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Results-Oriented Monitoring (ROM) is an external support to the monitoring system of EEAS, DG INTPA, and DG NEAR external operations. ROM combines a methodology and a set of adapted services aimed at strengthening the accountability and results-based management capacities of the European Union and its partners. The ROM methodology and its set of services are presented in the ROM Handbook which was thoroughly revised at the end of 2019 and in December 2020.

What can it be used for?

The three ROM services are available to:

  1. Provide support to design the logframe, and/or the monitoring and reporting arrangements systems of an intervention (Service called “Support to Logframe Design”Design Logframe”).
  2. Assist in collecting results from ongoing interventions for internal monitoring and institutional reporting (Service called “Results “Support to Results Data Collection”).
  3. Conduct an external and impartial reviews of selected interventions’ progress and performance (Service called “ROM Review”).


  • In the 1st year of implementation, to tackle as early as possible potential design weaknesses and other issues.
  • At any time during the implementation, when an external advice is needed to address any flagged shortcomings.
  • At closing stage (last 8 months of implementation) to draw lessons for a follow-up phase or design future interventions.
Who can use it?

The three ROM services are addressed to INTPA and NEAR operational managers to support the management tasks at different moments in the intervention cycle, as shown in the figure below:

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What are its strengths?
