The minutes summarise the main conclusions and actions from the meeting. Actions are indicated in the minutes using check boxes and are tracked in the "Actions" section below.
The meeting was chaired by the JRC and attended by experts fromAT, BE, BG, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, EL, ES, FI, FR, HR, IS, IT, LU, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, European Commission (ENV, JRC, ESTAT), and the EEA.
Thursday, 7 October
Agenda item
Welcome and approval of the agenda
The agenda was approved without modifications.
Minutes of the previous meeting (for discussion and agreement)
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved without additional change proposals. Some open actions for MIG-T members are still open and relevant, in particular relating to the nomination of experts for action 2.3.1, and the alternative encodings of INSPIRE data.
MIWP 2021-2024 Actions
1.1 Towards a digital ecosystem for the environment and sustainability
ELISE pool of expert on data-driven innovation
Science for policy report
Good practices update
2.1 Need driven data prioritisation
2.2 Roadmap for priority-driven implementation
Debriefing from the evaluation workshop
2.3 Simplification of INSPIRE Implementation
2.3.2. Data-service linking sub-group results and way forward
The JRC, DG ENV and the EEA presented the current status of actions and future planned work. All presentation materials are uploaded within the agenda of the event.
Action 1.1. The JRC presented relevant work for modernising the technical approaches in INSPIRE based on the forthcoming Science for Policy report, a pilot activity for onboarding INSPIRE Data in the GAIA-X infrastructure, and a dedicated pool of experts on data-driven innovation implemented under the ELISE action of the ISA2 programme.
Action 2.1. The EEA presented work on e-Reporting with emphasis on several domains - Noise, Air quality, Sewerage Sludge, Water, as well as the evolution of ReportNet 3.0, incl. the testing of INSPIRE network services.
Action 2.2. A kick-off meeting of the Action is planned for November 2021.
MIG and MIG-T members are encouraged to nominate additional members for Action 2.2 on the 'Roadmap for priority-driven implementation'. DG ENV is the main point of contact for this.
Action 2.3.
Within the context of the action for simplification of the data-service linking (2.3.2) the JRC is consolidating the proposals from the sub-group members into a single simplification approach. This will be discussed and possibly endorsed by the Action in a forthcoming meeting. The activities of the sub-group are on GitHub.
Coffee Break
MIWP 2021-2024 Actions (continued)
2.3.1. Governance of INSPIRE artefacts (JRC, 25')
Action overall status
Versioning and schema repository
Conversion of TGs to AsciiDoc
Discussion and voting on change proposals of INSPIRE artefacts
Overview of change proposals for INSPIRE Schemas and Technical Guidelines (Helpdesk facilitators)
Discussion and approval with (5' per change proposal max.)
The work on the governance of INSPIRE artefacts, including updates on the repositories for schemas and Technical Guidelines and the status of change proposals accepted by the MIG-T in the previous meeting were presented.
The change proposals for schemas and for TGs subject to scrutiny by the MIG-T (selected by the sub-group of Action 2.3.1 during the meeting on 16/9/2021) were also covered by the helpdesk facilitators.
Following a discussion, the members of the MIG-T (one representative per country) voted on the proposals through All proposals were accepted with no objections (see the results of the slido poll).
Change proposals will now be assessed by the MIG, which is the next actor in accordance with the new governance process. Should there be no objections by the MIG, the proposals will be considered as approved.
MIG-T and MIG members are encouraged to nominate additional members for Action 2.3.1 on the 'Governance of INSPIRE artefacts'.
Comments/suggestions on the proposed approaches on the structure of the app schema repository and versioning are welcome by . JRC is the main PoC.
GeoPackage as INSPIRE data encoding (EEA, DK)
The status of GeoPackage as an INSPIRE data encoding was presented by DK and the EEA. Additional work is needed in preparation for a Good Practice.
Friday, 8 October
Agenda item
Early results, ELISE Pool of expert
Integration between OpenStreetMap and INSPIRE datasets
Binary encodings for geospatial data
Two experts researching topics around data-driven innovation within the context of the ELISE action of the ISA2 programme presented the current status of their work on:
integration between authoritative geospatial datasets and datasets from the OpenStreetMap project, with first experiments on address data and interviews with some EU national mapping agencies;
the use of binary data serialisation, especially Protocol Buffers and Apache Avro, to encode geospatial data, with experiments on both large geospatial data and geospatial data retrieved through APIs.
Topics proposed by MIG-T members
Access to interoperability checking tools, Nathalie Delattre - NGI Belgium
NGI Belgium highlights the need for some improvements on the current Geoportal administration interface and access (harvest console).
The JRC clarifies that the current system will be replaced by the new one (based on GeoNetwork) starting from 2022, hence no additional development will be done. Once operational, the new system will be opened for testing to collect feedback and suggestions from MS.
Coffee break
Updates on central INSPIRE components (JRC)
Geoportal (15')
State-of-play and redesigned backend
Validator (15')
Re3gistry software and INSPIRE Registry (10')
The JRC reports on the status, news and future developments of the central INSPIRE components:
Geoportal: a prototype of the new backend (based on GeoNetwork) is currently available, rollout in production is expected by the end of the year; the current Geoportal is currently under bugfixing and will be used for the last time for Monitoring and Reporting 2021.
Validator: a new version of the Validator (including all ETS for Annex II/III datasets) and a new version of the bulk validation tool, to be used for Monitoring and Reporting 2021, were released. From October 20 access to the Validator will be only available through an API gateway, interested organisations can request an API key to start testing the system.
Registry: a new release based on the Re3gistry v.2 is expected in November 2021. The NL informs that they also deployed an instance of the Re3gistry v.2.
Update on Commission initiatives
GreenData4All & High-value datasets
Development of pan-European reference data sets
INSPIRE conferences 2021 and 2022
MIG-T meetings in 2022
Status and future plans for several Commission initiatives were presented.
Based on the feedback from MIG-T members collected in the last meeting, the dates for the 2022 MIG-T meetings are announced. The JRC can provide slots for ad-hoc meetings in the afternoons following each of the MIG-T meetings. Those should be organised prior to each individual meeting. The dates are as follows:
January 20: virtual meeting (9:00-13:00)
March 31-April 1 - lunch-to-lunch physical meeting, Ispra
July 7: virtual meeting (9:00-13:00)
October 6-7: lunch-to-lunch physical meeting, location tbd
MIG-T members are encouraged to propose locations for the MIG-T physical meeting in October, e.g. by linking it to other events already scheduled in the same week.