The illustrations in the provided Wiki pages are for consultation purpose only and may not always reflect the latest implementation.
This page explain how to manage Work Packages and their activities in KA220 - Cooperation partnerships projects from call 2022 onward. A work package groups one or more activities where an activity represents a set of tasks carried out by participating organisations as part of a cooperation partnership project.
Work Packages and related activities already approved by the National Agency in their project management system will be available in your project, initially in status Draft, and can be viewed and edited. A Work Package cannot be deleted from the project and new Work Packages cannot be added manually. If required, contact your National Agency for an amendment. See Updates to project data in Beneficiary module for details.
Only the contact persons of the beneficiary and partner organisations with edit rights to the project are able to perform these actions in KA220 - Cooperation partnerships projects in status Project ongoing.
Fields may vary depending on the action type and call year of your project. Please read the onscreen information carefully.
Click on Work Packages in the Content menu in your project. All Work Packages approved by the National Agency in their project management system will be displayed in this list. The following information is displayed in the list for each Work Package:
Number of activities - Displays the number of activity as approved for a Work Package. There are no activities in Work package no. 1 Project Management.
The Work package no. 1 Project Management is always available.
See the page List functionality in projects for additional information on the list functionalities, such as Search, Filters and the Bulk Actions.
The Work package no. 1 Project Management is initially in status Draft and must be updated.
Click on Edit to open the Work Package details.
The Work Package screen opens with the draft status clearly displayed.
Provide the required information in the available fields. You may have to use the scrollbar in your browser to access all information.
All mandatory fields are marked with the red Value missing label and are marked with a red asterisk *.
You can expand each of the text fields using the Expand option available in the bottom right corner of each field.
When all mandatory fields are completed, click on the Save button to save your changes.
The field Grant amount allocated to Work package no. 1 Project Management is read-only and displays the amount as per signed grant agreement.
A success message displays and the list of Work Packages opens. The status of Work package no. 1 Project Management is updated to Complete.
Click on the Edit icon to open the Work Package details.
The Work Package screen opens with the Draft status displayed. The following is available in this screen:
Provide the required information in the available text fields. You may have to use the scrollbar in your browser to access all information. Already filled-in information can be updated.
All mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk *. Once all mandatory information is provided, click on the Save button.
The list of Work Packages opens and the status is updated to Complete.
To manage activities related to a Work Package you must open the Work Package details in Edit mode.
There are no activities for Work package no. 1 Project Management. The list of Work Package Activities will not be available for this Work Package.
In our example we open a Work Package with 1 activity and a total of 25 000 EUR allocated.
Scroll down to access the Work Package Activity list.
Activities linked to the Work Package as per grant agreement are displayed in the Work Package Activity list. Each activity initially listed can be Edited and Viewed. It is not possible to delete an activity predefined as per grant agreement. See the page List functionality in projects for additional information on the list functionalities, such as Search, Filters and the Bulk Actions.
Click on the Edit icon to open the activity details.
A pop-up window containing the activity details opens. You can update all information except the Grant amount allocated to the activity, which is read only.
Click on the Save button to save any changes you made to the activity.
A success message will display and the activity is updated.
You must also Save the Work Package to finalise the update of the activity.
Activities can be added to all available work packages in your project, except for Work package no. 1 Project Management.
Take note
If you consider that the new activity could be considered as a substantial change to the project, before adding the new activity, please consult your NA to identify the need or not for an amendment of the grant agreement.
Click on the Edit icon of the work package where you want to manage activities. In our example we open a Work Package with 1 activity and a total of 25 000 EUR allocated.
Scroll down to access the Work Package Activity list and click on the Create button.
A pop-up window opens containing all fields to be completed for the new activity, such as Activity title, Venue of activity, Start and End date, the Grant amount allocated to the activity and more. Also take note of the Warning message regarding activities displayed on top of the pop-up before you continue.
All fields displayed are mandatory. When all information is filled in, click on the Save button to save the activity.
A success message will display and the activity is added to the Work Package. Once items are added to the list, the following icons become available:
See the page List functionality in projects for additional information on the list functionalities, such as Search, Filters and the Bulk Actions.
You must also Save the Work Package to finalise the update of the activity.
In the list of Work Packages in the project, the columns Number of activities and Total amount allocated to the activities display the updated values as applicable.