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Conflict sensitivity and resilience mainstreaming in development programming (see INTPA companion) and Action Document templates and Instructions.

Data/information. While different contexts may require different types of analysis, the handbook Guidance note provides a good overview, representing over 80 staff from Headquarters (INTPA, ECHO, EEAS, FPI, NEAR, etc.) and 18 EU Delegations. Staff from other International organisations participated in the handbook's drafting.


The European Commission (EC), 2021.  Guidance notes on conflict sensitivity in development cooperation N°31.

The European Commission (EC), 2015. Operating in situations of conflict and fragility, an EU staff handbook The European Commission (EC), 2021.  Guidance notes on conflict sensitivity in development cooperation N°31.

These should be read in conjunction with the revised Guidance Note on the use of Conflict Analysis in support of EU External Action, 2020 - see below.
