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The Guidelines for the programming of the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument 2021-2027, issued in November 2020, inform about the proposed NDICI legal requirement for Conflict Analysis. For countries and regions in crisis or post-crisis, as well as for fragile and vulnerable situations, a conflict analysis will have to be conducted as part of the programming process (see details in Annex 5), to ensure that the programming is conflict sensitive. (see Guidance for conflict analysis and EU staff handbook on operating in situations of conflict and fragility)

Civil society


Mainstreaming civil society engagement consists in systematically consulting civil society in all sectors of interventions as well as in policy and public-private dialogue, and involving CSOs as partners in implementation. It extends civil society engagement from traditional sectors, such as governance or human rights, to all five Commission priorities, and for example in areas such as climate change and energy, digitalisation, employment and sustainable growth, migration, without forgetting health, of course. For detailed advice, please see e  see  Mainstreaming Civil Society engagement into European Union cooperation and external relations in the post 2020 phase - Guidance note- (2020).


In 2017, the European Commission published a comprehensive framework for its development policy related to digital. This framework, the EU Digital for Development (D4D) approach,– in line with the new European Consensus on Development, celebrate the potential of digital technologies and services as powerful enablers for sustainable inclusive development and growth. The D4D approach promote mainstreaming digital  solutions and technologies in EU development policy. 
