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Table of Contents


6. Help in e-Calls PROSPECT

The following solutions are available should you have any issues/questions regarding e-Calls PROSPECT:.

6.1 E-Learnings

e-Calls PROSPECT e-learning videos are available to show you how to perform specific actions in e-Calls PROSPECT:


A pop-up window will request whether you are contacting the support team for a new request, or for updates on an existing request.

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6.2.1 New requests for support

Select the "New request" option, and then click on the "Next" button. A form will be displayed.

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Enter the required information – note that all the fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory:


Do not forget to include the call number, as well as the lot for which you are applying:.

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Please note that if the issue concerns the call itself (not the e-Calls PROSPECT application) – such as publication details, application details, requirements for applications, etc. – you must address your request to the functional e-mail address of the specific call.


Select the "Follow-up request" option (displayed once you click on the "Online support" link in the left main menu), and then click on the "Next" button.

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A form will be displayed, allowing you to enter your contact details as well as the existing incident reference (SMT reference):.

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Enter the required information – note that all the fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory:


Should you have any questions concerning e-Calls PADOR, please consult the dedicated e-Calls PADOR webpage, e-learning videos, or and the e-Calls PADOR Manual for Applicants.

If you still have not found an answer to your question, you may contact the e-Calls PADOR HelpDesk via e-mail EC External Relations Application Support (ERAS).


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How to submit an offline form? In the case of technical issues in e-Calls PROSPECT

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Manual for Applicants