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Illustrations provided for consultation only...
Illustrations provided for consultation only...

By default, notifications are sent to the project contact of the beneficiary organisation as indicated in the National Agency Project Management system.

The person who receives notifications can be changed in your project by indicating another contact from the beneficiary organisation as having view or edit rights to the project. Notifications are by default sent in English, but might also be sent out in the language of the National Agency if the platform has been translated into that language. Some notifications are also sent to partners or co-beneficiary contacts with view or edit rights in a project.

Participants in mobility activity or solidarity projects also receive automatic e-mail notifications in relation to the project they are involved in. 

titleTake note

At the bottom of a notification email you will find the CNS link to change your notification preferences. Currently, the functionality offered via this link does not work. Do not use it. 

Do not use the CNS link at the bottom of the notification

Numbered Headings

Notifications for Erasmus+ projects

Privacy statement notification

A privacy statement notification email is automatically sent to every email recorded in Beneficiary module with an explanation and a link to the Erasmus+/European Solidarity Corps privacy statement.

This notification is sent to the Beneficiary (or Accreditation owner), Co-Beneficiary/Consortium member, Consortium coordinator, Partner and/or Participant (mobility) in a project.

Subject: Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programme privacy statement

Email Body Text:

Dear programme participant,

You are receiving this email because you participate in either Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps programme. The Erasmus+ programme covers mobilities in the areas of education and training as well as in youth.

Your personal data was entered into the European Commission’s IT system to allow your participation in one of the programme’s activities. The data was entered by the organisation managing the activity.

We want to draw your attention to our privacy statement. This document explains why we process your personal data, how long we process it, and who can access it. If you are interested in knowing more, you can find all information on the privacy statement page: https://ec.europa.eu/erasmus-esc-personal-data

Be welcome to address your questions by sending an email to eu-erasmus-esc-personal-data@ec.europa.eu.

Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
Unit B4: Erasmus+ Coordination
European Commission
Brussels, Belgium

This email was sent from an unmonitored mailbox. Please do not reply.

Please visit https://ec.europa.eu/erasmus-esc-personal-data to know more about personal data protection.

Accreditation Creation in Beneficiary module

When an Accreditation becomes available in Beneficiary module, a notification is sent to the Accreditation owner contacts with edit rights.

KA120- Erasmus accreditation in the fields of Vocational education and training, School education and Adult education 

Here is an example of the e-mail notification sent when a KA120 - Erasmus accreditation becomes available in Beneficiary module. For details regarding these accreditations in Beneficiary module, see the page KA120 Erasmus Accreditations in Beneficiary module.

Subject: Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool – Accreditation initiation – [Accreditation Code]

Email Body Text:

Dear [Contact FirstName] [Contact LastName],

Your accreditation is now available in the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool.

Accreditation details:

Accreditation code: [Accreditation Code]

Accreditation type: [Possible values: Accreditation for a mobility consortium coordinator; Accreditation for an individual organisation]

Field: [Possible values: School education; Vocational education and training; Adult education]

Accredited organisation: [Beneficiary Legal Name]

Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool is the system for the management of accreditations and projects that received an EU grant under the Erasmus+ programme. The tool is developed by the European Commission for you, as beneficiaries of these projects.

In the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool you will be able to see up-to-date information about your accreditations. You will also need to use this tool to submit accreditation progress reports to your National Agency. You will be notified when such a report is launched.

To access the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool please follow this link: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/beneficiary-module/project/#/project-list

To log in, you will need an EU Login (formerly called ECAS account) associated with this e-mail address. If you do not have an EU Login account associated with this e-mail address yet, please click on "Create an account" and set up your account. During the registration process, please make sure to use the e-mail address that this message was sent to.  

You can find technical guidance for using the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool here: https://wikis.ec.europa.eu/x/KKT-AQ

Please contact your National Agency if you need further information or support. You can find a list of National Agencies at the following link: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/national-agencies

This is an automatically generated message from the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool. Please do not reply.

KA150 - Erasmus Accreditation for Youth 

Here is an example of the e-mail notification sent when a KA150 - Erasmus Accreditation for Youth becomes available in Beneficiary module. For details regarding these accreditations in Beneficiary module, see the page KA150 Erasmus Accreditation for Youth in Beneficiary module.

Subject: Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool – access to your accreditation space: [Accreditation Code]

Email Body Text:

Dear [Contact FirstName] [Contact LastName],

Your organisation’s accreditation space is now available in the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool.

Accreditation details:

Accreditation code: [Accreditation Code]

Beneficiary organisation: [Beneficiary Legal Name]

The Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool is the system developed by the European Commission for the management of projects under the Erasmus+ programme.

For accredited organisations, the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool will be used for submission of accreditation progress reports and Activity Plan updates to your National Agency. These exercises will be launched according to the schedule established by your National Agency. 

To access the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool please follow this link: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/beneficiary-module/project/#/project-list 

To log in, you will need an EU Login (formerly called ECAS account) associated with this e-mail address. If you do not have an EU Login account associated with this e-mail address yet, please click on "Create an account" to set one up. During the registration process, please make sure to use the same e-mail address where you have received this message.

You can find technical guidance for using the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool here: https://wikis.ec.europa.eu/x/KKT-AQ

Please contact your National Agency if you need further information or support. You can find a list of Erasmus+ National Agencies at the following link: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/national-agencies

This is an automatically generated message from the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool. Please do not reply.

Project creation in Beneficiary module

When a project becomes available for its beneficiaries, a notification is sent to the project contact persons with edit rights of the beneficiary organisation. The legal representatives will not be notified.

The e-mail notification provides basic information on the project and instructions on how to sign in using EU Login and access the project. If you do not have an EU Login (previously ECAS account), follow the instructions to register first. 

Here is an example of the e-mail notification sent:

Subject: Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool - Project initiation: [Project Code] – [Project Title] (if applicable)

Email Body Text:

Dear [Contact FirstName] [Contact LastName],

Your Erasmus+ project is now available in the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool.

Project details:

Project code: [Project Code]

National Project ID: [National ID] (if applicable)

Project title: [Project Title] (if applicable)

Beneficiary organisation: [Beneficiary Legal Name]

Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool is the system for the management of projects that received an EU grant under the Erasmus+ programme. The tool is developed by the European Commission for you, as beneficiaries of these projects.

In the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool you will be asked to provide information about the mobility activities you have implemented and corresponding requested grant. You will also need to use this tool to generate and follow-up participant reports and to submit your project reports to your National Agency.

To access the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool please follow this link: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/beneficiary-module/project/#/project-list

To log in, you will need an EU Login (formerly called ECAS account) associated with this e-mail address. If you do have no EU Login account associated with this e-mail address yet, please click on "Create an account" and set up your account. During the registration process please make sure to use the e-mail address that this message was sent to.

You can find technical guidance for using the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool here: https://wikis.ec.europa.eu/x/KKT-AQ

Please contact your National Agency if you need further information or support. You can find a list of National Agencies at the following link: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/national-agencies

This is an automatically generated message from the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool. Please do not reply.

Project update

When project data is updated by the participating organisations, an e-mail is sent to the beneficiary organisation contact(s) with edit rights in the project, with a summary of the update. The legal representatives are not notified. The project contact is referred to as the Primary contact in the project and can be changed to another contact person of the beneficiary organisation, if required.

Here is an example of the e-mail notification:

Subject: Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool - Project update [Project Agreement Number ] – [Project Title]

Email Body Text:

Dear [Contact FirstName] [Contact LastName],

Your project has been updated in Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool with new information on [dd/mm/yyyy] [hh:mm:ss]

Project details:

EC Project Number: [Project Agreement Number]

National Project ID: [National ID]

Project title: [Project Title]

Organisation Legal Name: [Beneficiary Legal Name]

Updated sections:

[if project details were updated]

Project details

[if project budget was updated]

Awarded budget

[if organisations were affected]


[if organisations were added display list of organisations]

[OID], [Organisation ID], [Role], [Legal name] added

[if organisations were removed display list of organisations]

[OID], [Organisation ID], [Role], [Legal name] removed

[if organisations were updated display list of organisations]

[OID], [Organisation ID], [Role], [Legal name] updated

[if contact persons were affected]

Contact persons:

[if contact persons were added display list of contact persons]

[Organisation OID], [Organisation legal name], [Organisation role], [Firs name], [Last name] added

[if contact persons were removed display list of contact persons]

[Organisation OID], [Organisation legal name], [Organisation role], [Firs name], [Last name] removed

[if contact persons were updated display list of contact persons]

[Organisation OID], [Organisation legal name], [Organisation role], [Firs name], [Last name] updated

Be aware that the changes appear in the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool for information only. It is your responsibility to adapt the project information in accordance with these changes, if necessary.

Please contact your National Agency if you need further information or support.


This is a system generated message from Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool. Please do not reply.

Request for Accreditation Progress Report

When the National Agency requests an Accreditation Progress Report from the accredited beneficiary organisation, an email is sent to the contact(s) of the accredited organisation with edit rights in Beneficiary module that are not legal representatives. 

KA120 - Erasmus accreditation in the fields of Vocational education and training, School education and Adult education 

Here is an example of the Accreditation Progress Report request notification sent for KA120 Erasmus accreditations.

Subject: Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool – Accreditation progress report expected – [Accreditation Code]

Email Body Text:

Dear [Contact FirstName] [Contact LastName],

A new accreditation progress report has been launched by your National Agency with submission deadline on [Submission Deadline].

Accreditation details:

Accreditation code: [Accreditation Code]

Accreditation type: [Possible values: Accreditation for a mobility consortium coordinator; Accreditation for an individual organisation]

Field: [Possible values: School education; Vocational education and training; Adult education]

Accredited organisation: [Beneficiary Legal Name]

To access the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool please follow this link: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/beneficiary-module/project/#/project-list

To log in, you will need an EU Login (formerly called ECAS account) associated with this e-mail address. If you do not have an EU Login account associated with this e-mail address yet, please click on "Create an account" and set up your account. During the registration process, please make sure to use the e-mail address that this message was sent to.

You can find technical guidance for using the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool here: https://wikis.ec.europa.eu/x/KKT-AQ

Please contact your National Agency if you need further information or support. You can find a list of National Agencies at the following link: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/national-agencies

This is an automatically generated message from the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool. Please do not reply.

KA150 - Erasmus Accreditation for Youth 

Here is an example of the Accreditation Progress Report request notification sent for KA150 Erasmus accreditations.

Subject: Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool – Accreditation progress report expected – [Accreditation Code]

Email Body Text:

Dear [Contact FirstName] [Contact LastName],

A new accreditation progress report has been launched by your National Agency with submission deadline on [Submission Deadline].

Accreditation details:

Accreditation code: [Accreditation Code]

Accredited organisation: [Beneficiary Legal Name]

To access the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool please follow this link: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/beneficiary-module/project/#/project-list

To log in, you will need an EU Login (formerly called ECAS account) associated with this e-mail address. If you do not have an EU Login account associated with this e-mail address yet, please click on "Create an account" and set up your account. During the registration process, please make sure to use the e-mail address that this message was sent to.

You can find technical guidance for using the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool here: https://wikis.ec.europa.eu/x/KKT-AQ

Please contact your National Agency if you need further information or support. You can find a list of National Agencies at the following link: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/national-agencies

This is an automatically generated message from the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool. Please do not reply.

Request for Final Report

Reminders to provide the final report will be sent on the end date of the project and one week before the Final report submission deadline. This notification is sent to the beneficiary organisation contact(s) with edit rights in the project that are not the legal representative. If the final report was already submitted before the configured dates, no notification is sent out. 

For details regarding the Final beneficiary report in Beneficiary module, please see the page Manage the final beneficiary report.

Here is an example of the e-mail notification: 

Subject: Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool – Final Report Expected [Project Agreement Number ] – [Project Title]

Email Body Text:

Dear [Contact FirstName] [Contact LastName],

Your final report is expected till [Final Report Submission Deadline] by your National Agency. Please fill in the necessary data and submit your report.

Documentation for final beneficiary report submission can be found at https://wikis.ec.europa.eu/x/IIRYAg

Project details:

EC Project Number: [Project Agreement Number]

National Project ID: [National ID] (if applicable)

Project Title: [Project Title] 

Project Acronym: [Project Acronym]

Project Start Date: [Project Start Date]

Project End Date: [Project End Date]

Organisation Legal Name: [Beneficiary Legal Name]

Organisation OID: [Organisation OID]

Please contact your National Agency if you need further information or support.


This is a system generated message from Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool. Please do not reply.

Rejection of Final Report 

In the case where the Final Report is rejected by the National Agency, an e-mail notification is sent to the project contact person of the beneficiary organisation. 

Here is an example of the e-mail notification: 

Subject: Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool – Final Report Rejected [Project Agreement Number ] – [Project Title]

Email Body Text:

Dear [Contact FirstName] [Contact LastName],

Your final report has been rejected by your National Agency. You have now full access to your project. Your National Agency will contact you to guide you in making the necessary corrections before you submit your report again. Please wait for their instructions.

Project details:

EC Project Number: [Project Agreement Number]

National Project ID: [National ID]

Project title: [Project Title]

Organisation Legal Name: [Beneficiary Legal Name]

Please contact your National Agency if you need further information or support.


This is a system generated message from Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool. Please do not reply.

Participant report notifications

Automatic e-mails are sent to participants with an invitation to complete a Participant Report in EU Survey to share their feedback on the experience participating in an activity for Erasmus+.

For details on the Participant Report in Beneficiary module, see the page Manage Participant Reports in projects.


Email Sent for Participant Report - All Except Youth and Higher Education International

Subject: Erasmus+ participant report

Email Body Text:


You recently took part in an Erasmus+ project. Now it's time to tell us what you think! It takes just 5-10 minutes to fill in your "participant report". This is a required part of your mobility activity placement, and your feedback is very valuable. Your sending organisation, the National Agencies and the European Commission use your answers to improve Erasmus+ for future participants.

You should submit the report any time in the next 30 days. Click here to start: %%UNIQUE_ACCESS_LINK%%

Please note that this report is intended to be submitted only by you and you may not forward the above link to any other recipient.
You may save a temporary draft and use the same hyperlink to get back to it. Once completed, you should submit the report by clicking on the "Submit" button. Be aware that you will no longer be able to change it.

To help you fill in your report, please find below your main mobility activity details:
Mobility activity type: %%ACTIVITY_TYPE%%
Planned dates of mobility activity: %%START_DATE%% - %%END_DATE%%
Country of mobility activity: %%LOCATION_COUNTRY%%
Sending organisation:
Name: %%HOME_NAME%%
City: %%HOME_CITY%%
Country %%HOME_COUNTRY%%
Receiving organisation:
Name: %%HOST_NAME%%
City: %%HOST_CITY%%
Country %%HOST_COUNTRY%%

Should you wish to report on any sensitive issue which you do not want to disclose in this report, you may want to contact the sending organisation or National Agency that has selected your project. In case any of the information presented above is not correct, please also contact your National Agency.
Contact details of Erasmus+ National Agencies can be found at %%NA_INFORMATION%%

Your personal data is protected. If you have questions regarding data protection, please have a look at: %%PERSONAL_DATA_PROTECTION%%

Many thanks for your time and for helping make the Erasmus+ programme better!
The Erasmus+ Programme Team
This is a system generated message from EU Survey. Please do not reply. If you encounter any difficulties in filling the report, please contact your beneficiary organisation: %%HOME_NAME%%

Email Sent for Participant Report - Youth

Subject: Erasmus+ participant report

Email Body Text:


You recently took part in an Erasmus+ project. Now it's time to tell us what you think by filling in your participant report that takes the form of a short online survey. Your feedback is very valuable to the European Commission, the National Agencies and individual organisations involved in the project, and will help improve the Erasmus+ programme for future generations!

You should submit the report any time in the next 30 days. Click here to start: %%UNIQUE_ACCESS_LINK%%
You may save a temporary draft and use the same hyperlink to get back to it. Once completed, you should submit the report by clicking on the "Submit" button. Be aware that you will no longer be able to change it.

To help you fill in your report, please find below your main mobility activity details:
Mobility activity type: %%ACTIVITY_TYPE%%
Planned dates of mobility activity: %%START_DATE%% - %%END_DATE%%
Country of mobility activity: %%HOST_COUNTRY%%
Sending organisation:
Name: %%HOME_NAME%%
City: %%HOME_CITY%%
Country %%HOME_COUNTRY%%
Receiving organisation:
Name: %%HOST_NAME%%
City: %%HOST_CITY%%
Country %%HOST_COUNTRY%%

Should you wish to report on any sensitive issue which you do not want to disclose in this report, you may want to contact the sending organisation or National Agency that has selected your project. In case any of the information presented above is not correct, please also contact your National Agency.
Contact details of Erasmus+ National Agencies can be found at %%NA_INFORMATION%%

Your personal data is protected. If you have questions regarding data protection, please have a look at: %%PERSONAL_DATA_PROTECTION%%

Many thanks for your time and for helping make the Erasmus+ programme better!
The Erasmus+ Programme Team
This is a system generated message from EU Survey. Please do not reply. If you encounter any difficulties in filling the report, please contact your beneficiary organisation: %%HOME_NAME%%

Email Sent for Participant Report - Higher Education International 

Subject: Erasmus+ participant report

Email Body Text:


You recently took part in an Erasmus+ project. Now it's time to tell us what you think! It takes just 5-10 minutes to fill in your "participant report". This is a required part of your mobility activity placement, and your feedback is very valuable. Your sending organisation, the National Agencies and the European Commission use your answers to improve Erasmus+ for future participants.

You should submit the report within 10 calendar days upon receipt of this invitation. Click here to start: %%UNIQUE_ACCESS_LINK%%

Please note that this report is intended to be submitted only by you and you may not forward the above link to any other recipient
You may save a temporary draft and use the same hyperlink to get back to it. Once completed, you should submit the report by clicking on the "Submit" button. Be aware that you will no longer be able to change it.

To help you fill in your report, please find below your main mobility activity details:
Mobility activity type: %%ACTIVITY_TYPE%%
Planned dates of mobility activity: %%START_DATE%% - %%END_DATE%%
Country of mobility activity: %%LOCATION_COUNTRY%%
Sending organisation:
Name: %%HOME_NAME%%
City: %%HOME_CITY%%
Country %%HOME_COUNTRY%%
Receiving organisation:
Name: %%HOST_NAME%%
City: %%HOST_CITY%%
Country %%HOST_COUNTRY%%

Should you wish to report on any sensitive issue which you do not want to disclose in this report, you may want to contact the sending organisation or National Agency that has selected your project. In case any of the information presented above is not correct, please also contact your National Agency.
Contact details of Erasmus+ National Agencies can be found at %%NA_INFORMATION%%

Your personal data is protected. If you have questions regarding data protection, please have a look at: %%PERSONAL_DATA_PROTECTION%%

Many thanks for your time and for helping make the Erasmus+ programme better!
The Erasmus+ Programme Team
This is a system generated message from EU Survey. Please do not reply. If you encounter any difficulties in filling the report, please contact your beneficiary organisation: %%BENEFICIARY_ORGANISATION_NAME%%

Email Sent for Individual Participant Report on recognition

For details regarding the Report on recognition in Beneficiary module, see the page Manage Report On Recognition.

Subject: Erasmus+ participant report on recognition

Email Body Text:


You have taken part in an Erasmus+ mobility activity project and already submitted feedback on your mobility activity experience through the participant report. As your recognition process was not finalised at the time of the submission of your first report, you are now asked to fill in the second survey which focuses specifically on recognition.

Your mobility activity details were the following:
Mobility activity type: %%RECOGN.ACTIVITY_TYPE%%
Planned dates of mobility activity: %%RECOGN.START_DATE%% - %%RECOGN.END_DATE%%
Country of mobility activity: %%RECOGN.LOCATION_COUNTRY%%
Sending organisation:
Receiving organisation:

Please click on the link below to access the online participant report on recognition and fill it in: %%RECOGN.UNIQUE_ACCESS_LINK%%
You may save a temporary draft and use the same hyperlink to get back to it. Once you have completed it by answering all questions, please submit it by clicking on the "Submit" button. After having submitted the report you will no longer be able to change it.

This is a system generated message from EU Survey. Please do not reply. If you encounter any difficulties in filling the report please contact your beneficiary organisation: %%RECOGN.BENEFICIARY_ORGANISATION_NAME%%

Should you wish to report on any sensitive issue which you do not want to disclose in this report, you may want to contact the National Agency that has selected your project. Contact details of Erasmus+ National Agencies can be found at %%RECOGN.NA_INFORMATION%%

Your personal data is protected. More details can be found at %%RECOGN.PERSONAL_DATA_PROTECTION%%
Many thanks for the time dedicated to this Erasmus+ participant report on recognition!

<div class="page-break-ruler"> </div> 
Numbered Headings

Notifications for European Solidarity Corps projects

Privacy statement notification

A privacy statement notification email is automatically sent to the every email recorded in Beneficiary module with an explanation and a link to the Erasmus+/European Solidarity Corps privacy statement.

Subject: Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programme privacy statement

Email Body Text:

Dear programme participant,

You are receiving this email because you participate in either Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps programme. The Erasmus+ programme covers mobilities in the areas of education and training as well as in youth.

Your personal data were entered into the European Commission’s IT system to allow your participation in one of the programme’s activities. The data were entered by the organisation managing the activity.

We want to draw your attention to our privacy statement. This document explains why we process your personal data, how long we process it, and who can access it. If you are interested in knowing more, you can find all information on the privacy statement page: https://ec.europa.eu/erasmus-esc-personal-data

Be welcome to address your questions by sending an email to eu-erasmus-esc-personal-data@ec.europa.eu.

Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
Unit B4: Erasmus+ Coordination
European Commission
Brussels, Belgium

This email was sent from an unmonitored mailbox. Please do not reply.

Please visit https://ec.europa.eu/erasmus-esc-personal-data to know more about personal data protection.

Project creation

When a project becomes available for its beneficiaries, a notification will be sent to the project contact person of the beneficiary organisation. The legal representatives will not be notified.

The e-mail notification provides basic information on the project and instructions on how to sign in using EU Login and access the project. If you do not have an EU Login (previously ECAS account), follow the instructions to register first.  

Here is an example of the e-mail notification:

Subject: Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool - Project initiation [Project Agreement Number ] – [Project Title]

Email Body Text:

Dear [Contact FirstName] [Contact LastName],

Your European Solidarity Corps project has been granted, congratulations!

Project details:

EC Project Number: [Project Agreement Number]

National Project ID: [National ID]

Project title: [Project Title]

Organisation Legal Name: [Beneficiary Legal Name]

You can now send offers in the European Solidarity Corps Portal to the registrants to take part in your project. https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity_en

You can also start managing your project in Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool.

Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool is the system for the management of projects that received an EU grant under the European Solidarity Corps. The tool is developed by the European Commission for you, as beneficiaries of these projects.

In Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool you will be able to provide all the information on your projects. When offers are accepted in the European Solidarity Corps Portal, you will be able to retrieve the participants details and associate them to the activities, complete and update budget information, follow up on participant reports and submit your report to your National Agency.

To access the project please follow the steps below:

  • Go to the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool website at https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/beneficiary-module/project/#/project-list
  • If you have no EU Login account associated with this email address yet, please click on “Create an account” and set up your account. During the registration process please use the email address that this message was sent to.
  • If you already have an EU Login (formerly called ECAS account) associated with this email address, please use it to log in.

 Please contact your National Agency if you need further information or support: https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/organisations/contact-national-agencies_en

For additional help on how to manage your project in Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool please consult the Guide for Beneficiaries: https://wikis.ec.europa.eu/x/KKT-AQ

This is a system generated message from Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool. Please do not reply.

Project update

When project data is updated by the participating organisations, an e-mail is sent to the contact of the beneficiary organisation, providing a short summary of the update. The legal representatives are not notified. The project contact is referred to as the Primary contact in the project and can be changed to another contact person of the beneficiary organisation, if required.

Here is an example of the e-mail notification: 

Subject: Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool - Project update [Project Agreement Number ] – [Project Title]

Email Body Text:

Dear [Contact FirstName] [Contact LastName],

Your project has been updated in Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool with new information on [dd/mm/yyyy] [hh:mm:ss]

Project details:

EC Project Number: [Project Agreement Number]

National Project ID: [National ID]

Project title: [Project Title]

Be aware that changes appear in the Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool for information only. It is your responsibility to adapt the project information in accordance with these changes, if necessary.

Please contact your National Agency if you need further information or support.

This is a system generated message Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool. Please do not reply.

Email sent to Partner organisations present in the Grant agreement

All organisations included in the Grant agreement, other than the beneficiary organisation, are notified by e-mail, sent to the preferred contact, that their data has been used in a European Solidarity Corps project. This e-mail is not sent to the beneficiary organisation contact, as another e-mail is already sent with the project information.

This e-mail is sent only once, when the organisation is created in Beneficiary module. This can happen either when the project is created or when it is updated.

Here is an example of the e-mail notification:

Subject: Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool - Project initiation [Project Agreement Number ] – [Project Title]

Email body: 

Dear [Contact FirstName] [Contact LastName],

Your organisation has been added as a partner organisation for a European Solidarity Corps project.

Project details:

EC Project Number: [Project Number]

National Project ID: [National Project ID]

Project title: [Project title]

Beneficiary Legal Name: [Beneficiary Legal Name]

Beneficiary Contact: [Beneficiary Preferred Contact Email Address]

National Agency managing the project: [NA Name and code]

You can now send offers in the European Solidarity Corps Portal to the registrants to take part in the project: https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity_en.

Should there be incorrect details in this email, please contact the beneficiary organisation or the European Solidarity Corps National Agency: https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/organisations/contact-national-agencies_en.

This is a system generated message from Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool. Please do not reply. 

Request for Final report

Reminders to provide the final report will be sent on the end date of the project and one week before the Final report submission deadline. This notification is sent to the beneficiary organisation contact(s) with edit rights in the project that are not the legal representative. If the final report was already submitted before the configured dates, no notification is sent out. 

For details regarding the Final beneficiary report in Beneficiary module, please see the page Manage the final beneficiary report.

Here is an example of the e-mail notification:

Subject: Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool – Final Report Expected [Project Agreement Number ] – [Project Title]

Email Body Text:

Dear [Contact FirstName] [Contact LastName],

Your final report is expected till [Final Report Submission Deadline] by your National Agency. Please fill in the necessary data and submit your report.

Documentation for final beneficiary report submission can be found at https://wikis.ec.europa.eu/x/IIRYAg

Project details:

EC Project Number: [Project Agreement Number]

National Project ID: [National ID]

Project Title: [Project Title]

Project Acronym: [Project Acronym]

Project Start Date: [Project Start Date]

Project End Date: [Project End Date]

Beneficiary Organisation information: [Organization information]

Organisation Legal Name: [Beneficiary Legal Name]

Organisation OID: [Organisation OID]

Project Information [Project information]

Documentation for final beneficiary report submission can be found at https://wikis.ec.europa.eu/x/IIRYAg.

Please contact your National Agency if you need further information or support. https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/organisations/contact-national-agencies_en.

For additional help on how to manage your project in Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool please consult the Guide for Beneficiaries: https://wikis.ec.europa.eu/x/KKT-AQ

This is a system generated message from Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool. Please do not reply.

Rejection of Final Report

In case the Final Report has been rejected by the National Agency, an e-mail notification is sent to the project contact person of the beneficiary organisation.

Here is an example of the e-mail notification:

Subject: Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool – Final Report Rejected [Project Agreement Number ] – [Project Title]

Email Body Text:

Dear [Contact FirstName] [Contact LastName],

Your final report has been rejected by your National Agency. You have now full access to your project. Your National Agency will contact you to guide you in making the necessary corrections before you submit your report again. Please wait for their instructions.

Project details:

EC Project Number: [Project Agreement Number]

National Project ID: [National ID]

Project title: [Project Title]

Organisation Legal Name: [Beneficiary Legal Name]

Please contact your National Agency if you need further information or support.


This is a system generated message from Erasmus+ project management and reporting tool. Please do not reply.

Participant report notifications

Automatic e-mails are sent to participants with an invitation to complete a Participant Report in EU Survey to share their feedback on the experience participating in an activity for European Solidarity Corps. For details on the Participant Report in Beneficiary module, see the page Manage participant reports in projects.

European Solidarity Corps participant report - Except ESC30-SOL

Subject: European Solidarity Corps participant report

Email Body Text:


You recently took part in a European Solidarity Corps project. Now it's time to tell us what you think! It takes less than 10 minutes to fill in your "participant report". This is a required part of your activity, and your feedback is very valuable. Involved organisations, National Agencies and the European Commission use your answers to improve the European Solidarity Corps for future participants.

You should submit the report any time in the next 30 days. Click here to start: %%UNIQUE_ACCESS_LINK%%

You may save a temporary draft and use the same hyperlink to get back to it. Once completed, you should submit the report by clicking on the "Submit" button. Be aware that you will no longer be able to change it.

To help you fill in your report, please find below your main activity details:
Activity type: %%ACT_TYPE%%
Planned dates of activity: %%ACT_START%% - %%ACT_END%%
Country of activity: %%ACT_COUNTRY%%
Supporting organisation:
Host organisation:
Project Code: %%AGREE_NR%%
National Agency funding the project: %%NA%%

Should you wish to report on any sensitive issue which you do not want to disclose in this report, you may want to contact the supporting organisation, if any, or the National Agency that has selected your project. In case any of the information presented above is not correct, please also contact your National Agency.
Contact details of European Solidarity Corps National Agencies can be found at %%ESCNATIONALAGENCIESURL%%

Your personal data is protected. If you have questions regarding data protection, please have a look at the specific privacy statement: %%EACDPO%%

Many thanks for your time and for helping make the European Solidarity Corps better!
The European Solidarity Corps Team
This is a system generated message from EU Survey. Please do not reply. If you encounter any difficulties in filling the report, please contact the beneficiary organisation.

European Solidarity Corps participant report - ESC30-SOL

Subject: European Solidarity Corps participant report

Email Body Text:


You recently took part in a European Solidarity Corps project. Now it's time to tell us what you think! It takes less than 10 minutes to fill in your "participant report". This is a required part of your project, and your feedback is very valuable. National Agencies and the European Commission use your answers to improve the European Solidarity Corps for future participants.

You should submit the report any time in the next 30 days. Click here to start: %%UNIQUE_ACCESS_LINK%%
You may save a temporary draft and use the same hyperlink to get back to it. Once completed, you should submit the report by clicking on the "Submit" button. Be aware that you will no longer be able to change it.

To help you fill in your report, please find below your main activity details:
Project Code: %%AGREE_NR%%
Project dates: %%PRJ_START_DATE%% - %%PRJ_END_DATE%%
Country of project: %%NA_COUNTRY%%
National Agency funding the project: %%NA%%

Should you wish to report on any sensitive issue which you do not want to disclose in this report, you may want to contact the National Agency that has selected your project. In case any of the information presented above is not correct, please also contact your National Agency.
Contact details of European Solidarity Corps National Agencies can be found at %%ESCNATIONALAGENCIESURL%%

Your personal data is protected. If you have questions regarding data protection, please have a look at the specific privacy statement: %%EACDPO%%

Many thanks for your time and for helping make the European Solidarity Corps better!
The European Solidarity Corps Team
This is a system generated message from EU Survey. Please do not reply. If you encounter any difficulties in filling the report, please contact the beneficiary organisation.

Email sent to participants to register to the European Youth Card

Participants in European Solidarity Corps will receive a notification email informing them that they can register for the European Youth Card in the website www.eyca.org.

Subject: Your European Solidarity Corps activity and the European Youth Card

Email Body Text:

Dear [Contact FirstName] [Contact LastName],

Thank you for taking part in the European Solidarity Corps!

As a European Solidarity Corps participant, you are entitled to the special edition (https://www.eyca.org/volunteers-card) of the European Youth Card (https://www.eyca.org/). It gives you access to thousands of discounts across Europe for travel, accommodation, culture, education, fun and more.

To request the digital version of the card, please download the European Solidarity Corps Youth Card app for Android (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.eycaapp.volunteer) or iOS (https://www.eyca.org/volunteers-card) devices.

You can register in the app using your EYCA number: [EYCA token]

If you have any questions about your card or the app, don't hesitate to contact the European Youth Card Association (EYCA) at: esc-participants@eyca.org

You can also take a look at our discount portfolio with over 35.000 all across Europe here (https://www.eyca.org/discounts). We have also prepared an FAQ article to help you find answers to common questions when using the app for the first time.

On behalf of the European Youth Card Association, we wish you an enriching and captivating experience!

The European Solidarity Corps team

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