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Closure procedure in INTPAIn the context of budget support, the Delegation prepares a brief final report no later than three months after disbursement of the last tranche. This report seeks to draw lessons on key results and main challenges for future budget support interventions and to improve communication on results. A similar report is required for the closure of grant contracts and Delegation agreements.
In the context of blending, reporting is the responsibility of the lead financial institution according to the provisions of the specific framework agreement or memorandum of understanding for the blending intervention. Some special elements of reporting are normally required related to the implementation of financial instruments beyond the standard indirect management requirements. For blending, see Guidelines on EU blending operations ProcessClosure entails both administrative actions (e.g. final reporting, final payments, possibly a final audit, closure of contracts, closing of the financing decision) and a learning process (reflection on the intervention examining its efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and impact, so as to draw lessons for future interventions). If appropriate, an ex post evaluation is performed to confirm conclusions and draw lessons assessing all intervention stages to identify what went right, what went wrong and why. |