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Please note that the invitation to participate in the tender is sent to all the Coordinator Contacts (CoCos or PCoCos) of the consortia. The Consortium Leader will coordinate with the Coordinator Contacts of the consortium, and nominate a Primary Coordinator Contact (PCoCo), who will submit the offer for the consortium. If a PCoCo has not yet been nominated for a consortium, the CoCo that initiates the submission procedure will automatically be designated as the PCoCo of the offer/tender for that consortium.

For more information on roles and permissions, please view User Roles and Permissions.


Please note that for a Request for Service launched under the Framework Contract PSF 2019 and EVA 2020, all the Framework Contractors (3 or 4 depending on the Lot) participate in the tender.


  1. The status of the invitation in “My Invitation(s)” changes from received to accepted;
  2. You may continue and tick the Yes, I have read and I accept the Terms and Conditions and I acknowledge that I have read and understood the Data Protection Noticetick-box, then click on “New submission” to begin your submission for tender;
  3. A draft submission is automatically generated and can be used directly as the current submission, or resume at a later stage from the "show submissions" option of the relevant invitation in "My Invitation(s"
