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The role of the MIG permanent technical sub-group (MIG-T) is to

  • advise the MIG on any technical matters,
  • monitor the activities of the temporary MIG sub-groups addressing technical issues,
  • review deliverables from temporary MIG sub-groups or documents proposed for endorsement by external stakeholders for technical feasibility and highlight potential risks and opportunities to the group,
  • establish linkages between the different activities and sub-groups and discuss cross-cutting issues from a technical perspective,
  • provide a communication channel between the activities of the MIG and its sub-groups and the community of implementers in the member states,
  • bring about an exchange of experience and good practice related to the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive and the Implementing Rules; and
  • carry out other tasks and actions assigned to it in the maintenance and implementation work programme (MIWP).

MIG-T Meetings


MIG-T activities

National implementation webinars

[[National implementation webinars|Webinar series on the implementation of INSPIRE in different countries]]. The webinars focus on national coordination, challenges for implementation and success stories and opportunities.

Implementation examples

Collection of examples of "end-to-end" INSPIRE implementations, including data sharing, metadata, network services and data harmonisation. 

Extension examples

[[Extension examples|Collection of examples and guidelines for INSPIRE extensions]] (e.g. in EU-funded projects or at national level).

Examples of APIs for INSPIRE data

[[API examples|Collection of examples of APIs for INSPIRE data]] that can be used by (mainstream IT) developers to provide value-added applications (e.g. routing, gazetteers, points of interest, etc.).

NSDI architecture documents

[[NSDI architecture documents|Collection of NSDI architecture/reference documents]] that can be used in the ARE3NA Reference Platform to define typical INSPIRE implementation workflows based on real examples. 

MIG sub-groups


  • [[Collaboration with OGC]]
  • No labels