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Export and import mobility activities using xlsx files
Export and import mobility activities using xlsx files

This page explains how to view and read the error import logs related to the import of mobility activities as as well as the most common error messages. When importing a file, the system first checks if the file type is right, then it checks if the field format and content are correct and finally it checks against the rules described in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.

If the import is successful, the status displayed is IMPORTED. If the file cannot be processed or the minimum information for creating a draft mobility activity is not present, the file will not be imported. In such cases, the ERRORstatus is displayed

You will be able to view the import log, and it includes a link to more details about the import error. If the import is successful, the status displayed is IMPORTED. Depending on the case, the import log will provide additional details about missing/incorrect information in the mobility activities.Below are detailing the import and providing an overview of issues encountered per mobility activity in the import file, such as missing/incorrect information in the mobility activities. In addition, you will also be able to view additional details of the import, including, for example, information regarding mobility activity status and budget changes for imported mobility activities that occurred. 

If any errors occurred during the file import, it is possible to download a feedback file from the import log. This feedback file will contain all data provided in the import file and indicate the fields with errors.

titleClick here some examples of rules that must be respected
. For full information about rules and restrictions please consult the Erasmus+ Programme guide and check the Data dictionary for specific field rules in the import files
for an import to be successful.
  • it is not allowed to have multiple organisations
  • with the same OID
  • it is not allowed to have multiple mobility activities with the same Mobility Activity ID
  • the sending and receiving organisations cannot be the same
  • the sending and receiving countries cannot be the same (depending on key action)
  • the number of interruption or zero grant days cannot be greater than the duration
  • the number of travel days must be between 0 and 6 or between 0 and 2 respectively (no decimals), depending on whether the indicated means of transportation is sustainable or not (if applicable for the key action)
  • the start date cannot be after
the the end
  • the end date
  • the start date cannot be before the project start date
  • the end date cannot be after the project end date

For full information about rules and restrictions please consult the Erasmus+ Programme guide and check the Data dictionary and Mobility Import-Export templates for specific field rules and formatting specifics in the import files for each Key action and call year. 

  • the duration of Student mobility activities cannot be greater than 360 days
  • the duration of Staff mobility activities cannot be less than 2 days and more than 60 days

    See the page Edit the mobility activity import file for details on how to update the import file. For information on how to use the import export mobility activities functionality, see Export and import mobility activities using XLSX files.

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    Manage mobility activity export and import
    Manage mobility activity export and import

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    Numbered Headings

    Access the "Import-export mobility activity" section in your project

    Select Import-export mobility activity in your project from the Content menu. The Import-export mobility activity screen opens and from here you can export and import the mobility activities and have access to the Import/Export status list

    Import export mobility activities screenImage Added

    Import/Export status list


    After an export or import of a

    View the error message and log

    titleTake note

    After import of the mobility activity file, a line item displays in the status of the import in the Import/Export status list.

    If the status is indicated with ERROR, the import has failed. Click on ERROR to view the reasons for the failed import. In certain cases, the error message will also indicate that additional details are provided in the import log.

    If the file was imported successfully, the status is indicated as IMPORTED. In addition:

    • If the mobility activities are imported as DRAFT, the log only shows the Required values for completing the mobility activity.
    • If all mobility activities are imported as complete, there is no information in the log.

    Click on ERROR in the Status column. A pop-up window opens, displaying the reason for the failed import. The file name is displayed at the top of the window.

    Click on ERRORImage Removed

    To view the details of the import, click on View Log in the Actions column, where applicable. A pop-up window opens, displaying the various types of errors for your specific import in sections. The file name is displayed at the top of the window.

    Use the right arrow (>) to expand each category, to view the full list and details of the errors to correct.

    View logImage Removed

    The number of errors of each type is shown next to that category title (1). For each error found in the import file, you will see the column name (2), as well as the affected cells (3) in the file, which you need to correct. The error message will help you understand what to look for (4).

    If you have more than 10 errors in a specific category, use the browsing options (number of items per page and navigation arrows) (5) to navigate through the list.

    View error detailsImage Removed

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    Examples of import errors

    Failed import related to file processing

    If an incorrect file type (other than CSV or XLS/XLSX is selected to import, an error message appears immediately. The file is not imported and the attempted import is not listed in the Import/Export status list, therefore there is no log for this type of error.

    Import fails due to incorrect file typeImage Removed

    The import fails and the ERROR message is displayed in cases such as:

    • The file configuration is different from the template configuration
    Failed import due to incorrect file configurationImage Removed
    • System errors in processing the file

    Failed import due to system errorsImage Removed

    Failed import due to validation rule for cell format and content

    The import will fail due to validation rules for cell format and content, such as:

    1. There are missing mandatory details for creating the draft record in the project:
      Minimum details to create mobility draft mobility are missingImage Removed
    2. Not using the allowed codes in field terms, as specified in the Data dictionary:
      Field value does not comply with the Data DictionaryImage Removed
    3. Not respecting the accepted decimal separator or date format.

    Failed import due to business rule that has not been respected

    The import will fail if a business rule has not been respected. The ERROR message is displayed, and the import log provides details of the business rule that has not been respected.

    For example:

  • It is not allowed to have multiple mobility activities with the same ID.
    Failed import due to duplicate mobility activity IDImage Removed
  • It is not allowed to have multiple organisations (different OIDs from the Organisation Registration system) with the same Organisation ID.
    Failed import due to duplicate Organisation IDImage Removed
  • Import/Export status list. For each import or export you will see the following elements: 

    1. Import/Export - the type of operation
    2. Date - date and time of the operation
    3. Context - always displays Reported
    4. Student/Staff - available in HED projects only and shows if student or staff mobilities were imported or exported
    5. File - allows you to download a copy of the file, by clicking on the hyperlinked file name
    6. Status - displays the status of the export or import
    7. Number of imported or exported mobility activities in status Complete
    8. Number of imported or exported mobility activities in status Draft
    9. View - allows you to open and view the import log, which provides details of the import
    10. Browsing options at the bottom of the list to view additional records

    Use the reload option at the top right corner of the list to view the latest status of the export/import. If your project or file to import contains a very large number of mobility activities, exporting or importing may take longer. 

    Import and export history and statusImage Added 

    Import and Export statuses

    The export process has the following statuses, clearly indicated in the Status column:

    • Requested - the user has requested the export by clicking on the Export button
    • Exporting - the export is in progress
    • Exported - the export is completed and the file is ready to be downloaded

    The import process has the following statuses:

    • Requested - the user has triggered the file import by uploading the file
    • Processing - the file has been validated against business rules and the import is in progress
    • Imported - all records were successfully imported
    • Error - the import file was rejected due to errors

    A log is created when you export and import mobility activities.

    Import and export statusesImage Added

    Open the import log

    Click on the View icon for the import to access the import log. 

    Click on View to open import logImage Added

    The File request details screen

    The File request details screen opens, displaying the details of the import including the various types of errors for your specific import, as applicable. The following is available on screen:

    1. Summary for Import request - displaying an overview of the import action and outcome(s), with information such as the number of records processed or the number of status and budget changes including the import timeline
    2. List of impacted mobilities - displaying the list of mobility activities per imported file including errors as well as status and budget changes, if any 

      titleTake note

      The availability of detailed information in the list depends on the Import status and, in the case of a failed import, at which step the import failed.

    3. back to import list option - will return you to the Import-export mobility activity screen

    File request details screenImage Added

    If you open the log for a file export, only the Summary for export request is displayed. 

    Example of Summary for file exportImage Added

    Summary for import request

    The Summary for Import request displays the following details: 

    1. Type - displays Import for file imports
    2. Status - of the import action; possible values are: Processing (import is ongoing), Imported (import is finalised) or Failed (an error occurred during import)
    3. Context - always displays Reported
    4. Requested/Done - displays dates and times of the import or export and the duration it took for the action to complete
    5. File - displays the file name of the imported or exported file
    6. Nr Mobility added - displays the number of mobility activities that were added during import
    7. Nr Mobility updated - displays the number of mobility activities that were updated during import
    8. Nr Status changes - displays the number of mobility activities where the import resulted in a change in status, for example from None to Draft, None to Complete or Draft to Complete
    9. Nr Budget changes - displays the number of mobility activities where the import resulted in a change in the calculated budget
    10. Import timeline - displays the various steps to complete during import and will indicate the step at which an import failed, in the case of import status Error;
      • Steps in the timeline are colour coded: blue dots indicate the steps to complete, green dots indicate the steps successfully completed and a red step indicates at which step an import failed, if applicable
      • Only when all steps in the timeline are indicated with a green dot, the file import will be successful

    The values displayed for Nr Mobility added, Nr Mobility updated, Nr Status changes and Nr Budget changes are hyperlinked and will, when clicked on, filter the List of impacted mobilities, only displaying the mobility activities as per option clicked on.

     File request details screen for file importImage Added

    Here is an example of the import summary while the file import is still ongoing, in status Processing. In the import timeline the steps marked in green are already completed. Steps marked in blue are still to be completed. No mobility activities have been imported at this point.

    Example of import summary while the file import is still ongoingImage Added

    Here is an example of the import summary for a failed import with the status Error. In the import timeline the step marked in red is the one at which the import failed. An error message is displayed, providing a summary of the issue encountered during import. In this example, the message states that duplicated mobilities were found in the file, which is not allowed. 

    Example of import summary for failed importImage Added

    List of impacted mobilities


    The List of impacted mobilities,below the summary, displays by default all added and/or updated mobility activities:

    1. The Mobilities and Error tabs allow you to view all mobilities or only mobilities imported with an error.
      • For each tab, additional buttons are available, allowing you to narrow down the list further.
      • On the Mobilities tab, you can select All, which is the default, Added, Updated, Status changes or Budget changes
      • On the Errors tab, you can select Total, which is the default, Validation or Fatal.
    2. The list (2) displays the relevant mobility activities as per tab and any set filter. By default, all mobility activities are displayed in ascending order by Row number.
    titleTake note

    The availability of detailed information in the list depends on the Import status and, in the case of a failed import, at which step the import failed.

    List of impacted mobilitiesImage Added

    Here is an example of the List of impacted mobilities for a failed import,due to fatal errors encountered during import. No mobility activities have been imported and no mobility activities are displayed when the Mobilities tab is selected.

    When you click on the Errors tab, the list displayed will detail the lines, columns and other related information for the import file including the error message and its severity. See below for details regarding errors during import.


    If at least one fatal error is encountered during import, the import will fail for all mobility activities in the file.

    List of impacted mobilities for a failed import, due to fatal errors encountered during importImage Added


    "Mobilities" tab

    titleTake note

    The availability of detailed information in the list depends on the Import status and, in the case of a failed import, at which step the import failed.

    The information provided in the Mobilities tab provides an overview of the mobility activities, including their status after import and budget information. The following details are available for listed mobility activities when the Mobilities tab is selected:

    1. Mobility activity ID - displays the Mobility activity ID, the unique identifier for the participant in the project
    2. Added/Updated - displays if mobility activity was Added or Updated
    3. Success - display status of processing; can be true or false
      • If at least one mobility activity is marked as false, the import failed
    4. Row number - displays the row in the import file for the specific mobility activity 
    5. Status change - displays status change information; for example from None to Draft or from Draft to Complete
      • If no status change occurred, both statuses displayed will be the same
      • Mobility activities in Draft status after import will display the hyperlinked number of invalid fields next to the status
        • Invalid fields means, in this context, the fields/information that must be provided for the mobility activity status changing to Complete
        • Clicking on the link will open a pop-up, displaying the affected fields in the mobility activity details
    6. Total Budget change - displays the total calculated budget for the mobility activity before and after revalidation
      • If no change in the budget occurred, both displayed values will be the same
    7. View and Update options - only for successful imports; hyperlinked; allowing you to open the mobility activity details
      • Selecting view will open the mobility activity details in read-only mode
      • Selecting update will open the mobility activity details in edit mode

    A status change does not necessarily result in a change of the total budget and vice versa.

    List of impacted mobilities opened on the Mobilities tabImage Added


    "Errors" tab

    The information provided in the Errors tab will assist you in identifying the errors within your imported file so you can make the needed corrections and re-import it. The following details are available for listed mobility activities when the Error tab is selected:

    1. Line - displays the row of the import file in which error is present
    2. Column nr - displays the column number of the import file in which error is present
    3. Column code - displays the column code of the import file in which error is present 
    4. Column label - displays the 
    5. Error - displays the relevant error 
    6. Severity - displays the error severity, either Validation or Fatal 
      • If at least one fatal error is encountered during import, the import will fail and no mobility activities will be added or updated
    7. Download file with feedback button - allows you to download the feedback file including the relevant error information
      • This feedback file can, after update, be used to re-import the mobility activities

    List of impacted mobilities opened on the Errors tabImage Added


    "Invalid fields" for imported "Draft" mobility activities

    In the case of a successful import where mobility activities in status Draft were added or updated, the hyperlinked number of invalid fields is displayed in the Status change column.

    When clicked on, a pop-up opens and displays a list of fields that must be checked and updated in the mobility activity details, either by reimporting the file after corrections are made or by updating the mobility activity manually in Beneficiary module. 

    In our example, for all displayed fields, the required values are missing in the mobility activity details for the mobility activity to reach status Complete. Click on the X in the top right corner of the pop-up to close it. 

    The mobility activities in status Draft must be checked and updated. You can click on the update option of the mobility activity to open the individual mobility activity details in edit mode.


    The view and update options are only available in the list if the file import was successful.

    You can also, at a later stage, open the mobility activity details from the list of mobility activities in your project to make changes or use the mobility export and import functionality, where available, to complete the draft mobility activities. 

    Invalid fields for draft mobility activityImage Added

    titleTake note

    Only mobility activities in status Complete are taken into account for the calculated Reported Budget in a project. See Budget in projects for additional information. 

    You will not be able to submit the Final Beneficiary report for a project if any draft mobility activities are available in your project. Before the Final Beneficiary report can be submitted, draft mobility activities must either be completed or deleted from the project. See Manage the final beneficiary report for additional information. 

    "Invalid fields" for "Invalid" mobility activities

    If the import of mobility activities failed due to missing mandatory information to create a draft mobility activity in the import file, the status of the affected mobility activities will be Invalid. When clicking on the invalid fields hyperlink a pop-up opens, displaying information that the mobility activity is invalid because at least one draft field is wrong.

    For the relevant field(s), Value missing (Draft field) is displayed. The import will fail for as long as the relevant fields are not provided in the import file, as these are required to create a draft mobility activity in the project. You must make the relevant changes in the import file and reimport it.


    Missing mandatory information to create a draft mobility activity will result in a Fatal error and the import to fail. 

    Invalid fields for invalid mobility activityImage Added

    For the details on the mobility activities per action type, please consult the relevant wiki pages:

    Children Display
    pageAdd mobility activities to projects

    Filter the List of impacted mobilities

    There are multiple options to narrow down the List of impacted mobilities. 

    In the Summary for Import request section of the screen, the values displayed for Nr Mobility added, Nr Mobility updated, Nr Status changes and Nr Budget changes are hyperlinked and will, when clicked on, filter the List of impacted mobilities, only displaying the mobility activities as per option clicked on.

    Click on the desired option. In our example, we click on Nr Budget changes (1) and the List of impacted mobilities (2) is updated, now only displaying the one mobility activity fulfilling the selected criterium. The related filter button, Budget changes, is automatically activated.

    To remove the filter, either click on Nr Budget changes in the summary section again or click on the Budget changes filter button to deactivate it. 

    Set filter in the Summary for Import request section of the screenImage Added

    You can also use the specific filter buttons available in the Mobilities or Errors tabs to narrow down the list. 

    In this example, we filter the List of impacted mobilities to display only mobility activities added during import. In the Mobilities tab we click on the Added button and the list is updated as per option selected. 


    It is not possible to combine the available filter options.

    Filter the List of impacted mobilities using the filter buttons in the Mobilities tabImage Added

    In this example, we filter the List of impacted mobilities to display only mobility activities with Fatal errors for a failed import. In the Errors tab we click on the Fatal filter button and the list is updated as per option selected.

    Filter the List of impacted mobilities using the filter buttons in the Errors tabImage Added


    Common import errors

    During import errors can occur that may or may not result in the import to fail. For the import, there is a difference for Validation and Fatal errors. Validation errors will not result in the import to fail. But if at least one fatal error is encountered, the import will fail. 

    In the Errors tab of the List of impacted mobilities, specific filter buttons are available, allowing you to only display Validation or Fatal errors. 

    Validation errors

    Validation errors during import will not result in the import to fail, but indicate that certain information provided in the file is missing or has, for example, a wrong value. 

    Validation errors occur, for example, if:

    • a value required to complete the mobility activity was not provided
    • the number of travel days provided does not adhere to the specific business rule (
    The number of travel days
    • must be between 0 and 6 or between 0 and 2 respectively
    (no decimals)
    • , depending on whether the indicated means of transportation is sustainable or not (if applicable for the key action)
    • the number, for example, of the calculated Duration days higher than the allowed value for the activity type

    In this example all validation errors display the message Value missing, meaning the information was not provided in the imported file.

  • The duration of Student mobility activities cannot be greater than 360 days.
  • The end date cannot be after the project end date.
  • Successful import with draft mobility activities

    If the file import was successful, the import status is IMPORTED, the mobility activities are imported having the status DRAFT, and the import log shows the required fields or business rules to be respected for the draft mobility activities to become COMPLETE. 

    For example:

    1. When mobility activities completed in the Mobility activities screen are exported and reimported, they are checked automatically against all rules, including business rules that may have been introduced or updated after the mobility activity was completed. In such cases, the reimported mobility activity becomes a draft if it no longer complies with such rules. 
      Validation rules are not observed for complete mobility Image Removed
    2. The values for certain fields are out of range.
      Values are out of rangeImage Removed
    3. Values required for a complete mobility activity are missing. 
    Missing values to complete the mobility activityImage Removed


    Example of Validation errors with Values missingImage Added

    In this example the first two validation errors shown are due to the number of the relevant Duration days being higher than the allowed values for this activity type. 

    Example of Validation errors with incorrect valuesImage Added

    Fatal errors

    Fatal errors during import will result in the import to fail. In the import log you can use the specific filter options to only display these type of errors from the Errors tab. Fatal errors can occur, for example, if:

    • the file configuration is different from the template configuration, which can happen, for example, in HED projects when importing a Staff import file while the Students option was selected under Import mobility activities;
    • Duplicate Mobility Activity ID in the file;
    • Duplicate Organisation ID for Sending and/or Receiving organisation in the file
    • Wrong Grant agreement number in the file; or
    • Wrong dictionary values provided, for example instead of dictionary value "NO" only "N" was provided in a field. 

    In the File request details screen, an error message will display in the Summary for Import request section. When the Errors tab is selected in the List of impacted mobilities you can view the details. For the fatal error(s) encountered, specific error messages display in the list. 

    Duplicated mobilities found

    In this example the import failed due to duplicate Mobility activity IDs in the file. 

    Failed import due to duplicate Mobility activity IDs in the fileImage Added

    At least one Mobility is invalid. Please check errors tab

    In this example the import failed due to at least one mobility activity being invalid, meaning mandatory fields to create a draft mobility activity were not provided in the file. The error Value missing (Draft field) is displayed for each missing mandatory field. 

    Failed import due to at least one mobility activity invalidImage Added

    Error to create records

    In this example the import failed due to a duplicate Organisation ID used in the file, specifically for the Sending organisation. 

    Failed import due to duplicate Organisation IDImage Added

    Error attempting to validate file

    In this example the import failed due to the Grant agreement number provided in the file not corresponding to the Grant agreement number of the project. 

    Failed import due to wrong Grant Agreement numberImage Added

    Columns values are not correct

    In this example the import failed due to wrong values provided in certain fields in the file. 

     Failed import due to incorrect column valuesImage Added

    Number of columns in the file does not match the template configuration

    In this example the import failed due to the wrong file used for import, in this case specifically for a HED project where a Student import file was imported as a Staff file. 

    Failed import due to wrong file used for importImage Added


    "Download file with feedback" option

    For successful and some failed imports due to a fatal error you have the option to download the import file including feedback on the errors encountered and clearly highlighted in the file. This feedback file can then be updated to correct the errors and re-imported. 

    From the import log, select the Errors tab in the List of impacted mobilities. By default, all errors encountered during import are displayed in the list. 

    Select the Errors tab in the List of impacted mobilitiesImage Added

    Click on the download file with feedback button to download the file and follow any download instructions. 


    If you set any filter for the list of impacted mobilities with errors, for example only Validation errors, the exported file will only contain the affected mobility activities as per filtered list. 

    Click on the download file with feedback buttonImage Added

    When you open the downloaded feedback file, clearly indicated with _feedback in the file name, fields with errors are highlighted and contain the error message as displayed in the list. 

    Cells with validation errors are highlighted in light yellow and display Validation and the specific error message.

    Cells containing Validation errors are highlighted in yellowImage Added

    Here an example of a validation error where the value is greater than allowed.

    In this case, the Start and End date should be checked and, if needed, adjusted or alternatively, the Interruption duration (in days) be filled in to ensure the highlighted field will follow the specific rule for the duration once imported. In addition, the information in the highlighted cell should be removed. 

    Example of Validation errors with error messageImage Added

    Cells with fatal errors are highlighted in red and display Fatal and the specific error message. In the example below, the wrong content was provided in the import file. In the two cells highlighted in red we can see that the original value provided in the import file was "N", displayed before Fatal and the error message, even though a dictionary value of either YES or NO was required. 

     Cells containing Fatal errors are highlighted in red and include error messageImage Added

    Make the corrections for the validation and/or fatal errors in the feedback file. Once your corrections have been saved, you can use the feedback file to re-import the mobility activities.


    Any error messages in the file need to be removed before re-import. It is however not necessary to change the colour of the cells with errors. 

    If all fatal errors are corrected, if applicable, the import will be successful. If any Validation errors are not corrected in the file and the import is successful, the affected mobility activities will remain in Draft status.

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