. The notification(s) will be sent and the Requested On date updated.

Bulk option Re-Send Participant Report Requests

Bulk option "Delete"

Click the Delete button to remove your selection of mobilities. Confirm this action in the pop-up. Select cancel to stop this action.

Bulk Delete

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"View" mobility

To view the details of a mobility, click the view icon. The details screen opens, but no information can be edited.

If you would need to edit the opened mobility from this view, click the Edit icon in the right hand top corner of the screen.

The back to list button in the left hand top corner brings you back to the list of mobilities.

Note: The view screen appears differently for projects from 2016 onward than for 2014/2015 projects.

 View mobility details

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"Edit" mobility

To edit details for a mobility, click the Edit (pencil) icon. The mobility detail screen opens and you can make adjustments. 

Note: The edit screen appears differently for projects from 2016 onward than for 2014/2015 projects.

Edit a mobility

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"Copy" mobility

The Copy function allows you to copy most details from an already existing mobility to create a new mobility. In the newly opened mobility draft screen you will only have to provide the missing information as indicated in the Invalid Fields section and save.

See MT+ Copy mobility details for more details.

Copy a mobility

"Delete" mobility

To delete a mobility, click the Delete (bin) icon. Confirm the deletion in the pop up.

 Delete a mobility

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