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News  12-11-2024

EU Login will phase out SMS as an authentication option. Please make sure you have configured at least one of the other supported methods to avoid any disruptions, e.g. the EU Login Mobile app or Security Keys and Trusted Platforms.

*** NEW *** eLearning video on how to use EU Login

A new eLearning video is now available: How to register in EU Login

Two Factor Authentication

2-Factor-Authentication is required to access certain European Commission services. For instructions on how to install and set up the EU Login Mobile App see below


Only one mobile device can be linked to one EU Login account. 

Available for download

  1. PDF version of the guide: EU Login - European Commission Authentication Service
  2. MS Word version of the guide: EU Login - European Commission Authentication Service

Available eLearning videos for EU Login

What is EU Login?

The EU Login authentication service is a point for user authentication to a wide range of Commission information systems.

It is the first step before registering as an organisation or individual when accessing certain IT Tools such as the Organisation Registration system, Application formsMobility Tool+, Beneficiary module, OEET or Assessment module.

Every time you want to use a website that requires EU Login authentication, you will automatically be transferred to the EU Login page, where you will be asked to enter your username and password.

Please note: Depending on the security level required by the application the user is accessing, single-factor (username + password) or multi-factor (username + password + challenge) authentication will have to be provided by the user. Tools such as the Organisation Registration system, Application forms, Mobility Tool+, Beneficiary module, OEET or Assessment module will only require single-factor authentication. The access to the Project Results platform will require multi-factor authentication.

Tools requiring multi-factor authentication will not have the password option available in the Choose your verification method drop-down list.


If you are a new user, before you register as an organisation or individual, you must have an EU Login account. The account will become inactive after 6 months if not used, but is still accessible and you will be prompted to create a new password should you try to logon after those six months.

How to use EU Login?


If you do not yet have an EU Login account, you need to create an account by using the following link https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/cas/eim/external/register.cgi

If you already have a user account for EU Login please login via https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/cas/login

The "EU Login" screen

  1. Closable Cookies notification: EU Login uses cookies to allow you to log in to different applications without re-entering your e-mail address and password each time. Once you have logged into EU Login you will not have to identify yourself again as long as you leave your browser open. If you have chosen the option to not to accept such cookies, you will not benefit from this feature. The cookies are 'per-session' cookies, i.e. they are removed when you close your browser.
  2. Change Contrast option: Allows you to change the display of the EU Login screens to a high contrast version.
  3. Language Selector: The EU Login screens are offered in all official languages of the EU. Use the drop-down menu in order to switch between languages.
  4. If you already have an EU Login account, use your e-mail address to sign in.
  5. If you don't have an account yet, you can create one by clicking on the Create an account hyperlink.
  6. If you wish to link your eID (electronic ID) to your EU Login account, click on the Select your country button.
  7. Access to download and install the EU Login app for your mobile devices.
  8. Links to About EU Login, Cookies policy, Privacy Statement, Contact information and Help.

EU Login screen

Create an "EU Login" account

In order to create a new account, click on the Create an account hyperlink. 

Click on the Create an account hyperlink

Fill in the required details and click "Create an Account"

In the Create an account screen, provide the following details: 

  1. First name: Your first name.

  2. Last name: Your last name.

  3. E-mail: Your e-mail address. Please remember this must be the same e-mail address provided to the National Agency or DG EAC, where applicable, and it should be valid and active.

  4. Confirm e-mail: Confirm the e-mail address.

  5. E-mail language: Choose the language for notification e-mails from the drop-down menu.

  6. Privacy Statement check-box: Tick the checkbox confirming the privacy statement.

  7. Create an account button: Once you have filled in all details, click on the Create an account button.

Provide the required account details and click on Create an account

A notification displays, informing you that the request is ongoing. 

Securing request notification

A notification confirming the registration displays. An e-mail is sent to the e-mail address you provided in order to verify that you have access to it. If you cannot find the e-mail in hour inbox, please check your spam or junk folder.

Confirmation of account registration

Click the password creation link in your activation e-mail

Once you have registered, you will receive an e-mail with your username and a link for creating your EU Login password. 

Click on the link to create the password in the e-mail.

Take note

It may take up to 5 minutes after reception of this mail before the site will recognise your registration.

You have a maximum of 24 hours, starting from the time that the message was sent, to create the password. You are advised to do so immediately, if possible. If you do not react within the 24 hours, you can make another request by following the same link. You will need to provide your e-mail address again and confirm your request. 

Account password email is sent to your mailbox with link to create the password

Create your password and "Proceed" to login

Once you click on the link, the EU login screen opens in your browser, asking you to create your password.

Your automatically created user ID is displayed. This user ID is unique for your account and can be used instead of the e-mail address when logging in to EU Login. 

Enter and confirm your password. Select a password as long and as complex as you can in order to make your account more secure. Click on the Submit button.


Remember that the password:

  • must be at least 10 characters long,
  • may not contain your username (login) or any part of your full name,
  • must be changed every 3 months (a reminder is automatically sent 15 days before the expiry date)
  • should never be the same as any of your last 5 passwords.

Create the password

Click on the Proceed button in the confirmation in order to finalise the log in to EU Login.

Success message

A new screen will open informing you about your successful login to EU Login. Your first and last name are displayed in the top right corner of the screen. 

Sign in to "EU Login"

Once you have created an EU Login account, you can use it to access a multitude of services. While accessing these services, the EU Login screen will display whenever authentication is needed.

Sign in with e-mail and password 

  1. Enter your e-mail address and click Next. The e-mail must be the same provided while creating the EU Login account. Alternatively, you can also use your user ID.

  2. Enter your EU Login password. By default, the verification method Password is selected and must be used. If the password option is not available in the drop-down list, the tool requires two-factor authentication. 

  3. Click Sign In.

  4. After successful login, a Confirmation message displays.

Sign in to EU Login with email and password

A success message displays and you are signed in to EU Login. Your first and last name are displayed in the top right corner of the screen. 

Successful login

Set up Two-factor authentication with the EU Login Mobile app

Depending on the security level required by the application you are accessing, single factor (e-mail + password) or two-factor authentication (username + password + challenge) will have to be provided. If two-factor authentication is required you need an additional verification method besides the password.

It is therefore recommended to set up the two-factor authentication as soon as you have created your EU Login account. One option to use two-factor authentication is the EU Login Mobile app. 

Tools requiring two-factor authentication will not have the password option available in the Choose your verification method drop-down list. By default, EU Login Mobile App PIN Code is selected as verification method.

You can use the drop-down list and select the option you want to use.

Available verification options

The EU Login Mobile app

The EU Login Mobile App can be used when accessing a service that requires increased security. The EU Login Mobile App is free and can be downloaded from the Google Play Store (Android), the App Store (iOS) or the Windows Store (Windows Phone). The direct links are available on the EU Login screen.

Please note

EU Login can only be installed on a mobile device with a working camera. 

After installing it, you need to initialise it. In order to do so, you need a PC in addition to your mobile device.

The EU Login Mobile app offers a variety of options to log in once activated, such as:

  1. EU Login Mobile App PIN code - If the mobile device where your EU Login Mobile App is installed has internet connectivity then you can use the EU Login Mobile App PIN Code verification method.
  2. EU Login Mobile App QR code - If the mobile device where your EU Login Mobile App is installed does not have internet connectivity then you can use the EU Login Mobile App QR Code verification method.
  3. On mobile authentication - If you are navigating on the same mobile device as the one where the EU Login Mobile App is installed you can use the On Mobile verification method.

EU Login Mobile app

The above methods can be used without compelling the user to expose a mobile phone number. 

Initialise the EU Login Mobile App with your mobile device

To initialise the EU Login Mobile App you need your mobile device and a computer. Download the app on your mobile device.

When opening the app you will be asked to allow notifications.


You must allow notifications, otherwise you will not be able to use the app.

Install EU Login Mobile app and allow notifications

On your PC, log in to EU Login using your e-mail address and password. 

Take note

If you already installed and initialised the EU Login Mobile App on another device or if you registered your mobile phone number for receiving SMS, you are requested to authenticate again using the already registered device or phone number.

To access your EU Login account details, click on the settings (gear) icon in the upper right corner and click on My Account. 

Sign in to EU Login and access My Account

The My Account page opens. Select Manage my mobile devices.

Select Manage my mobile devices

Click on Add a mobile device.

Click on Add a mobile device

Fill in the required information in the Add a mobile device screen. You have to provide a name (1) for your device and set up a 4 digit PIN (2) code. 

You can pick any name that suits you, such as "My tablet", "My Phone" or "My blue phone". You will be prompted to provide the PIN code when authenticating so make sure you select one that you can easily remember. However, avoid PIN codes that can be easily guessed, such as your birth year or birthday and month.

Click on the Submit button.

Fill in the required information in the Add a mobile device screen

On your mobile device, open the EU Login Mobile App and select the Initialise option. Follow the instructions on screen and allow access to your camera.

Open the EU Login Mobile App, select Initialise and follow the instructions on screen

The QR code scanner starts on your mobile device and a QR code is displayed on the screen of your PC. Point the camera of your mobile phone to your PC screen until the QR code is recognised. In the Authenticate screen in the app, enter the 4 digit PIN code you set up earlier and click on Authenticate.

A success message displays on your device, confirming the setup of your mobile device with EU Login. Your EU Login Mobile app is successfully initialised and can be used for authenticating. Click on Next to be redirected to the Welcome screen. 

You can now use your mobile device to access the European Commission services that require two-factor authentication, either by using the 4 digit PIN or by scanning a QR code.

An e-mail is sent to your registered e-mail account informing you that a new mobile device has been added to your EU Login account.

Scan to QR code with the app and follow the instructions on screen

If your device is equipped with Fingerprint recognition (TouchID), an automatic pop up will be displayed to Enable Fingerprint recognition. You can enable this function by clicking on YES. If you do not want to enable Fingerprint recognition, click on SKIP.

Enable Touch ID option

Once a mobile device has been added to your EU Login account, you have the options to Delete a mobile device (1) and to Change EU Login add PIN code (2) when accessing the Manage my mobile devices option when signed in to EU Login > My Account.

Manage mobile devices

Updated verification process for 2 factor authentication

From Monday 22nd September 2022, two-factor authentication via the EU Login Mobile app was changed. The mobile app will no longer send push notifications. This means that you will no longer get a notification as a pop-up messages on your device. Instead, you will need to open the EU Login Mobile app to view and confirm pending login requests. 

Sign in with an EU Login account using the EU Login Mobile App PIN code

Tools requiring two-factor authentication will not have the password option available in the Choose your verification method drop-down list. Where available and if the EU Login Mobile app is installed and initialised on your mobile device, you can use EU Login Mobile App PIN code as verification.

  1. Enter your e-mail address or user ID and click Next
  2. Select EU Login Mobile App PIN Code as the verification method.
  3. Enter your password in the Password field.
  4. Click on Sign in.

    If you have more than one device with an initialised EU Login Mobile App, you are asked to select the one you would like to use. This screen does not display if you have only initialised one device. Click on the device displaying the name you provided.

    Sign in with an EU Login account using the EU Login Mobile App PIN code

  5. Open the EU Login Mobile App on your mobile device. The Pending Authentication Requests screen opens.
  6. The EU Login Mobile App prompts you to enter your PIN code.
  7. Enter your PIN code and tap on Authenticate. This automatically completes the login process on your PC. You will be redirected to the service you requested to use.

Open the EU Login Mobile App on your mobile device and follow the on screen instructions

Sign in with an EU Login account using the EU Login Mobile App QR code

Tools requiring two-factor authentication will not have the password option available in the Choose your verification method drop-down list. Where available and if the EU Login Mobile app is installed and initialised on your mobile device, you can use EU Login Mobile App QR code as verification.

  1. Enter your e-mail address or user ID and click Next
  2. Select EU Login Mobile App QR Code as the verification method.
  3. Enter your password in the Password field and click on Sign in.
  4. A QR code is displayed on screen. 
    Sign in with an EU Login account using the EU Login Mobile App QR code
  5. Start the EU Login Mobile App on the mobile device where it has been previously initialised. Tap on Scan QR Code. The QR code scanner starts on your mobile device. Point the camera of your mobile phone to your PC screen until the QR code is recognised.
  6. The EU Login Mobile App displays a one-time password composed of digits and characters.
  7. Type the one-time password in the code generated by your app field on your PC.
  8. Click Sign in to proceed.

This automatically completes the login process on your PC. You will be redirected to the service you requested to use.

Start the EU Login Mobile App on the mobile device and follow the on screen instructions

Sign in with an EU Login account using On Mobile authentication

The On Mobile verification method is only available when browsing on a mobile device and should only be used if an EU Login Mobile App has been previously installed and initialised on that same device.

  1. Enter your e-mail address or user ID and click Next
  2. In the EU Login Mobile app, select On Mobile Authentication as the verification method and tap on Sign in.

  3. The EU Login Mobile App opens automatically and prompts you to enter your PIN code.

  4. Enter your PIN code and tap on Authenticate.

  5. If the app is active (in the foreground), it will automatically redirect you to the browser selector.

  6. If the app is in the background, a notification is displayed on your device. Please accept this notification to be redirected successfully. 

  7. You are now successfully authenticated.

    • Click on Default browser to be redirected to your application. This step is only needed for IOS users.

Set up Two-factor authentication with your mobile phone number

News  12-11-2024

EU Login will phase out SMS as an authentication option. Please make sure you have configured at least one of the other supported methods to avoid any disruptions, e.g. the EU Login Mobile app or Security Keys and Trusted Platforms.

Log in to EU Login with your e-mail address and password. To access your EU Login account details, click on the settings (gear) icon in the upper right corner and click on My Account. 

Access My Account

  1. Click on Manage my mobile phone numbers 
  2. Click on Add a mobile phone number.
  3. Provide your number and click on Add. After your number is added, a challenge code is sent via SMS to your mobile number.
    Manage my mobile phone numbers
  4. Enter this code in the Text message challenge code fields and click on Finalise.

Your mobile number is now added to your account and can be used to log in to EU Login, if two-factor authentication is required.

Take note

If you have already installed and initialised the EU Login Mobile App on a device or if you have registered a different mobile phone number for receiving SMS in EU Login, you are requested to authenticate using the already registered device or phone number.

Complete the mobile number registration

Sign in with an EU Login account using Mobile Phone + SMS

Tools requiring two-factor authentication will not have the password option available in the Choose your verification method drop-down list.

  1. Enter your e-mail address or user ID and click Next
  2. Select Mobile Phone + SMS as the verification method.
  3. Enter your password in the Password field.
  4. Enter your/a with EU Login registered mobile phone number in the Mobile phone field, starting with a plus sign and with the country code. Do not include dots, parenthesis or hyphens.
  5. When clicking Sign in, an SMS is sent to your mobile device. The SMS contains a challenge code made of nine characters separated with hyphens (minus sign).
  6. Type the challenge you received in the SMS text challenge fields.
  7. Click on Sign in to proceed to the service you requested to use.

Sign in with an EU Login account using Mobile Phone and SMS

Set up Two-factor authentication with Security Keys and Trusted Platforms

This feature enables you to manage the Key-ID tokens and trusted platforms you use for two-factor authentication. The Security Key and Trusted Platform (TPM) options must be configured on your device before being registered into your EU Login account. Please refer to your device user guide to first set up your Security Key or TPM.

Insert the security key into your device. 

  1. Click on Manage my Security Keys and Trusted Platforms. You may need to authenticate with a stronger authentication method.
  2. Click on Add a Security Key or Add a Trusted Platform
  3. Enter a device name and click on Submit
  4. A message will pop up: Credential registration in progress’. Your browser will open a popup window to request access to extended information about your authenticator. 
  5. Click on Proceed. Please do not tick the Anonymise anyway checkbox, otherwise it will not be possible to use this authentication method. Validate the fingerprint on your security key.
  6. You will then see a success message: A security key has been added.

Manage my Security Keys and Trusted Platforms

Manage your EU Login account

Access "My Account"

Log in to EU Login with your e-mail address and password. To access your EU Login account details, click on the settings (gear) icon in the upper right corner and click on My Account. 

Access My Account

The My Account page opens. Here you can choose a number of options to edit your account details.

My Account options

My account details

Under My account details you find general information about your EU login, such as Username, Unique identifier (uid), Most recent login, Last password reset and more. All information here is read only.

My account details screen

Configure my account

Click on Configure my account to edit your personal details. Here you can update your personal information, e-mail address and e-mail language as well as e-mail notification settings.

Should you change your e-mail address, please remember to inform your National Agency, DG EAC or the person responsible for providing you access to certain DG EAC IT Tools.

Configure my account options

Display my sessions

To see the number of services accessed during your current session, click on Display my sessions.

Display my sessions

Link eID

To link your eID (electronic ID) to your EU Login account, click on Link my eID. This option can link your national electronic identity card to your EU Login account.


This option is only available for some countries (see screenshot below) and a card reader is necessary. 

Insert your national electronic identity card in the card reader and select your country. Follow the on-screen instructions to link your card. 

Take note

IT tools that are used in the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes do not support the authentication using eID. 

Link eID

Delete all my devices and eID (PANIC)

If you set up mobile devices and/or eID in your EU login, you have the option to Delete all my devices and eID (PANIC).

Using this option will revoke the options to authenticate using any mobile phone number, mobile device, hardware token or electronic ID linked to your account. You will lose access rights to some applications requiring the two-factor authentication. You will also be logged out from EU Login. 

Delete all my devices and eID

Help and Frequently asked questions

EU Login online help

If you need help or need to check the frequently asked questions, click on the Help hyperlink at the bottom of the EU Login page.

Access the online Help

Forgotten password?

If have forgotten your EU Login password, do the following:

  1. Click the Lost your password? link on the login page, after you entered your e-mail address.

  2. Click on the Get a password button. A confirmation message displays, informing you of the e-mail you will receive with a link to reset your password.
    Forgot password
  3. In the e-mail, click on the link to reset your password.
  4. On the opened EU Login page, enter your new password and confirm.
  5. Click the Submit button.
  6. Once the password has been changed, click on the Proceed button to continue to sign in.

Take note

You cannot reset your password if your account is locked. This happens if too many incorrect passwords are entered in a row. You will not be able to log in or reset your password during this period. The account will automatically be reactivated after 15 minutes after it was blocked.

New password set up

How to change my password?

To change your password:

  1. From the EU login page, after you signed in, click the settings (gear) icon and select Change Password.

  2. Enter your current EU login password.

  3. Enter the new password you would like to set up in the respective fields.

  4. Click Change to save.

Change password

How to change my email address in EU Login?

To change your email address:

  1. From the EU login page, after you signed in, click the settings (gear) icon and select My Account.

  2. Click on Configure my account.
    • This action may require stronger authentication if you added second factors to your account.
  3. Change your email.
  4. Click on Submit.

Change email address

What to do when the SMS does not arrive? 

Please consult the EU Login online help for external users accessible from https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/cas/help.html. If the problem persists, please contact EU-LOGIN-EXTERNAL-SUPPORT@ec.europa.eu

How to delete my EU Login account? 

To delete your EU Login account, click on Delete my account and follow the instructions. Please also notify the National Agency or DG EAC that you no longer require access to the DG EAC Tools. If possible or applicable, please mention your replacement.


All access rights will be revoked and unrecoverable once deleted.

Delete EU Login account

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