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This page explains how the beneficiary organisations and their partners can retrieve participants of the type Young Person from the European Solidarity Corps Portal and add accompanying persons to European Solidarity Corps Volunteering projects (ESC51-VTJ) with the purpose of associating them to activities.


Young persons' details changed in European Solidarity Corps can be updated in the project until the final beneficiary report is submitted. After the report is submitted, the project data is frozen. If any of the participants details are changed a message will be displayed when opening the project, informing you that new participant data has been received.

Should this update require changes in the project, the beneficiary needs to contact their National Agency. The National Agency can then take the necessary steps to open the project for updates and a new final beneficiary report must be submitted. 

This page is relevant for:

  • European Solidarity Corps, ESC51 - Volunteering projects 



  • In order to retrieve a young person's details from the European Solidarity Corps Portal, the relevant organisation must have made an offer to that participant via PASS (also known as Organisation Portal), and the participant must have accepted the offer.


1.  Click on "Participants"

In your project, click on Participants in the Content Menu to access the Participants list.

Here you will be able to view the following types of participants:

  • Young Persons that have accepted your offer, after you retrieve them from the European Solidarity Corps Portal.
  • Accompanying persons involved in the project, after you create them in the project.

At first, the list is empty. The total number of participants will be updated and displayed at the top of the list, as you add them.

Click on Participants in the Content Menu


2. Participants of type Young Person

2.1. Click on "Retrieve participant(s) from EYP"

Click on the Retrieve participant(s) from EYP button. 

The list is populated with all participants of the type Young Person who have accepted the offers of the beneficiary for the current project. All information is retrieved from European Solidarity Corps Portal and cannot be changed by the beneficiary. An information message will display, providing an overview of the updated and/or created participants.

The following details are available:

  • PRN (personal reference number), last name, first name, email and other personal details
  • Offer ID, Offer title and Status

The Status displayed in the list can be Accepted or Withdrawn. Participants with a withdrawn offer are only visible in the list if they were already added to a participation.  

Retrieve participants from EYP

2.2. View a young person's details

Click the View (eye) icon in the participant list to view the participant's details.

Click on the View icon to view Young Person's details

All fields are greyed out, as none of the information can be changed. Young Persons' details can only be updated via the European Solidarity Corps Portal. 

Click on the Back to list button in the details screen to return to the list of participants. 

View Young Person's details

2.3. Update the young person list

Click on the Retrieve participant(s) from EYP button to update the entire list of young persons and their data.

If there are new participants to retrieve, they will be added to the list.

If your organisation has withdrawn its offer to a specific participant and no participations have been recorded for the participant, the participant is removed from the list.

The blue message at the bottom right corner of the screen will indicate the number of updated participants and the number of newly retrieved (i.e. created) participants. The Total number in this case only refers to young persons, even if there are participants of the type Accompanying Persons in your list. 

Take note

The participant data is updated automatically before the automatic participant report invitations are sent.

It is important to update the young persons' details before submitting the final beneficiary report, via the Retrieve participant(s) from EYP button.

Update the young person list

2.4. Delete young person or withdraw offer

It is not possible to delete a young person from the project via the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps platform.

However, the organisation can withdraw its offer to a specific participant. If the participant is not involved in any other participations within the current project, the young person is removed from the participant list automatically, when the list is refreshed via the Retrieve participant(s) from EYP button. 

If the offer is withdrawn but the participation has already been recorded, the participation is automatically set to Draft and must be deleted before submitting the final report. Afterwards, the young person can be removed as described above.


3. Add participants of type "Accompanying Person" 

Click the Create button at the top of the list to open the Participant screen.

The Accompanying Person tab is selected by default and the Young Person tab is disabled. Provide the required information, then click Save

A PRN is not required for Accompanying Persons, as these persons do not need no register in the European Solidarity Corps Portal, nor are the organisations required to send offers to them.

Add an accompanying person.

A success message is displayed and the accompanying person record is now displayed in the Participants list.

The accompanying person record is displayed in the list

3.1. View, update or delete an accompanying person

Click on the relevant icon next to the record(s) in the list. From left to right:

  1. View: opens the accompanying person's details in read-only mode so you can view the full details.
  2. Edit: opens the accompanying person's details in edit mode, allowing you to make changes. Once you have made the desired updates, click Save at the bottom of the screen to preserve your changes.
  3. Delete: allows you to remove the accompanying person from the list. Click Yes in the pop-up message to confirm the deletion. Only accompanying person without participations can be deleted.

View, update or delete an accompanying person


4. Other participant list options

The participant list has the following additional functionality: 

  • Sorting by column: by clicking on a column header (1st click ascending, 2nd click descending, 3rd click off). An arrow indicating the current sort sequence is displayed next to the selected column header.

  • Browsing: use the browsing options below the list to change the display of items per page and/or the arrows to view more results.

  • Horizontal and vertical scroll bars (if applicable): move from left to right and top to bottom to view all data in the table.

Other participant list options

Expected Outcome

  • The beneficiary has retrieved and/or added participants to the project and can start adding participations.
  • No labels