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Please note that the paper workflow and signature must be used if there is :


a possibility of additional partners in the future, even if it is currently not the case

.A single-partner, but with mutiple signatures on the contract


  • Contribution Agreements with PIC linked to the LEF of the parent entity
  • Contribution Agreements with European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • Contribution Agreements with European Investment Bank (EIB)
  • Administration Agreements with World Bank Group (WBG)



Reminder – The paper workflow and signature must be used if there is :


a possibility of additional partners in the future, even if it is currently not the case

.A single-partner, but with mutiple signatures on the contract


Each workflow contains two tracks (external and internal) that represent the processes to be performed by the responsible role(s) in the system, and by either the external EC Partner (the Organisation), or internal EC Services (the Contracting Authority).
