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  • Open Procedures in direct management; or
  • Restricted Procedures (steps 1 and 2) in direct management; or
  • Negotiated Procedures (first and subsequent rounds on invitation) in direct management; or
  • Requests for Specific Contracts (under Framework Contracts SIEA 2018, AUDIT 2018, PSF 2019, EVA 2020 and , EVENTS 2020, and EOM 2021).

3.1.1 New Submission

You can start your submission for:


(*) For the PSF 2019, and for duly justified exceptional cases subject to pre-approval by the Director of Service for Foreign Policy Instruments, the deadline for the submission of the offers can be halved to 7 or 15 calendar days respectively, and depending on the maximum budgeted amount
Framework ContractSubmission Deadline

SIEA 2018
  • 14 calendar days for a maximum budgeted amount below 300,000 EUR; or
  • 30 calendar days for a maximum budgeted amount of 300,000 EUR and above.

AUDIT 2018For a Request for Specific Contract under the Framework Contract AUDIT 2018, the deadline for submission is min. 21 calendar days, but can be increased or decreased. If decreased, an agreement is required from the tenderers after the sending of the Request for Specific Contract.

PSF 2019 *
  • 14 calendar days for a maximum budgeted amount below 300,000 EUR; or
  • 30 calendar days for a maximum budgeted amount of 300,000 EUR and above.

For a Request for Specific Contract under the Framework Contract PSF 2019, and for duly justified exceptional cases subject to pre-approval by the Director of Service for Foreign Policy Instruments, the deadline for the submission of the offers can be halved to 7 or 15 calendar days respectively, and depending on the maximum budgeted amount.

EVA 2020For a Request for Specific Contract under the Framework Contract EVA 2020, the deadline for submission is min. 21 calendar days, but can be increased or decreased. If decreased, an agreement is required from the Contractors after the sending of the Request for Specific Contract.

  • 14 calendar days for a maximum budgeted amount below 300,000 EUR; or
  • 30 calendar days for a maximum budgeted amount of 300,000 EUR and above.

EOM 2021


a Request for Specific Contract under

the Framework Contract

EOM 2021, the allocated time for the submission of the offers ismin. 14 calendar days,but can be increased or decreased. Only in exceptional and duly justified cases can the Request for Services have a shorter period of submission of offers, but under no circumstances can this deadline be shorter than 7 calendar days.

3.3 Tender Procedure

Following a new submission (or resuming a draft submission), you will be automatically redirected to the eSubmission > Tender Procedure page of the submission.


  • Financial Offer PreviewPreview of the financial offer (not for Framework Contracts AUDIT 2018 or , EVENTS 2020 and EOM 2021, as the Financial Breakdown (Financial Offer) is uploaded in the previous Tender Data step)
  • Pre-financingRequest pre-financing and bank guarantee requirements (not applicable for public procurement procedures, nor for Framework Contract AUDIT 2018 as the pre-financing is always 0% for AUDIT Contracts)


The type of information required is determined based on the procedure type (Specific Contract under Framework Contract – SIEA 2018, AUDIT 2018, PSF 2019, EVA 2020 and , EVENTS 2020 and EOM 2021), as well as the payment modality (Fee-based or Global Price).



WARNING: For the Framework Contracts AUDIT 2018 and , EVENTS 2020 and EOM 2021 (Lot 2) – No Financial Offers will be generated in the Funding and Tenders Portal for the Request for Service, as the Financial Offer (Financial Breakdown) is uploaded directly to the system as a document in the Financial Breakdown tab (please view Document Upload below).


Same as above, but for the whole expert team (i.e. not as per individual).


For FWC Framework Contract AUDIT 2018 and , EVENTS 2020 and EOM 2021 - Lot 2 (Global Price only) – Only the offer amount (total amount) is required. If taxes are to be charged to the Contracting Authority, then the total taxes amount must also be indicated (zero if exempt from taxes).

If you enter a total tender amount exceeding the maximum contract amount, then a warning message will be displayed, but it will not block the submission process.


The proposed and default pre-financing amount will be indicated, and is calculated based on your Financial Offer and the maximum pre-financing allowed, which depends on the type of Framework Contract and payment modality (i.e. fee-based or global price – see summary table below).

Framework Contract

Payment Modality

max. Pre-financing (%)

SIEA 2018



Global Price


AUDIT 2018

Global Price


PSF 2019



Global Price


EVA 2020

Global Price



The request of a bank guarantee will also be indicated (if required).
