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What to analyse?

What do I need to know?

Guides, methodologies and tools 

Context description
Public policy

  • Are there any context changes relevant to the intervention?
  • Are there any major changes in the public policy or stakeholder analysis affecting problem analysis?

HRBA toolbox

Resource Package on gender Mainstreaming / (Implementation)

Guidance for Conflict analysis

EU Staff Handbook on Operating in situations of conflict and fragility (Conflict, Resilience)


(Project monitoring reports)

Data Collection Tools (Participatory tools)

Problem /priority areas for support

Risks and assumptions

  • Is the problem analysis still valid?
  • Is the intervention logic holding, and are the output and outcome still coherent with the intervention logic?
  • Is the risk analysis still valid?
  • Are any mitigation measures put in place having the desired effect?
  • Are key challenges, issues and opportunities regularly discussed with and among relevant stakeholders (communities, government, etc.)?

Risk management

Logical Framework Approach

Guidance on Results and Indicators for Development

(Project monitoring reports)

Problem tree/objectives


  • Are the indicators still relevant for the intervention?
  • Is a monitoring-evaluation-learning strategy in place, and is it providing useful information?
  • For interventions which required an EIA and/or a CRA, have the environmental management plans and/or climate risk management plans been reflected in the contracts and agreements?
  • Is the intervention causing unacceptable environmental impacts or increasing climate vulnerability?
  • Are appropriate mitigation measures being taken?
  • Are opportunities being harnessed to enhance positive environmental impacts, low-carbon development and climate resilience?
  • Has conflict sensitivity been monitored?

Logical Framework Approach 

Guidance on internal monitoring for results

Result-Oriented Monitoring (ROM)

Guidance on Results and Indicators for Development

Contractual and financial follow-up

  • Are the terms of reference / project description in line with the provisions of the Action Document/financing agreement?
  • Is procurement considering the risks of corruption and conflict in the country, or of any EU sanctions or trade sanction regimes?
  • Are there specific requirements to be captured in the relevant contracts? Do specific conditions need to be introduced?
  • Is the public procurement process considering including environmental criteria?
  • Is standard reporting adequate for the intervention?
  • Do reports allow assessment of progress towards achievement in providing the status of the intervention? Do they provide sufficient information on financial execution?
  • Is procurement on time? If not, what are the implications for the intervention? Is an extension needed?
  • Is procurement publicised?
  • Is there a need for an audit (financial or performance)?


  • If a mid-term review is planned/required, what is the most appropriate timing? Is an evaluation necessary to reassess/redesign the intervention?
