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With Results-Oriented Monitoring (ROM) we refer to the external monitoring system of INTPA and NEAR, aiming at enhancing the European Commission's internal control, accountability and management capacity while strongly focusing on results.

The ROM system supports internal monitoring and reporting functions through independent and external services, provided at different points in the project cycle.


  • ROM reviews (including of blending operations): through ROM reviews, a monitoring expert, with relevant sectoral expertise, provides external advice on the progress and performance of ongoing interventions following a set methodology and eight monitoring criteria in line with the OECD DAC methodology.
  • Support on the design of (nearly) contracted interventions: Operational Managers (OM) in EU Delegations or at Headquarter can ask for direct support to improve the quality of logical framework matrixes (LogFrame) as well as of the monitoring evaluation (M&E) and reporting systems. ROM experts can be mobilised on a fast track and from remote.


The latest version of the brochure "ROM services and implementing partners" contains the updated description of the support to results data collection service. (Mars 2023).

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The main target group for ROM services is Commission staff and, more specifically, operational managers from both headquarters and Delegations, and INTPA (and NEAR) management. ROM services also benefit the interventions' implementing partners, partner countries and beneficiaries.

Further information is available My INTPA - Result Oriented Monitoring Image Modified