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What is it?

The “SDG Mapper” is a digital tool allowing operational managers, through automated text mining techniques, to map EU policies and documents in relations to SDGs and EU and INTPA political priorities.

What can it be used for?

The SDG Mapper can help to:

  • Identify main and significant SDGs when preparing a Programming document (e.g. MIP, TEIs, updates), Annual Action Plan, Action Document, but also to assess any other document of interest. It can assess several documents at once;
  • Correlate the document to relevant SDGs and targets and EU / INTPA priorities (e.g. “Green Deal”;
  • Facilitate information dissemination via the automated production of infographics connecting SDGs, SDGs targets and EU priorities;
  • Perform documents analytic scan through a taxonomy of 3000+ keywords; this function allows calculating the occurrence of each word/concept (e.g. “youth”, “rural electrification” or “irregular migration”) in any given document.
When can it be used?

The SDG Mapper can be used at any stage of the Intervention Cycle.

Who can use it?

While originally designed for internal staff (through EU login), the tool is now accessible to stakeholders who register for with EU login. This includes Member States, with a potential to develop shared analysis and infographics about SDG relevance, for instance in the context of a Team Europe initiative and any other user.

What are its strengths?

The tool is very user friendly and intuitive, and its use does not require any specific expertise. It is accompanied with a simple one page tutorial online (see below).

The mining function is built upon INTPA field of activity relevant keywords, which can be further expanded and fine-tuned as may be appropriate.

What are its limitations?

Some component of the tool are still under development. The SDG mapper is a facilitative tool based on text mining, and the final results should be validated or confirmed by the user.


Key elements

User can:

  1. Log in via their EU Login account, then:
  2. Select General Assessment (or check earlier List of Mappings);
  3. Select document(s) from local PC to upload and process them.
  4. Explore results: see the main SDG detected on the first page, explore additional SDGs detected as well as relevant targets. Additional functions are under development, which may relate to presentation of interlinked SDGs and to potentially relevant indicators.
  5. Create an SDG report, selecting the infographics of the mapping that should be export as PDF.






A simple tutorial is available in the tool.


Where to find it

SDG Mapper

Complementary guides, methodologies and tools