The EU cohesion policy funds provide an important support to the conservation actions for pollinators, in urban and rural landscapes:
- European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), in particular through European Territorial Cooperation (Interreg)
- Cohesion Fund (CF)
- European Social Fund (ESF)
Examples of projects financed in the 2014-2020 period:
- SAPOLL (Interreg, BE-FR)
- POLL-OLE-GI SUDOE (Interreg, South West Europe)
- BEESPOKE (Interreg, North Sea)
- Wild und kultiviert (Interreg, AT-DE)
- Blühendes Bodenseeland (Interreg, DE-AT-CH-LI)
- Green Infrastructure project benefitting pollinators (ERDF, Cornwall, UK)
- Atlas of the Hoverflies of Greece (research funded by Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning” in Greece)
- Atlantic-POSitiVE (Interreg, Atlantic area)
- FABulous Farmers (Interreg, North West Europe)
- Meer natuur voor pittig fruit (Interreg, BE-NL)
- B-R(H)APSODIE - (B-RAP) (Interreg, DE-NL)
Some of these projects presented their work at the stakeholder conference in February 2020.
Looking for more inspiration and ideas from regions all over Europe? Have a look at the good practice database and the outcomes of the policy learning workshop on biodiversity and ecosystem services (14 March 2022).
How have EU agricultural and regional development policies contributed to slowing down wild pollinators’ decline between 2014 and 2020, and how do we step up these efforts in the future? Learn more here: