This page details the budget specifics for Erasmus+ projects carried out under KA171-HED - Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds.
Mobility activities must have the status Complete in order to be taken into account in the overall calculations displayed in the project Budget.
For a general description of the budget screen functionality, as well as more details about the awarded and reported budget, please see the page Budget in projects. For information regarding the Budget Transfers in KA171 projects, please see Budget Transfers in KA171 projects.
In beneficiary grant projects, information about the Awarded and Reported Budget can be found in both the project details header and the Budget section of a project in Beneficiary module.
The Awarded Budget represents the most recent grant amount awarded by the National Agency. The Reported Budget represents the actual amounts used in the project, calculated based on information provided in project sections such as mobility activities, participation, and events.
In the Budget screen, the column % Reported/Awarded indicates the percentage of the awarded budget that has been used, allowing for monitoring of expenditure for each relevant budget item.
To view the budget summary in your project, click on Budget in the Content menu.
The Budget screen opens on the Budget tab, where you can view the awarded budget and the actual project costs as reported in your project, broken down per activity type and cost type.
You also have access to the Budget Transfers tab, where it is possible to view the total number of mobilities per region and partner country and can be split further into incoming (to the beneficiary) or outgoing (from the beneficiary) mobility flows. See the page Budget Transfers in KA171 projects for details.
The first part of the screen includes the total amounts calculated at project level regarding the participants and various budget items, as per completed mobility activities in your project. The following information is available:
For each budget item, you will be able to view the Awarded Budget, the Reported Budget, and the share of the awarded grant used so far, under %Reported/Awarded. Where applicable, you will also view the Approved number of participants by NA and the Reported number of participants.
If no completed mobility activities are available in your project, the reported values will display 0 EUR.
Any changes you make will be automatically saved and a success message displays.
Below the totals for the project, subsections are displayed for each activity type, provided that completed mobility activities for an activity type are available in your project.
For each activity type, the following information may be available, depending on the information provided for the completed mobility activities:
Below the activities subsections, the All activity types section is displayed, displaying the various cost items as per completed mobility activities in your project for all activity types.