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What is it?

Addressing income inequalities through development cooperation is a reference document (n.29) reflecting the engagement of the European Union to address inequalities in its partner countries. The document focuses primarily on income inequality, effective policy responses and how to address inequality in development cooperation. It also, provides guidance on how to prevent and reduce socio economic inequalities in a number  of relevant policy areas.

While Volume 1 - Concept and definition and Volume 2 - Policy Brief on tackling inequality address theory and impact of inequalities, Volume 3 propose a methodology guidance helping Operational Managers to mainstream their work on inequality in policy dialogue and intervention design, as well as to engage national authorities and local actors of the partner countries on this endeavor.

What can it be used for?

EU staff can use the methodology to maximise the inequality-reduction impact of their operations, by mainstreaming a series of guiding principles and supporting policy measures having the potential to reduce inequality in partner countries.

When can it be used?

At any stage of the Intervention Cycle Management, as the guide provide guidance related to programming, policy dialogue, intervention formulation, monitoring, evaluation etc. etc.

Who can use it?

EU staff and other development practitioners.

What are its strengths?

The reference document as a whole presents in a clear manner what inequality is, why it should be placed at the center of development cooperation interventions, and how to mainstream it in all our interventions. The 18 policy briefs (Vol. 2) have been drafted in collaboration with all thematic units, effectively representing the position of DG INTPA on a number of policy areas and their linkage with inequality reduction.

Volume 3, in particular, is a mainstreaming guide that provides a set of tools to help EU officials enhance their work on inequality in all their policy dialogues and development cooperation operations, as well as to engage national authorities and local actors of the partner countries on this endeavor.

What are its limitations?


Key elements

Vol. 3 provides both mainstreaming principles and mainstreaming steps.


  1. In design phase, when conducting context analysis on inequality, its drivers and determinants;

  2. In policy dialogue, raising inequality awareness in policy dialogue and keeping the dialogue alive;

  3. At different stages of implementation, e.g. during monitoring and evaluation

  4. In particular through budget support, e.g. analyzing eligibility criteria through an inequality lenses (i.e. macroeconomic policy, PFM, transparency, analysis of national development plans).



 The Guidelines for mainstreaming the reduction of inequality in interventions include  two  annexes:



Tips and tricks:



Where to find it

The European Commission, 2021. Tools and Methods Series, Reference Document N° 29, Addressing income inequalities through development cooperation. Volume 3, Guidelines for mainstreaming the reduction of inequality in interventions

The European Commission, 2021. Tools and Methods Series, Reference Document N° 29, Lutter contre les inégalités de revenus grâce à la coopération au développement. Volume 3, Lignes directrices pour l’intégration de la réduction des inégalités dans les interventions

The European Commission, 2023. Addressing income inequalities through development cooperation - Quick Guide

Complementary guides, methodologies and tools

The European Commission, 2023.  The European Commission inequality marker guidelines for the application and scoring of intervention

The European commission, 2023. (Video) The Inequality Marker (EN, ES, FR)

The European Commission, 2023. The European Commission inequality marker guidelines for the application and scoring of intervention - One Pager


The European Commission, 2021. Tools and Methods Series, Reference Document N° 29, Addressing income inequalities through development cooperation. Volume 1, Concepts and definitions

The European Commisssion, 2021. Tools and Methods Series, Reference Document N° 29, Lutter contre les inégalités de revenus grâce à la coopération au développement. Volume 1, Concepts et définitions

The European Commission, 2021. Tools and Methods Series, Reference Document N° 29, Addressing income inequalities through development cooperation. Volume 2, Policy briefs to tackle inequalities

The European Commission, 2021. Tools and Methods Series, Reference Document N° 29, Lutter contre les inégalités de revenus grâce à la coopération au développement. Volume 2, Notes d’orientation pour lutter contre les inégalités