
Field Name

This is a course from the School Education Gateway catalogue.


A flag indicating that the mobility used the School Education Gateway course catalogue to choose a course.


Mobility Field



Call Year


Key ActionKA1
Action TypeKA101
Action Type (text)School education staff mobility
Activity Type SpecificsOnly applicable for SE-SC-TE: Structured Courses/Training Events activity type.


Type of fieldCheck box
Consequence if selected
  1. If checked, the Course ID field becomes available and has to be filled in. This Course ID field is a numeric field.
  2. The fields Course Title and Course Provider will be filled in automatically with the information related to the Course ID. 

Instructions to use

Check the box if the mobility attended a course/training from the School Education Gateway catalogue and enter the Course ID in the respective field.

Additional Rules

If a mobility is deleted for which:

• The check box This is a course from the School Education Gateway catalogue is ticked and 
• The participant's review of the course was published in the School Education Gateway (option 1 or 2 to the Publication Agreement question in the participant report)

a warning is displayed informing the user that deleting this mobility will also remove their review from the School Education Gateway. If the deletion is confirmed, the published review is deleted.

Related questions and answersWhere do I find the Course ID on the School Education Gateway?

In the Course Details of a specific course in the School Education Gateway, scroll down to the section Upcoming sessions. You will find the Course ID listed there, for upcoming as well as past sessions.