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The intercultural approach (InCA) is a way of thinking, working and acting. It is a frame through which you see the world and its interactions by taking into consideration different cultural identities, backgrounds, feelings and experiences. The intercultural approach values these different cultural layers as source of effectiveness, innovation and results. The use of the intercultural approach and its tools need to be tailored for a deep

contextualisation.Intercultural Labs / teaser

What can it be used for?
  • increasing the effectiveness and the results of EU external policies and interventions through intercultural sensitive partnerships with countries and implementing organizations.
  • supporting the SDGs/Agenda 2030 achievement/implementation through 5Ps as operational road map (People, Prosperity, Peace, Planet, Partnership)


  • EU staff at Headquarters and EU Delegations with local staff, external stakeholders and countries partners.


What are its limitations?
  • InCA is programme was mainly tested with Delegations which present similar organisational pre-conditions such as openness and readiness of the EU Delegation management (HoD, HoC, HoSs) to improve the working modalities by adopting an intercultural strategy. Further piloting is in progress.InCA methodologies and tools need to be co-designed with the EU Delegation staff and INTPA with an initial support of external experts in order to learn the key-concepts and tools and contextualize them to different contexts and dynamics. It requires a significant engagement on the part of the ECthese activities are on hold for the modment ( May 2024).
  • EC Staff must be willing to learn the approach and exercise themselves with it for a while before mastering and adopting it as methodological support.


Figure: Example of an intercultural approach tool: OKness map

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Data/information. The intercultural approach is a systemic means of tackling the complexity of the contexts and organisations with which the EU works. It needs to be adapted collaboratively with the EU Del management to have a significant impact.


Facilities and materials. for the Laboratories' activities  (currently on hold) The intercultural approach requires Delegation management commitment and an external facilitator through a multi-phase, high-impact, hands-on learning journey. This is not a one-off 'tick the box' training nor a team-building activity. The approach instead involves tailor-made learning moments implemented over several months, focusing initially on the Delegation's internal work modalities (phase I), before moving on to co-create specific applications in answer to other challenges, including relations with local external stakeholders.

Financial costs and sources. Intercultural approach workshops are currently funded under the MKS programme. Other sources of support are being explored within currently integrated into the Fundamental training package (6 trainings organised by INTPA D4)

Tips and tricks

The InCA programme is a new opportunity for exploring the cultural dimension of the EU cooperation and its several layers of engagement with Partner Countries. A higher intercultural sensibility-based partnership can significantly improve the effectiveness and the results of the EU external interventions.


General introduction:

Intercultural Labs / teaser

An example: EU Delegation to LAOS 2017 (Intercultural approach to arise cultural awareness for developing intercultural modalities of working within the EU Del)


If you are interested, please contact DG INTPA D4: