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Comment: ITT-8082; exceptional cost visa & reservation updated


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titleRelevant For...

This page is relevant for:

  • Erasmus+, Call 2022 2022 onward 
    • KA155-YOU - DiscoverEU Inclusion Action

This page outlines thespecifics for mobility activities carried out within projects under Erasmus+ KA155-YOU.

For general instructions on how to create and manage mobility activities in beneficiary projects via the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps platform, please see the page Add mobility activities to projects.

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Mobility Activities in projects
(KA1 youth mobility)
Mobility Activities in projects
(KA1 youth mobility)
In the Mobility Activities section, you can fill in basic participant and other details, save the information as draft and continue to update the mobility activity either immediately or at a later stage. Where applicable, you can also manage and monitor participant reports. A mobility activity must be linked to an activity. Therefore the activities section in the project must be completed first. See the page Activities in projects (KA1 youth mobility) for details. 

Draft mobility activities must be completed or removed before attempting to submit the final beneficiary report, as they will not be considered in the budget summary. See the page Manage the final beneficiary report for details. 

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Numbered Headings

"Activity" section

In this section you must select the Activity from the available drop-down list. The list will display the Activities available in the project. The Activity duration (days) will be filled in as per information available for the selected Activity and is read-only. 

Activity section in KA155 Mobility activityImage RemovedActivity section in KA155 Mobility activityImage Added

"Mobility Activity" section

Mobility activity ID

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Mobility Activity ID
Mobility Activity ID

Mobility activity IDImage RemovedMobility activity IDImage Added

"Participant" flag

In KA155 projects, when creating a mobility activity, the Participant flag is checked by default. 

Participant flagImage RemovedParticipant flagImage Added

"Accompanying Person" flag

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Accompanying person
Accompanying person

"Force majeure" flag

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Force majeure
Force majeure

The minimum requirement of one day for Duration (days) will not apply in case of Force majeure. In mobility activities flagged as Force majeure, the Individual support grant field will become editable. 

Force majeure flagImage RemovedForce majeure flagImage Added

"Participant" section

Participant ID

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Participant ID
Participant ID

Participant's date of birth

A mobility activity flagged as Participant must be 18 years old to participate in a KA155 project. When you fill in the Participant's date of birth an error message displays if this condition is not fulfilled. 

For mobility activities flagged as Accompanying Person this restriction does not apply. 

Participant sectionImage RemovedParticipant sectionImage Added

"Participant with fewer opportunities" flag

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Participant with fewer opportunities
Participant with fewer opportunities

In KA155 projects, this flag is checked by default if the mobility activity is flagged as Participant and can not be de-selected. It is not displayed for participants of type Accompanying Person.

The field Inclusion support for participants is displayed. 


For each participant with fewer opportunities, you must fill in the Fewer Opportunities section of your project.

Participant with fewer opportunities flagImage RemovedParticipant with fewer opportunities flagImage Added

"Inclusion support for participants"

The Inclusion support for participants is displayed if the participant is flagged as Participant with fewer opportunities.Here you can request additional costs directly linked to participants with fewer opportunities and their accompanying persons.

You must fill in the Description and justification for inclusion support for participants if the provided value for Inclusion support for participants is higher than 0 EUR.

Inclusion support for participantsImage RemovedInclusion support for participantsImage Added

"Incoming international participant (under special conditions)" flag

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Incoming international participant (under special conditions)
Incoming international participant (under special conditions)

"Participant Report" section

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Participant Report
Participant Report

"Recognition Certificates" section

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Recognition Certificates
Recognition Certificates

"From - To" section

Sending Organisation 

Any participating organisation from the project can be selected as Sending organisation. For an organisation to be available for selection, it must be added to the project first. See the page Participating Organisations in projects for details. 

After the organisation is selected, Sending country, Sending organisation Erasmus Code, if applicable for the organisation, and Sending city are filled in automatically. The Sending country and Sending city can be edited. 

Sending OrganisationImage RemovedSending OrganisationImage Added

titleClick here to expand for how to select an organisation, using a KA121 project as example.

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Add mobility activities to projects
Add mobility activities to projects

Receiving city/country - Itinerary

To provide the details for the Receiving countries and cities for the mobility activity, click on the Add Itinerary button.


At least one itinerary must be added for a mobility activity. 

Add ItineraryImage RemovedAdd ItineraryImage Added

Select the Receiving country from the drop-down list. Fill in the Receiving city and provide the Duration (in days)

You can add a maximum of ten itineraries. Once an itinerary is added, it can be deleted by clicking on the bin icon. If there is only one itinerary, it cannot be deleted. 

Fill in the Receiving city and provide the Duration (in days)Image RemovedFill in the Receiving city and provide the Duration (in days)Image Added

"Travel grant for remote traveler" flag

Check this flag to indicate if the Travel grant for remote traveler is required. Selecting this option will result in the field Travel grant for remote traveler becoming available in the Duration section. 


If this flag is checked, the Distance Band and Main means of transport fields become available and must be completed. 

Travel grant for remote traveler flagImage RemovedTravel grant for remote traveler flagImage Added

"Distance Band", "Real distance in km" and "Main means of transport"

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Distance band and Main means of transport
Distance band and Main means of transport

The Real distance in km must also be filled in. The Real distance in km must be within the range of the selected Distance Band. 


In KA155 projects, the Distance Band, Real distance in km and Main means of transport fields become available only if the Travel grant for remote traveler flag is checked. 

"Sustainable Means of Transport" flag

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Sustainable means of transport (green travel)
Sustainable means of transport (green travel)

Sustainable Means of Transport flagImage RemovedSustainable Means of Transport flagImage Added

Comments on different location than Sending organisation

If applicable for the mobility activity, provide an explanation on why a location/city is different from the ones of the sending/receiving organisations.

Comments on different location than Sending organisationImage RemovedComments on different location than Sending organisationImage Added

"Travel pass grant", "Travel grant for remote traveler" and "Travel days"

Under Travel Grant, the Travel pass grant displays the applicable rate and cannot be changed. If the Travel grant for remote traveler flag in section From - To was checked, the field Travel grant for remote traveler is additionally displayed, containing the relevant rate and is also read-only. 

It is also here that you can provide the Travel days. The minimum and maximum allowed is displayed below the field. 

Travel pass grant, Travel grant for remote traveler and Travel daysImage RemovedTravel pass grant, Travel grant for remote traveler and Travel daysImage Added

"Request Exceptional costs for expensive travel" flag

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Exceptional Cost for Expensive Travel
Exceptional Cost for Expensive Travel


In KA155 projects, when checking the flag, a confirmation pop-up window displays, asking you to confirm. 

Request Exceptional costs for expensive travel flagImage RemovedRequest Exceptional costs for expensive travel flagImage Added

Provide the information for the Exceptional costs for expensive travelImage Removed

Visa and Visa-related costs, vaccinations, medical certificates and other miscellaneous costs

Where required, you can request Visa and Visa-related costs, vaccinations, medical certificates and other miscellaneous costs. 

Provide the value in field Visa-related eligible costs. This cost item is supported with 100% funding.

If the Visa-related eligible costs is higher than 0 EUR, you must provide the Visa-related costs - description and justification

Provide the information for the Exceptional costs for expensive travelImage Added

Exceptional cost for visa and other entry requirements

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Exceptional cost for visa and other entry requirements in KA1 Youth and KA155 mobility activities
Exceptional cost for visa and other entry requirements in KA1 Youth and KA155 mobility activities
Visa related costsImage Removed

"Duration" section

Here the Start and End date of the mobility activity can be adjusted in order to calculate the Duration (days). The activity days should include both the days when participants have actually taken part in learning activities and the travel days. The travel days for remote travelers should be considered only if they are outside of the range of the activity.

  • Travel (days) - filled with value provided earlier; read-only
  • Funded duration (days) - automatically calculated


    For mobility activities flagged as Participant, the mobility activity Duration (days) is from minimum 1 day to a maximum of 30 days. The maximum for the Funded duration (days) is 21. 

    For participants flagged as Accompanying Person, there is no maximum duration restriction. 

    DurationImage RemovedDurationImage Added

Individual Support

Here you must provide the Duration for individual support (days). The minimum and maximum values allowed are displayed below the field. The Individual support grant is then automatically updated with the calculated value and read-only. 


In mobility activities flagged as Force majeure, the Individual support grant field is editable. 

Individual SupportImage Removed

Reservation Costs

If needed, Reservation costs can also be requested. Reservation eligible costs have a Support rate of 80%

Provide the value in field Reservation eligible costs. If the Reservation eligible costs is higher than 0 EUR, you must provide the Reservation costs - description and justification

Individual SupportImage Added

Exceptional costs for reservation

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Exceptional costs for reservation
Exceptional costs for reservation
Reservation CostsImage Removed

"Budget" section

The Total mobility activity grant is displayed at the bottom of the screen. The total grant is calculated automatically, as per information provided in the various sections of the mobility activity. 

Total mobility activity grant displayed in the Budget sectionImage RemovedTotal mobility activity grant displayed in the Budget sectionImage Added

Mobility Activity Comments

If needed, you can provide additional information in the Mobility Activity Comments field which is considered important to explain any relevant aspect related to the mobility activity.

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CP Root BM Compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation for mobilitiesCP
Root BM Compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation for mobilities

Mobility Activity CommentsImage RemovedMobility Activity CommentsImage Added

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