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3-4 April 2019

Room 2, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy


Hotel room bookings and transfers between the airport and the hotel/JRC will be organised by JRC.


TimeAgenda itemDocument(s)
Wednesday, 3 April

9:30 – 9:40

Welcome, approval of the agenda

[DOC 1]

9:40 – 9:45

Minutes of the previous meeting (for endorsement)

55th MIG-T meeting 2019-02-28

9:45 – 11:00

2019.2 Improving data availability (for exchange of views)

  • Geoportal workshop 23-24 January 2019
  • Geoportal update
  • Follow-up actions on data usability

11:00 – 11:30

Coffee break


11:30 – 13:00

2019.2 Improving data availability (continued)

[PRES 2] Improving data usability on the Geoportal

[PRES 2-1] Usability - Data organization

[PRES 2-2] Usability - Authentication layer

[PRES 2-3] Usability - Licensing conditions

13:00 – 14:30

Lunch (mensa)


14:30 – 15:30

2018.1 INSPIRE monitoring and reporting (for information)

15:30 – 16:00

Archiving geospatial information within the CEF eArchiving Building block (for information and exchange of views)

[DOC 4] eArchiving

[PRES 4] Archiving geospatial information within the CEF eArchiving Building Block

16:00 – 16:30

Coffee break


16:30 – 17:30

2017.3 Improved client support & “Can I use” platform (for information)

  • Action status and planning



Bus to hotel



Social dinner


Thursday, 4 April
9:00 - 9:10Summary of Day 1 - Open discussion points
9:10 - 9:15Re3gistry (for information)
  • Status  and next steps
[PRES 6] Re3gistry

9:15 – 10:30

Validation (for exchange of views)

  • Status ETS and ETF developments (new ETS for MD v2.0, View Service, SOS, WCS)
  • Workflow for raising & resolving issues
  • Role of reference validator / maturity levels ; Link to monitoring and reporting

[PRES 7] INSPIRE Reference Validator

10:30 – 11:00Coffee break

11:00 – 11:30

2017.2 Alternative encodings (for information and exchange of views)

  • Status and planning
  • GeoPackage proposal - next steps

[DOC 5.1] GeoJSON encoding rule (draft)

[DOC 5.2] Model transformation rules (draft)

11:30 – 12:00

WFS 3.0 mapping - download service (for exchange of views)

  • Status and next steps

[DOC-6] IRs-WFS3.0 mapping discussion paper v1.2 [DOCX] [PDF]

[PRES 8] WFS 3.0 - Standard

12:00 – 12:30

Updates IR-ISDSS – status and planning  (for information)

  • Statistical data & SU
  • Other change proposals

[PRES 9] Updates on IR-ISDSS (Statistical data & SU)

12:30 – 14:00

Lunch (mensa)


14:00 – 14:45

Linking spatial data (for exchange of views)

  • MS activities (ES, BE, IT)
14:45 - 15:15

INSPIRE guidelines on implementing web service security

  • Discuss possible actions related to OGC OWS Common Security Standard
OWS Common Security Standard

15:15 – 15:45

Coffee break


15:45 – 16:15

Information points (for information)

16:15 – 16:30

Conclusions and next steps



The minutes summarise the main conclusions and actions from the meeting. Actions are indicated in the minutes using checkboxes and are tracked in the "Open actions" section below.

The meeting was attended by experts from ....

Agenda itemNotes, Conclusions & Actions
Welcome and approval of the agenda

The agenda was approved without changes.

Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved without changes.

2019.2 Improving data availability

Geoportal workshop 23-24 January 2019

  • a summary of the workshop was provided by JRC: objectives, attendance, participants' expectations, results of the survey distributed before the workshop, conclusions and actions
  • the security incident has been solved, but as a consequence:
    • the metadata editor and the Validator 2 have been definitively dismissed
    • some actions agreed were delayed:
      • JRC to finalize and share the full report of the Geoportal workshop
      • JRC to reorganize the Helpdesk (FAQ’s, closing issues, etc.)
    • participants' feedback showed that the expectations for the workshop were satisfied, in particular:
      • the Geoportal backend was understood
      • the future developments (Harvesting Console, INSPIRE Analytics, etc.) were considered useful
      • MS liked the idea of an annual in-presence meeting + regular teleconf meetings for sharing best practices
        • BE to share some best practices they have and was encouraged to do that using the available template for best practices

Geoportal update

  • After a significant increase in the number of resources (including priority data sets) available on the Geoportal from September 2018 to January 2019, now there is more fluctuation in the numbers.

  • A demo of the new Geoportal Harvesting Console (launched during the meeting) was presented, highlighting the main features:
    • access is ECAS-protected:
      • JRC has asked MS to indicate 2 authorized MS catalogue admins to which access was granted
    • after authentication, the catalogue admin can see the harvesting status, the endpoints to harvest and their responsible organizations
    • when a harvest is performed, the catalogue admin can check the issues found, see a comparison against the previous harvest, access the sandbox instance of the Geoportal showing the situation in case the harvest results were published, and publish the results
    • a help guide on how to perform the harvest is available
    • a discussion was held on the possible role of this new mechanism (MS decision on the publication of harvest results) for Monitoring and Reporting
      • for MS (e.g. IT) where the technical responsibles (performing harvesting) and the political responsible (giving consent to publishing) are different, access should be granted to more than 2 admins:
        • MS to provide JRC with the details of additional people to be granted access
      • the new mechanism should not discourage MS to keep on publishing data sets as-is
    • JRC to add the option to schedule a harvesting at a specific day/time
    • the Harvesting Console includes the previous functionality of the discovery service registry

  • A demo of the new version 1.1 of the Geoportal (released the previous week) was presented
    • new features (front-end): search function on results, copy-to-clipboard function, support for automatic metadata translation (provided by the EC Translation Service), priority data set keywords added in the metadata detail page
    • back-end: more flexibility for WFS Download services
    • a release note page was created to inform about current and future releases of the Geoportal:
      • v. 1.2 by June/July 2019, v. 2.0 by October/November 2019

  • A demo of the Resource Linkage Verification Tool was presented:
    • purposes: check the linkages between MD and View/Download services and eliminate the use of the Geoportal as a testing environment
    • the tool returns a report listing the issues in the verfication process (with detailed explanations available for each of them).
    • the application is under finalization and will be published in the coming weeks
    • a discussion follows, where:
      • it is clarified that this tool is not meant to be used to validate resources (which is the scope of the Reference Validator)
      • since the purpose is to check the links between metadata and services, both MD TG 1.3 and 2.0 can be used
  • 11 countries expressed interest in participating in the testing:
    • A kick-off meeting will take place at the end of April / beginning of May to:

      • compare implementations and discuss open issues
      • update/extend discussion paper (to be presented to the MIG) based on testing results

    • JRC to schedule the kick-off meeting for resource linking and inform the 11 MS

Follow-up actions on data usability

  • Following the work started during the Geoportal workshop, the importance of ensuring data usability, in addition to availability and beyond the legal requirements of the Directive is highlighted.
  • 3 usability issues are prioritized and separately presented/discussed (see below).
  • The proposed follow-up action (supported by participants, see results) consists to draft a short best practice document for each of the 3 issues:
    • an editor (and possibly some contributors) are required for each issue
    • JRC is able to support the cost of 10 days of work for each of the 3 editors
    • JRC to send out a formal call for editors on data usability
    • MS expert to express their interest to lead/contribute to the documents

1. Implementation strategies for Network Services:

  • 3 examples are shown of usability issues encountered while trying to access/consume data on the Geoportal:
    • GML data sets of gigantic file sizes, with their own application schema and naming convention, provided through ATOM feeds - not loadable in clients
    • single View/Download Services providing 1500+ data sets related to multiple themes
    • huge data sets (~250 MB) served through WFS Download Services, causing slow/impossible downloads for clients
  • A discussion follows, where it is suggested to keep track of user access to View/Download Services from the Geoportal.

2. Protection & authentication

  • Although INSPIRE allows MS to limit access to Network Services (Articles 13 & 14), sometimes this limitation poses serious usability issues, e.g.:
    • Get Network Service Metadata requests accessible through authentication (e.g. CAPTCHA)
    • View Services not accessible and Download Services accessible through authentication, without clear instructions for users on how to get credentials

3. Licensing

  • INSPIRE data sets are released under a huge heterogeneity of licenses.
  • An example is shown, where a user wants to use AD data sets (found on the Geoportal) for multiple MS, combine and use them for commercial purposes
    • it is hard to know under which conditions the data sets found can be combined and used.
    • it would be useful to automatically check all the Geoportal data sets available under open data licenses.

2018.1 INSPIRE monitoring and reporting

Testing of country fiche editor

  • Activities were slightly delayed due to the work to address the security issue
  • Testing was performed from 25/02 to 08/03 with 5 MS, feedback was very positive and many improvements proposals were sent.
  • The tool has been available for National reporters since 25/03.

Discussion of indicators (incl. conformant vs. "as is" data) & maturity levels

  • The new indicators and their calculation methods were consolidated and are presented:
    • they reflect a basic conformance level (as-is data) as compared to an advanced conformance level (to be certified using the Reference Validator)
    • JRC to define a minimum set of metadata required for the basic conformance level
    • JRC to investigate how the Reference Validator can be linked/integrated in the Geoportal

Input from DE

  • Presentation and discussion on different scenarios considering transformability of source data sets and provision of INSPIRE-related data sets before („as is“) and after reaching interoperability milestones („harmonised“).

Code list for spatial coverage

  • The code list was developed with sub-group 2018.1 and is already available in the INSPIRE Registry:
    • available codes are european, global, local, national, regional and examples of usage are outlined in the document
    • the code list is under translation in all EU languages and MS are asked to provide feedback on the translation
    • MS to provide feedback on the translation in their national language

Implementation roadmap

  • Provided in the guidance document for national reporters

Archiving geospatial information within the CEF eArchiving Building block

  • There is a high need to archive geospatial information for many reasons.
  • Within the CEF buildings blocks to facilitate delivery of digital public services across borders, the new eArchiving building block is presented
  • There are potential links with INSPIRE (common guidelines and tools, adoption of the eArchiving building block, etc.):
    • an opportunity is the Geopreservation Conference will be held in Ljubliana, Slovenia on May 6-7, 2019
2017.3 Improved client support & “Can I use” platform
  • This action has not a sub-group associated, it was assigned to a consortium of companies:
    • clients tested were both desktop and web, proprietary and open source
    • GML data used for testing was retrieved from the Geoportal (AD and EF) and in some cases modified ad hoc
  • Test suites were developed for GML and GeoJSON, looking at client support for different functions (load data, create/edit features, CRS handling, etc.)
  • Results are available in GitHub and summarized in a web page, which shows which software supports which function:
    • results are ready for GML, will be completed for GeoJSON - based on results from Action 2017.2
    • desktop GIS provide more support than web GIS, with QGIS performing the best, although some functions are not in general supported (e.g. GML feature editing)
  • Follow-up:
    • finalizing tests, prioritizing issues, sharing results
    • contacting software vendors to ask for easy fixes and invite them to the final meeting
    • JRC to contact QGIS community to ask for a fix to the GML load issue shown during the MIG-T meeting
    • JRC to organize the final meeting in June - an option is to held it in Leuven jointly with the OGC meeting, so that OGC is also involved
    • JRC to evaluate other opportunities to present the work, e.g. at FOSS4G 2019
  • v. 2.0 of the Re3gistry is under development, in collaboration with the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS):
    • JRC is testing the editing interface and the bulk import modules - testing instance available by the end of April

    • NLS is testing the data cache and data API modules - testing instance available in May

    • target release date is June 2019


Status of ETS and ETF developments

  • Cloud instances of the INSPIRE Reference Validator were setup for increased performances; currently there are:
  • New ATS/ETS were developed for View Services (WMS, WMTS), SOS and WCS Download Services, and MD TG 2.0:
  • New improvements to the ETF: re-run button, changed color of skipped tests, bug-fixes (e.g. password field hidden).
  • all to inform their data providers about the new ETS/ETF developments, test them in the Staging instance and report possible issues in the next 3-4 weeks
  • JRC to invite members of sub-group 2017.4 to test the new ETS/ETF developments

Helpdesk assistance

  • The central point where any issue/question on the Validator shall be reported is the GitHub Community space.
  • Each issue is addressed according to a specific workflow, where the solution is first developed in the Staging instance and the reported is invited to test and approve it.

Future developments

  • A changelog and a release planning for the Staging and Production instances are available.
  • ETS for CSW will be available for testing in about one month.
  • ETF future developments include testing the cloud deployment, setup a workflow for automated testing/integration of new developments, and new functionality (e.g. visual improvement of test reports and provision of additional download formats for test reports).
  • If there is interest from MS, JRC can organize a workshop for developers on the Validator (before October)
  • JRC to collect interest in holding a workshop for ETS (and potentially ETF) developers

2017.2 Alternative encodings

Status and planning

  • The work of the sub-group is almost complete; final documents will be available soon:
    • the main outcome is a generic GeoJSON encoding rule, complemented by a set of model transformation rules specifically developed for AD and EF themes
    • public review of the documents will be open until the end of May, then the documents will be proposed for endorsement to the MIG in June

Geopackage proposal

  • A successful encoding of AU and GN data sets (originally GML files with thousands of objects) in the GeoPackage format was performed in Spain.
  • Emilio to summarize the procedure and results in a technical document (re-using the same template of the GeoJSON document), also focusing on other themes (TN, HY)
  • All to communicate interest and join Emilio in writing the document on Geopackage as an alternative encoding
  • Overall, it is clear that different encodings might be useful for different themes and different applications (e.g. GeoJSON for visualization purposes, GeoPackage for network analysis).
  • AT will host a GeoPackage hackathon in May (in German)
  • AT to report about the GeoPackage hackathon.

WFS 3.0 mapping - download service

  • An introduction on WFS 3.0, current status and next steps is presented:
    • release candidate is out, approval process is ongoing and there will be a hackathon in London on June 20-21
  • The status of the paper on mapping INSPIRE IR's for Network Services with WFS 3.0 is presented:
    • discussion is limited because few participants have read the document in advance
  • All to read the WFS 3.0 document and provide feedback at the next MIG-T meeting

Updates IR-ISDSS

  • A meeting was held in ESTAT on 26/03/2019 with JRC, ESTAT, PL and NL:
    • a number of changes to the IR, TG and the INSPIRE Registry were agreed for SU, PD and HH themes.
  • Feedback on the revision of the IR on ISDSS was provided before 31/01/2019 by 5 MS (AT, DE, DK, NL, PL):
    • both requests for clarification and additional change proposals were provided
  • JRC to reply to the feedback from MS
  • JRC to further amend the legal text and pass it to the Legal Service to contonue the revision process

Linking spatial data

  • IT and ES presented two valuable examples on the use of spatial linked data and their possible link with INSPIRE.
  • JRC to plan possible follow-up activities on this.

Information points

  • INSPIRE event 2019, Helsinki, October 22-24:
    • coordinated by the Finnish NLS with support of the JRC, it will mainly target a technical audience and organized around technical challenges
    • website and call for challenges to be launched in the next few weeks
  • ELISE EU gazetteer pilot:
    • the work on WP2 (supporting the acquisition of AD and GN data sets from the Geoportal) is progressing well
    • results will be useful to evaluate usability of INSPIRE data sets for a concrete, pan-European need
  • INSPIRE-based reporting for Invasive Alien Species (IAS) Directive:
    • a case study is presented on how the INSPIRE infrastructure was used by a non-traditional community (in particular, for reporting for the IAS Directive)
    • IACS/LPIS data have a huge potential to be shared using INSPIRE infrastructure, as already done by some MS; additional work is needed to facilitate integration
  • Workshop on making spatial data discoverable through mainstream search engines:
    • the workshop will be held at the JRC in Ispra on July 3-4, 2019
    • call for abstract is open untile May 3, 2019


  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation MIG_T_56_Linked_data_Flanders.pptx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation LinkedDataSpain.pptx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
PDF File LOD_EF_SOSA.pdf Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation [PRES 6] JRC-Re3gistry2-overview.pptx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation [PRES 5] Can-I-Use-INSPIRE.pptx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
PDF File PDS for eReporting_status29032019 .pdf Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation IAS_e-Reporting.pptx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation [PRES 2-3] Usability-licensing.pptx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation [PRES 2-2] usability_authentication.pptx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation [PRES 2-1] NetworkService_Strategies.pptx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation INSPIRE Geoportal_MIG-T_ISPRA_2019_Usability_RT1.pptx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation INSPIRE Geoportal_MIG-T_ISPRA_2019_Opening_RT1.pptx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Validator_v3.pptx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
PDF File WFS3-MIG-T_56th.pdf Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 2019-04-03_MIG-T_meeting_56_input_2018.1MonitoringAndReporting.pptx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation JRC-eArchiving Building Block_April2019EN.pptx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Indicator details v03042019.xlsx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
PDF File INSPIRE_event_2019.pdf Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 2019-04-04_Gazetteer_Status.pptx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation CountryFicheTool.pptx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 2018-03-26_Meeting_EUROSTAT.pptx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
PDF File [DOC-6] IRs-WFS3.0 mapping discussion paper v1.2.pdf Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
Microsoft Word Document [DOC-6] IRs-WFS3.0 mapping discussion paper v1.2.docx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
PDF File INSPIRE_ReportingGuidance2019_v1.0.pdf Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
Microsoft Word Document SpatialScope code list_v1.0.docx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Indicator details v31012019.xlsx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
PDF File DOC4_eArchiving.pdf Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
PDF File PRES-1 INSPIRE Geoportal status & planning.pdf Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation PRES-1 INSPIRE Geoportal status & planning.pptx Aug 19, 2021 by Nicolas CASEL

Open Actions

Task report

Looking good, no incomplete tasks.