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Multiannual Programming

Multiannual programming defines the priorities, specific objectives, expected results, performance indicators and the indicative financial allocations, both overall and per priority, of EU international cooperation at country, multi-country/regional and global level.


The NDICI programming guidelines frame the programming process with a set of principles to guide EU Delegations and HQ services. They not only provide practical guidance, but also include the political and policy context – answering the why, how, what and when of the programming exercise.

Mid-term review of NDICI-Global Europe programming

The Mid-term review (MTR) of NDICI-Global Euro​pe programming was launched on 15th of June 2023 through the issuance of a joint EEAS-INTPA-NEAR-FPI instructions note. The instructions note is an internal document that should be handled with care.

​The first objective of the Mid-Term Review (MTR) is to assess the MIPs’ relevance and progress, and, if needed, to revise their priority areas and related sectors of intervention. The second objective is to establish country allocations for 2025-2027 and, for the Neighbourhood, also for regional and multi-country allocations 2025-2027. If deemed necessary, allocations for country MIPs limited to cooperation facilities, non-Neighbourhood regional MIPs, Erasmus+, and thematic MIPs could also be revised.

The outcome of the mid-term review of the multi-annual financial framework 2021-2027 and the outcome of the mid-term evaluation of NDICI-Global Europe may affect the timing and substance of the MTR of NDICI-Global Europe programming.
