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What is it?

Created in INTPA and developed by the Joint Research Centre (JRC)by DG INTPA, the Global Development Data Tool (GDDT) features a wide variety of economic and social indicators, figures, and trends related to countries, regions and regional organisations. It covers all world countries and six Regional Organisations: Common Market for Eastern & Southern Africa (COMESA), Southern African Development Community (SADC), East African Community (EAC), Indian Ocean Commission (IOC), The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Economic Community of Central African (ECCAS)). and territories and 16 regional organizations.
The tool provides a high-level picture of what is and has been happening in a given country or region over a five-year period. It allows comparing two entities and download a PDF report. It is also an analytical tool that allows to see data in clusters of countries, as well as the correlation between two indicators.


Its user-friendly format: the GDDT is a clever solution, a neat application that provides quick access to close to more than two-hundred socio-economic indicators in more than ten thematic areas with just a few clicks.

It has two functionalities. It allows to make comparisons between any two countries, territories, regions, and regional organisations. The analyse tool gives the possibility to compare two indicators by country, region and year, view clusters and see correlations between indicators.

What are its limitations?

Currently the tool is available only internally ; it is updated twice a year, not automatically, and it will become a global tool in January 2022. Not all features are available on the mobile application, for example the Analyse tool or generating country reportsfor EU staff. It allows comparing only two entities. It can only be accessed online.


Key elements

TwoMore than two-hundreds socio-economic indicators in more than ten thematic areas from over thirty data sources, covering all African countries , the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP), the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs), and six Regional Organisations (COMESA, SADC, EAC, IOC, ECCAS, ECOWAS).  The tool will become global by January 2022.and territories.

The indicators correspond to eleven thematics13 thematic areas:

  1. Economy and finance
  2. Official Development Assistance (ODA)
  3. Trade
  4. Business environment
  5. Demography
  6. Employment
  7. Human development
  8. Gender and governance
  9. Environment, climate change and energy
  10. Fragility and resilience
  11. Digitalisation
  12. STI 
  13. Health 
  14. Science, technology and innovation (STI) 
  15. Humanitarian Aid 

The GDDT can show simultaneously and allows downloading data for two different countries, regions and/or regional organisations to facilitate:

  • identifying key areas for further analysis and engagement
  • improving understanding of development related issues
  • increasing collective knowledge for data-driven policy
  • promoting data-harmonization across units and DGs
  • improving time-efficiency through direct access to data

Data/information: N/A

Time: N/A

Skills: B

Basic asic statistics and macro-economics, reading charts, understanding correlation between indicators.

Facilities and materials:

See the FAQs, Image Removed GuidelinesImage Added , the short Demo Image Added, the webinars in English Image Removed Image Added and in French Image Removed  Image Added (enrolment key: @data_2021), and and MyINTPA page Image Removed Image Added

Financial costs and source:

Free. Data are taken from globally recognised and publicly available data sources (WB, UN, ESTAT, ILO, OECD, etc). Data is updated automatically depending on the frequency of the data source.

Tips and tricks:

Use the Go to Indicators View to quickly navigate to your indicator of interest.

Directly download the data from the tool and create customised reports.


Where to find it

The GDDT is available both as a website Image Removed and a mobile app for offline access (see the instructions Image Removed to download the app).  Image Added

Complementary guides, methodologies and tools

My INTPA: KM tools and practices   Image Removed Image Added

The European Commission (EC), DG INTPA: EU Aid Explorer

The European Commission (EC), DG INTPA : Country fiches  Image RemovedImage Added

The European Commission (EC): Africa Knowledge Platform

The European Commission (EC): Atlas of Migration

Capacity4Dev: Results and Indicators for Development

The European Commission (EC), DG INTPA : Data and Reporting Dashboard  Image RemovedImage Added