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The Special Costs tab enables applicants to manage the special costs incurred by all the organisations participating in their projects.

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KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices


Special Costs List

The following types of costs can be managed:

  • Special needs support
  • Exceptional costs
  • Exceptional costs guarantee

As a beneficiary with the pertinent permissions you will be able to add, modify, delete and export special costs.

Special Costs entries are displayed as a list, with additional information specific to each type of cost incurred. The various types of costs are highlighted with distinct colours for better differentiation. The lists of costs approved in the grant agreement will be automatically listed in this tab and can be modified by the Beneficiary.

You can customise the information you wish to have displayed in the list (see MT+ List functionality).

In KA2 projects, costs related to Covid tests have to be provided as Exceptional cost


For purposes of compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, when you provide descriptions of the costs incurred do not include any sensitive information, especially related to participants' racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership, health or sexuality.

View Special costsImage RemovedView Special costsImage Added

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Numbered Headings

Add a special cost

Click the "+Create" button

In the Special Costs tab click the +Create button to create a new special cost entry.

Add a special costImage RemovedAdd a special costImage Added

Select a "Cost Type"

Click the desired button to select a cost type:

  1. Special Needs Support: to enter additional financial support within the scope of a strategic partnerships project directly related to participants with special needs (disabilities). The Special Needs Support screen opens as default.
  2. Exceptional Costs: to enter exceptional costs incurred by the project's participating organisations.
  3. Exceptional Costs Guarantee: to enter the costs related to financial guarantees incurred by the project's participating organisations.

Select a cost typeImage RemovedSelect a cost typeImage Added

Fill in the cost details

When you add a cost entry the ID number is assigned automatically and incrementally per cost type. This number can be changed to match your internal organisational needs.

Fill in the other fields as applicable. Fields and rules in the forms are different depending on the cost type selected. Mandatory fields are marked with an orange value required label.

Special Needs Support

Provide the following details:

  • Organisation: Select the beneficiary organisation from the drop-down list. You can add multiple Special Needs Support entries for the same organisation.
    Note: For KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships projects, your own organisation is selected by default and cannot be changed.
  • No. of Participants With Special Needs: Indicate the number of participants with special needs that were supported.
  • Grant Requested: Indicate the grant requested (value in €). This can be equal to the total costs incurred.

Special needs supportImage RemovedSpecial needs supportImage Added

Exceptional Costs

Provide following details:

  • Organisation: Select the beneficiary organisation from the drop-down list. You can add multiple Exceptional Costs entries for the same organisation.
    Note: For KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships projects, your own organisation is selected by default and cannot be changed.
  • Add the total incurred cost (value in €). The amount eligible for funding will be automatically calculated and shown in the Grant Requested (75% of the Total Incurred Cost) field.
  • Description and Justification: Include a description of the exceptional costs incurred.

Exceptional costsImage RemovedExceptional costsImage Added

Cost for Covid Tests

In KA2 projects, costs related to Covid tests have to be provided as Exceptional cost in the Special Costs screen, using the COVID_19_TEST check box to mark the exceptional costs as Covid test. 

Cost for Covid testsImage RemovedCost for Covid testsImage Added

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Exceptional Cost Guarantee
  • Organisation: Select the beneficiary organisation from the drop-down list. The same organisation can only be chosen once.
    Note: For KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships projects, your own organisation is selected by default and cannot be changed.
  • : Insert the total incurred cost (value in €). The amount eligible for funding will be calculated automatically and displayed under Grant Requested (75% of the Total Incurred Cost).

Exceptional costs guaranteeImage RemovedExceptional costs guaranteeImage Added


For Exceptional Costs and Exceptional Costs - Guarantee the sum of all Grant Requested (75% of the Total Incurred Cost) amounts within a project is capped at € 50 000. It is however possible to request more. If you do so, a warning message will be displayed under the Special Costs list and in the beneficiary report.

Too high amount requested

Save the special cost entry

Once all the mandatory fields in your form are filled in, you can Save it to create the cost entry and return to the Special Costs main screen.

The entry then displayed in the special costs list.

Save the special cost entryImage RemovedSave the special cost entryImage Added

Special Costs in the project budget

The approved amounts for all special costs can be consulted at the bottom of the Budget tab , in column Approved Budget (by National Agency).

The column Current Budget (in Mobility Tool+) will display the updated Budget, according to the added Special Cost items.

In projects of call year 2018 you have two comment fields available under Exceptional Cost and Exceptional Costs - Guarantee in the budget screen where it is possible to add more information. Remember to not include any sensitive information in those comment fields.

View special costs in budgetImage AddedView special costs in budgetImage Removed

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Edit or Remove a special cost

Click the Edit icon to edit the Special Cost. Make the desired changes and click Save to update the special cost entry. If you click Cancel instead, all your unsaved changes will be deleted and the form will close.

Edit a special costImage RemovedEdit a special costImage Added

Click the Delete (bin) icon to remove a Special Cost item from the listand confirm deletion.

Remove a special costImage RemovedRemove a special costImage Added

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