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The global response to COVID-19 will integrate the strategic objectives the EU has set itself as regards the environment and climate, as set out in the European Green Deal, and the Digital Agenda. Ongoing work on these objectives will reinforce efforts to address the short and long-term challenges linked to the pandemic. The current crisis is a reminder that the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement remain crucial to help better equip the world for future systemic shocks. 

Global Gateway (2021)

Global Gateway is the European Union’s offer to partner countries to accelerate their twin green and digital transitions. It aims at developing 360-degree packages to respond to their infrastructure needs and improve their regulatory frameworks. It is anchored in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement.

The Global Gateway strategy started its implementation in 2022 (following the joint communication approved in December 2021 (Joint Communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the European Investment Bank - Global Gateway) and boosts smart, clean, and secure links in the digital, transport, energy, and climate-relevant sectors, and strengthens education, research, and health networks. It is implemented in a Team Europe approach, to reach scale and create tangible and visible impact on the ground – mainly through Team Europe Initiatives (TEIs).

Team Europe Initiatives are meant to ensure a transformative impact for partner countries, to deliver concrete results in line with their regional or national strategic priorities to foster sustainable development. The design, financing, and implementation of TEIs are open to all EU Member States, their Development Finance Institutions, and other European Financial Institutions, such as EIB and EBRD, following an inclusive approach, to make the best use of European expertise and resources.

The whole process is informal: there is methodological guidance agreed with the MS on the design of the TEIs as well as on financial tracking, monitoring of results and coordinating TEIs, but in a non-binding way.

TEIs are underpinned by the EU’s political and policy priorities; they are financed both from the EU budget — and are therefore guided by NDICI Global Europe regulation, and from the relevant financial resources of the participating EU Member States.

