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Illustrations provided for consultation only...
Illustrations provided for consultation only...

This page explains how to add, modify and delete mobility activities in granted KA1 youth projects. 

In the Mobility activities section you can fill in the basic participant details, save the information as draft and continue to update the mobility activity later. Where applicable, you can also manage and monitor participant reports.

Draft mobility activities must be completed or removed before attempting to submit the beneficiary report, as they will not be considered in the budget summary. It is also possible to complete all mobility activities using the import and export of mobility activities function. 

The instructions below are based on an example project for KA154​​​​​​​-YOU -​​​​​​​ Mobility of youth workers, Call 2022 Round 1.

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CP BM Compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation for mobilities
CP BM Compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation for mobilities

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Activities in KA1 Youth mobility projects
Activities in KA1 Youth mobility projects

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CP Ukraine BM
CP Ukraine BM

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  • Only the contact persons of the beneficiary, co-beneficiary and partner organisations with edit rights on the project are able to perform these actions.
  • A grant agreement has been signed for the project, and it is visible in Beneficiary module.
  • To update the project it must have the status Project Ongoing.
  • You must add activities in the Activities section first, in order to be able to associate the mobility activity to the relevant activity. See Activities in KA1 Youth mobility projects for details. 
  • Organisations to be selected as Sending or Receiving organisation for a mobility activity must be available in the Participating Organisation section of your project. See Participating organisations in projects for details.


Numbered Headings

Access "Mobility Activities" in the Content menu

In your project, click on Mobility Activities in the Content menu.

The Mobility activities screen is displayed. All the mobility activities that you add will be shown here. Initially the list is empty. 

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List functionality in projects
List functionality in projects

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CP BM List functionality
CP BM List functionality

Mobility Activities

"Create" the Draft mobility activity

Click on "Create" and fill in the details

Click on the Create button in the mobility list screen.

Create button

Fill in the mandatory fields to create the draft mobility 

The Create a Draft Mobility activity screen opens. This is the first of two parts of the form and requires you to provide basic information on the mobility activity, including the participant's name. All fields are mandatory, which is indicated by a red asterisk (*).

Note the following:

  1. The mobility activity status at his point is DRAFT and is shown in orange at the top right corner of the screen. 
  2. Mobility activity ID -
    Excerpt Include
    Mobility Activity ID
    Mobility Activity ID
  3. The Activity Type drop-down values differ according to the action type of your project. See Activity Types in projects for additional information.
    Note: Once you start filling in the mobility activity details, it is still possible to change the activity type but you may lose certain activity-specific information.
  4. Please ensure you provide the correct participant email address, as the notifications to fill in the participant report will be sent to this address.
  5. The mobility activity Start date and End date must be within the project dates and the mobility activity duration must comply with the rules for the associated activity type. Once you fill in the dates, the mobility activity duration is highlighted by an orange timeline within the project duration, which is indicated by a blue timeline.
  6. Update the Receiving country, if required, and provide the Main instruction language, using the available drop-down list.

In order to complete the draft mobility activity registration you must fill in all the mandatory fields, marked with a red asterisk (*). After saving the draft (7) mobility details, the mobility activity can be completed at a later stage. It is advised to save your changes regularly when completing a mobility activity.

Create a draft mobility section

Click "Save"

Click the Save button at the bottom of the Create draft mobility activity screen to save the basic details.

Click on Save to save the draft mobility activity

Draft mobility activity added to List of mobility activities

Once saved, you will automatically return to the Mobility activities list, where you can view and start editing each draft mobility activity to complete it, as described in the following sections.

The mobility activity just added is displayed in the list of List of mobility activities,in status Draft.

Mobility activity added to the list ob mobility activities in the project

"Provide access to OLS button" in Mobility activities list (Call 2022) 

In KA151, KA152, KA153,and KA154 projects, in the list of individual mobility activities, the button Provide access to OLS is available. The button displays if the logged in user is a contact of the beneficiary or participating organisation with edit access in the project, and is flagged as OLS Administrator within the project. It allows you to provide access to OLS in the EU Academy for multiple mobility activities at once. 

See the page Provide access to OLS for details.

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Complete ("Edit") the mobility activity

Click "Edit" in the mobility activities list

In the list of mobility activities, click the Edit icon next to the one you want to complete. The mobility activity screen will open in edit mode, and you can fill in the remaining information.

Click on Edit to update the mobility activity information

Mobility activity screen - general functionality


The screen consists of several sections. You can expand and collapse each section for easier navigation, by clicking on the section title or the arrow (>) on the right side of each section.

The sections available depend on the call year and action type of your project.

Mobility activity screen sections 

titleClick here to view the available sections for mobility activities in a KA153, call 2023, project.

The mobility activity card (Call 2021, 2022)

The mobility activity card is displayed at the top of the mobility activity screen. It displays the participant's name, as well as the mobility activity card with basic details about the mobility activity: Mobility ID, State, date of creation, and date of update. 

Clicking on the Export mobility activity button in the card allows you to export the form to a PDF file which contains a list of all fields and the information you provided in each field.

Mobility activity card

The "Save" and "Back" buttons

The Save and Back buttons are located in the bottom right corner of the screen. Click the Save button regularly to save the information as you fill in the form. Click on the Back button to return to the list of mobility activities. 

Save and Back buttons are located in the bottom right corner of the screen

Fill in the "Activity" section

Click on the Activity drop-down box and select an activity from the ones you had recorded in the Activities section of your project. The Country of destination field and the Is this activity itinerant? check box will be filled in automatically, in accordance with the details you had provided for the selected activity.

In our example, we have selected a Youth participation mobility activity, which we had previously defined in the Activities part of the project as itinerant. 

Fill in the Activity section

"Blended mobility activity" flag

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Blended mobility activity
Blended mobility activity

titleCall 2023 projects

In call 2023 projects, the Blended mobility activity flag is located in the Mobility Activity section of the screen. 

titleClick here to view the Blended mobility activity flag in the Mobility Activity in a KA153, call 2023, project.

In call 2023 projects, the Blended mobility activity flag is located in the Mobility Activity section of the screen

The "Mobility Activity" section

In the Mobility Activity section you can change the Mobility activity ID and/or flag the mobility activity as Force majeure

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Mobility Activity ID
Mobility Activity ID

Mobility Activity section

titleClick here to view for an example of the Mobility Activity section in a KA153, call 2023, project.

Here an example of the Mobility Activity section in a KA153, call 2023, project.

Mobility Activity section in a KA153, call 2023, project


"Force majeure" flag

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Force majeure
Force majeure

titleTake note

The current implementation does not include any specific conditions related to Covid-19 as a force majeure situation.

Force majeure flag

In addition, if the force majeure flag is set, certain duration and grant fields are affected as follows: 

  • Duration Calculated (days): The business rule checking the minimum and maximum duration will no longer apply in case of Force Majeure.
  • Duration of the Mobility activity Period (days): The business rule checking the minimum duration will no longer apply in case of Force Majeure.
  • Travel Support: The field becomes editable. If any values were already present they are preserved.
  • Individual Support: The field(s) becomes editable. If any values were already present they are preserved.
  • Organisational Support: The field becomes editable. If any values were already present they are preserved.
  • Inclusion support for organisation: The field becomes editable. If any values were already present they are preserved.
  • Participant report: Participant reports are not required for mobilities flagged as force majeure and having a duration of 1 day (i.e. cancelled mobility activities, for which the start and end date are the same). 

Fill in the "Participant" section

The information required in the Participant section varies per action and activity type. Some details are already filled in as they were provided in the first step of creating the mobility activity.

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Participant ID
Participant ID
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CP BM Compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation for mobilities
CP BM Compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation for mobilities

Fill in the Participant section

Participant Flags

The Participant section includes a variety of flags that can indicate the participant's role in the mobility activity, whether the participant requires a language grant or whether it is a participant with fewer opportunities.

The available flags vary, depending on the action type and activity type. They may affect other fields in the participant and budget sections, as well as require additional data to be provided at project level 

Check the appropriate flags. 

Example of available Participant Flags in a call 2022 project

Below are some of the most common participant flags explained. 

"Online language support (OLS)" flag

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This flag is not available for participants involved in preparatory visits nor for participants flagged as Group Leader, Accompanying Person, Trainer/Facilitator or Decision Maker. 

See the page Provide access to OLS for details.

OLS flag checked and Provide access to OLS button available

"Accompanying person" flag

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Accompanying person
Accompanying person

titleCall 2023 projects

In call 2023 projects, the Accompanying person flag is located in the Mobility Activity section of the screen.

"Participant with fewer opportunities" flag

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Participant with fewer opportunities
Participant with fewer opportunities

A participant flagged as having fewer opportunities cannot be an accompanying person, group leader, trainer/facilitator or a decision maker, etc. For each participant with fewer opportunities you must fill in the Inclusion Support information in the Budgets section of the mobility activity form as well as the Fewer Opportunities section of your project.

titleCall 2023 projects

In call 2023 projects, the Participant with fewer opportunities flag is located in the Inclusion Support section of the mobility activity. Once the flag is checked, the related fields become available in this section and can be completed. 

titleClick here to view the Inclusion Support section in a KA153, call 2023, project.

In call 2023 projects, the Participant with fewer opportunities flag is located in the Inclusion Support section of the screen

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Inclusion support for organisation not requested flag
Inclusion support for organisation not requested flag

"Incoming international participant (under special conditions)" flag

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Incoming international participant (under special conditions)
Incoming international participant (under special conditions)

titleCall 2023 projects

In call 2023 projects, this flag is available for mobility activities for the following activity types: Youth exchanges - third countries not associated (KA151, KA152), Professional development activities - third countries not associated (KA151, KA153), Preparatory visits (KA151, KA152, KA153), Youth participation mobilities (KA154) and Youth participation events with mobilities (KA154). 


In the Certifications section you can add up to three certifications to be offered to the participant. Certificates cannot be offered to participants flagged as Accompanying Person, Group Leader, Trainer/Facilitator, Decision Maker nor for participants involved in Preparatory visits. Initially, no certifications are available. To add a certification:

  1. Click on Create new.

  2. Use the available drop-down lists to select the Certifying Organisation and the Certification Type.

  3. Once you have selected the Certifying Organisation and Type, the Add button becomes available. Click the button.

  4. The certification details are displayed in a new line, along with the Edit and Delete buttons.

Add a maximum of three Certifications, if required

titleCall 2023 projects

In call 2023 projects, the certifications can be added in the Recognition Certificates section.

titleClick here to view the Recognition Certificates section in a KA153, call 2023, project.

In call 2023 projects, certifications can be added in the Recognition Certificates section

"Participant survey" section

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Participant Report
Participant Report

Initially, upon creation of a mobility activity, no information is available in this section.

A participant indicated as an Accompanying person, Trainer/Facilitator or Decision Maker will not have to complete the participant report and the Participant survey section is not displayed.

Fill in the "From-To" section

The details to provide in this section vary slightly, depending on whether the selected activity is itinerant or not. The Individual support budget item is also affected by the itinerant nature of the activity. 

Non-Itinerant activity

Select the Sending (1) and Receiving Organisation (2) from the respective drop-down lists. The Sending Country, Sending City, Receiving Country and Receiving City are automatically filled in based on your selection, but they can be changed. 


If the organisation you want to select as sending or receiving organisation is not available for selection, it must be added to the project from the Participating organisations section. 

You also must select a Distance band and Main means of transport (3), using the available drop-down list. The selected Distance band will automatically update the budget values with the correct travel grant for the activity type and distance band in the Budget section. 

Type the Real Distance in KM (3) between the sending and the receiving cities. The Real Distance in KM provided must be within the selected Distance band. This information will be used purely for statistical purposes to determine the carbon footprint of the activity.

If the Main means of transport is considered sustainable, the Sustainable means of transport flag will be set. 

Form To section in a non itinerant activity


titleClick here to expand for information regarding the Distance bands and Main means of transport.

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Distance band and Main means of transport
Distance band and Main means of transport


titleClick here to expand for additional information regarding the Sustainable means of transport flag.

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Sustainable means of transport (green travel)
Sustainable means of transport (green travel)

Itinerant activity

If you had flagged the main activity as being itinerant, you have to fill in the travel details for each itinerary in the mobility activity, i.e. the distance between the place of departure and the destination. In this case, you can add up to 10 organisations involved in the mobility activity, therefore up to 9 receiving organisations and 9 itineraries.

  1. For the first itinerary, select the Sending Organisation and the first Receiving Organisation, using the available drop-down list lists. 
  2. Click on the Add itinerary button to add subsequent itineraries, as needed.
    Click on the Add itinerary button to add subsequent itineraries
  3. For each of the subsequent itineraries, you must select the following Receiving Organisation, one per itinerary. The receiving country and city are automatically filled in. The Sending Organisation stays the same for each of the subsequent itineraries added.
  4. The Distance band you select must cover the entire distance between the sending city and the final receiving city. Calculate and type the Real Distance in KM by adding up the real distance for each itinerary. For each itinerary, the receiving city of the previous itinerary is considered the point of departure for calculating the real distance toward the next receiving organisation/city. The rules for Main means of transport and Sustainable Means of Transport remain the same as for non-itinerant activities. The duration in Funded travel Days is considered for the entire activity travel, not per itinerary.
  5. To delete an Itinerary, click on the red X button. 

Provide the information for the added Itinerary, Distance Band, Real distance in KM and Main means of transport


Call 2023 specifics

In call 2023 projects, when completing the From-To section, you must also provide the Duration (in days) for each itinerary added. The Individual support field is also displayed for each itinerary and read-only, with the exception in the case of Force majeure. 

Here an example of the From-To section in a KA153, call 2023, mobility activity linked to a Non-Itinerant activity. 

Here an example of the From-To section in a KA153, call 2023, mobility activity linked to an itinerant activity. For each added itinerary, the Duration (in days) must be filled in. The Individual support for each available itinerary is also visible. 

"Activity taking place at seat of EU institution" flag (Call 2023)

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Activity taking place at seat of EU institution flag
Activity taking place at seat of EU institution flag

Fill in the "Duration" section

  1. Check and update the Start and End dates of the mobility activity.
  2. The Duration calculated (days) is calculated automatically and displayed. If the duration limits are not met, a warning message is displayed. The Duration Calculated (days) cannot be manually changed, except in cases of Force majeure.
  3. If there is a break in the mobility activity, fill in the Interruption duration (days) with the number of days of interruption. This duration is subtracted from the total duration of the mobility activity. The interruption duration cannot exceed the total calculated duration in days.
  4. The Duration of mobility activity period (days) indicates the duration in days of the mobility activity after having removed any interruption days. The days are calculated automatically. 
  5. The Funded travel days you specify (max. 2 in the case of unsustainable travel means, max. 6 for sustainable travel means) you specify are also added to the funded duration and are taken into account for the total duration of the mobility activity.
    Remember: Itinerant mobility activities benefit from a maximum of 6 funded travel days.
  6. If part of the mobility activity duration is not funded via the Erasmus+ programme, specify the Non-funded duration (days). These days will be subtracted from the total duration.
  7. The Funded duration (days) is automatically calculated based on the information provided in the previous fields.
  8. The field Number of days in virtual mobility is only displayed for mobility activities flagged as Blended mobility activity.

For Preparatory visits, only the Start Date, End Date and Duration Calculated (days) are displayed in the Duration section.

When the Duration section is complete, the budget section in the mobility activity is updated accordingly.

Fill in the Duration section

Prefill Start date and End date from the linked activity or event flag (Call 2023)

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Prefill Start date and End date from the linked activity or event flag
Prefill Start date and End date from the linked activity or event flag

Fill in/review the "Budget" section

Organisational Support

Organisational Support is available for all activity types, except for Preparatory Visits and KA154 Youth participation mobilities.

It is a flat rate of 100 EUR/participant regardless of the activity or event duration. This amount cannot be manually changed, except in cases of Force majeure.

If the mobility activity is flagged as Trainer/Facilitator, Group Leader or Accompanying person, the Organisational Support is set to 0 EUR.

Organisational Support

Individual Support

This budget item is not available for mobility activities in Preparatory Visits.

If the activity is not itinerant, fill in the Duration (days) for which you require the individual support grant for the participant. The Individual Support grant value is calculated automatically. This amount cannot be manually changed, except in cases of force majeure.

Individual Support

If the activity is itinerant, you must fill in the number of days for each itinerary. The Individual Support per itinerary is calculated automatically and cannot be changed, expect in cases of of Force majeure.

The Total Individual Support is only available for the itinerant activities and is calculated automatically as the sum of all individual support grants for each itinerary. The total individual support cannot be changed manually.
Individual Support with multiple iteranaries

titleCall 2023 projects

In call 2023 projects, the field Duration (in days) in the Budget section is read-only. The Duration (in days) and Total Individual Support are calculated based on the relevant information provided in the From-To section of the mobility activity. 

titleClick here to view the Organisational Support information in the Budget section of a KA153, call 2023, project.

In call 2023 projects, the field Duration (in days) in the Budget section is read-only

Travel grant 

The Travel grant is calculated automatically based on the selected distance band. This amount cannot be manually changed, except in cases of Force majeure.

This budget item is not available for mobility activities in Preparatory Visits.

titleCall 2023 projects

In call 2023 projects, the Travel Grant information including the Travel support - grant not required flag and the option to Request exceptional cost for expensive travel, is available in the From-To section of the screen. 

titleClick here to view the Travel Grant information in the From-To section in a KA153, call 2023 project.

Here an example of the Travel Grant information in a KA153, call 2023 project. In this case, Exceptional cost for expensive travel have been requested for the mobility activity. 

Travel grant

Travel Support - Grant not required

If you do not require a travel grant for this mobility activity, tick the Travel Support - Grant not required check box, and the Travel Support field will be reset to zero.

Travel Support Grant not required

Exceptional costs for expensive travel

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Exceptional Cost for Expensive Travel
Exceptional Cost for Expensive Travel

This budget item is not available for mobility activities in Preparatory Visits.

Request Exceptional costs for expensive travel

titleCall 2023 projects

In call 2023 projects, the Exceptional Costs for expansive travel can be requested in the From-To section, under Travel Grant, of the screen. 

titleClick here to view the Travel Grant information in a 2023 project.

Here an example of the Travel Grant information in a KA153, call 2023 project. In this case, Exceptional cost for expensive travel have been requested for the mobility activity. 

Travel Grant information in a KA153, call 2023 project



Inclusion Support

Inclusion support is only available if you involve participants with fewer opportunities in your projects. The flag Participant with Fewer Opportunities must be checked for this section to be displayed.

  1. The Inclusion Support for Organisation is a flat rate of 100 EUR per participant, regardless of the duration of the mobility activity. This amount cannot be manually changed, except in cases of force majeure. This budget item is not available for mobility activities in Preparatory Visits.
  2. In the Inclusion Support for Participant field you can add the amount you wish to request. This budget item is not available for mobility activities in Preparatory Visits. 
titleCall 2023 projects

In call 2023 projects, the Inclusion Support budget items are available in the Inclusion Support section of the screen and will display after the Participant with fewer opportunities flag was ticked.

titleClick here to view the Inclusion Support section in a call 2023 project.

Inclusion Support in a call 2023 project

Inclusion Support

Preparatory Visit Support

This budget item is only available for mobility activities in Preparatory Visits. This amount cannot be manually changed.

Preparatory Visit Support

If the Preparatory Visit is flagged as Virtual activity, the Preparatory Visit Support is set to 0 EUR. 

For Preparatory Visit activities flagged as Virtual, Preparatory Visit Support will be 0 EUR

Exceptional Costs

Under Total Calculations you can request Exceptional Costs. Type the desired amount in the relevant field, then provide additional explanations to justify your request, in the Exceptional Costs Description and Justification field.

This budget item is not available for mobility activities in Preparatory Visits.

Exceptional Costs

titleCall 2023 projects

In call 2023 projects, the Exceptional Costs can be requested in the From-To section of the screen. 

titleClick here to view the Exceptional Costs in a call 2023 project.

In call 2023 projects, the Exceptional Costs can be requested in the From-To section of the screen

Mobility Activity Grant (calculated)

The Mobility Activity Grant (calculated) is the sum of all relevant mobility costs and is displayed at the bottom of the screen. This amount cannot be changed manually.

Mobility Activity Grant calculated

Budget section (Call 2023)

The Budget section in a call 2023 project is read-only and contains the totals for the various budget items such as Organisational Support, Individual Support or Inclusion support. All information is read-only and calculated based on the information provided throughout the form. 


In cases of Force majeure, the Organisational Support field can be updated.

Here the example of the Budget section in a KA153, call 2023 project, where the participant is a Participant with fewer opportunities.

Example of budget section in a KA153, call 2023 project

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Save the mobility activity

You can add Overall Comments for the mobility activity, if required.

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CP BM Compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation for mobilities
CP BM Compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation for mobilities

Click on the Save button to save the mobility activity. 

Provide comments, if required, and click on the Save button

Mobility activity status "Complete"

Once all sections have been updated and all mandatory fields are filled in, the mobility activity status changes from Draft to Complete. It is still possible to edit the mobility activity details at any stage, as long as the beneficiary report has not been submitted.

Before submitting the Beneficiary report, you will need to re-check all mobility activities, to make sure they still comply with all validation rules.

The mobility activity now displays in status Complete in the List of mobility activities.

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List functionality in projects
List functionality in projects
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CP BM List functionality
CP BM List functionality

Mobility activity completed

Where available, you may have the option to Duplicate a mobility activity from the list of mobility activities, using the dedicated functionality. See Duplicate a Mobility activity for details.

Option to Duplicate a mobility activity from the list of mobility activities may be available

Expected Outcome

  • The mobility activity is filled in and marked as complete in the mobility activity list.

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Top of page include
Top of page include

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