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  • How to manage cookies

What are cookies? How to manage them?

Cookies are small files linked to the user’s web browser. These files will save, for example, the language selected by the user in the Data Browser interface. They are therefore an interesting way to spare time for a frequent usage of this application.

Most browsers support cookies, but users can set their browsers to decline them and can delete them whenever they like.

The Data Protection european rules (see this page) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules require prior informed consent for storage or for access to information stored on a user’s terminal equipment.

The first time the user gets access to the Data Browser, this warning appears on the bottom of the page:

This warning message mentions the following page: This page provides additional information about cookies management on the EUROPA domain.

What happens if the user accepts all cookies?

If the user accepts the cookies, all the features of the Data Browser are available.

What happens if the user accepts only essential cookies?

If the user accepts only essential cookies, the following features of the Data Browser will be unavailable:

and the analytics cookies will not be setup.

Some "technical" cookies remain, such as the JSESSIONID cookie to maintain a secure session for you, during your visit.

How can the user make a different choice after having accepted all/essential cookies?

In the  menu, click on Accept/decline cookies to allow to reset user’s choice:

If the user accepts only essential cookies, the data which are present on his computer (My data and Custom views) remain present, but this data cannot be accessed anymore by the Data Browser. Consequently, if the user accepts only essential cookies by mistake, no data is lost.

This online help is outdated and will be deleted soon. Please consult our Data Browser user guide on the Eurostat website. Don’t forget to update any bookmarks you might have saved!