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titleEO Questions
titleWhen should we expect the start of the pilot testing and stock registration for gases?


Gaseous Value chain for non-GoO is to go live before 21st November 2024. Testing will be possible on bilateral basis with EOs and TSO/DSO in Q2 & Q3 2024. All interested EOs may. For GoO, registries who would want to start the integration may contact UDB team for bilateral session as per the communication in the last focus group in December 2023

titleCan UDB team share documentation on your data access policy (who see what data), incident response plan (what if UDB is offline / display incorrect data)?


Regarding the Data Policy and  Protection, Please refer to the following link

titleHow to handle ISCC Compliant claim? Will UDB support this? or will ISCC make it obsolete?


Contact ISCC . UDB Team will not be able to support on this.

titleCertified Companies which buy fuel already blended with biofuels and sold it to non certified companies (gas stations) should declare these transactions to UDB?


Yes, non-certified companies will be onboarded on UDB after April and they will have to submit transactions on UDB until the Obligated parties (final fuel supplier) who puts the fuel on the market by providing additional details like customs & invoice reference.

title If YES, should all of these transactions to be declared one by one (for each different VAT number)?


NTRID in the from VAT or Business registrations number would be useful. It is best to agree with your buyer (counterparty) which NTR ID they will use. so that they can receive the transactions on UDB

titleor could we consider all these transactions as one and declare all the quantity to NON CERTIFIED entities in just one transaction?


It is possible to aggregate and needs to align to the physical movement evidence example: Invoice.

titleI did not received an invitation so far whilst the UDB registratio as EO is OK according to ISCC. How to proceed?


Union Database for Biofuels - Start of registrations

titleMy certificates and site information are incorrect, is this normal? I have contacted ISCC many times but no respond, do we have to wait until ISCC HUB is ready? Christian Lammer for Total Energies Fluids SAS


For certificate related updates queries please contact your voluntary scheme

titleWe have to do a lot of manual activities with possibile errors, for example in Stock selection. How can we manage it if we cant cancel? (es.Material processing)?


Cancel option is not available in material processing now. It will be implemented soon.

title in case the stock is in a third party facility (logistic facility) but the ownership is still of the EO. Who needs to do the IS register. the EO or the 3º party?


Owner of the material in this case is the Eo, who will be creating further transactions . Stock has to be recorded by the EO in UDB.

titleHow can we proceed to enter the initial stock if we are at the beginning of the mass balance period and we have a negative mass balance?


As of 1st January 2024, if you balance is negative then you do not need to encode the initial stocks

titleWhat it is meant with product permit number? Do certified PoO have to provide it?


It refers to Waste or animal by permit number - optional field. Yes Point of origin should provide this information.

titleWhy is GHG always positive? What about the cases where the reductions are bigger than the emissions (manure for ex)?


Total emissions with negative values will be possible. restrictions will be removed next week.

titleWhat is support fields? Sorry I missed the beginning of the demo, you have maybe already talked about it.


Support received is related to any from one of these - Feed-in tariff
Feed in premium
Contracts for difference
Consumption support (tax breaks)
Consumption support (mandates)

titleWe got ISCC certificate on Dec 2023 and would be included in the next bulk upload to the UDB meantime. When can we expect to receive link to the UDB system?


If you would like to seek access to LIVE environment , please contact your voluntary scheme.

titleLet me rephrase. Is it mandatory to retrospectively register older transactions from 1st Jan - to the date we start registering transactions? It could be 1000s


Yes, it is required for transactions to be registered after 1st Jan 2024 (hence ex post registration is allowed). If the transactions are not registered on UDB then such consignments cannot be counted for targets by a Member State.

titleIs it possible to create « view only » accounts?


Could you please clarify the scenario by elaborating what context / need for it. It may be possible but we will have to prioritize based on specific need.

titleis the waste/permit number specific to the current holder of the waste material or is it fixed from the first collector?


It is generally at the point of origin or the first collector. Once encoded on UDB it will be available in the value chain for the consigned as per the  Annex I

titleFor my initial stock registration, material list is not clear and I do not know what to use. What is the difference between annex III and V?


Fuel list in RED is referred by production pathway and the fuel name to identify it correctly. Please either refer to your certification or the list in with description extracted from RED. These references will determine the application default GHG values as per RED

titleCould you please indicate if there is a deadline for the registration of the initial stocks?


There is no deadline set currently on the application for registering initial stocks.

titleWe just only buy molasses, store this, and sell this. No processing. What do I need to record in UDB? And what my supplier?


Initial stock to be registered for Molasses as of 1st January 2024. Accept incoming transaction when your supplier deliver. Submit seller transaction when you sell molasses to the buyer.

titleCould you please confirm that the IS is the stock owned by the EO on 1-1-2024? Would this date change depending on the date the EO is registered in the UDB?


This is a one time use feature and will not change and meant to register stocks held as of 1st January 2024. If the EO was registered after this date then the transactions should be registered directly via other features.

titleHow long will registration of initial stock will be available ?


There is no deadline set currently on the application for registering initial stocks.

titleFor a Trader (no production, no consumption) what are the obligations in term of initial stock ? will the UDB provide real time mass balance position?


If the trader has storage initial stock can be registered as of 1st Jan 2024. It is optional. At any point in time every EO can view the available stocks.

titleCould you please share a full guide via UDB Wiki on how to use sourcing contact template? (e.g. expected values, expected field format, possible restrictions)


Please refer to the UDB User Guide and Demo Video’s : User Guides / Demo Video's.

titleIs a multiple registration in UDB necessary if we are registered within several schemes? To be more particular - national and ISCC?


All certificates and voluntary scheme need to be register their EO. One EO will be registered only once on UDB. But will have to be linked to multiple schemes. If the schemes faces trouble for this situation they can contact UDB team.

titleCan we have mass bulk Excel upload for initial stock registration?


Currently bulk upload for initial stock registration is not available. This option will be available in upcoming future releases

titleCould you please indicate if there is a deadline for the registration of the initial stocks?


There is no deadline set currently on the application for registering initial stocks.

titleSaw in the screen that Default NTR id will expire in 3 mon. after creating. With residential addresses there're no NTRids, so EO must redo them every 3 months?


Default NTR will expire in 3 months for sourcing contact.
3 months period starts from the day the Sourcing Contact is created in UDB.

titleWhere do you find the template for bulk uploading?


In the manage sourcing contact click on "Download Bulk Upload Sourcing Contact Template "to download the template.

titleFor initial stock that is physically stored in a3 rd party facility but for which ownership is given EO. Who does the registration of the initial stock?


If the 3rd party is only storing the initial stock, EO (Owner)of the stock. 
In parallel The 3rd party facility should be registered under your certificate in UDB as a site.

titleDo they ALL sourcing contacts have to be uploaded (I have thousands)? If so is there an option to update or bulk upload more than once?


Yes, in the manage sourcing contact click on "Download Bulk Upload Sourcing Contact Template "to upload bulk data.

titleDo the owners of intermediate storage need to be registered in the UDB even if they are not at any point the owners of the product?


If an EO is selling the material then the EO must declare the storage in his certificate as a SITE.

titleCould you please confirm that the “material processing” transaction applies to any type of biofuel production including co-processing?


Yes. It would be possible for any type of material.

titleIn uk how do you get an ntr id for someone who isn’t vat registered or a ltd co as I understand these are the only means to get an ntr id?


Currently VAT is not mandatory for  creating sourcing contact.
National Trade Register Identification number automatically generated by clicking on ""Generate default NTR"" after selecting country.

titleIm a collecting point for uco but do not have sourcing contact as an option ?


For Collecting point for Uco we have sourcing contact option

Certified Economic operators on behalf of point of origins like farmers and restaurants

Only if the certificate scope of the EO is any of the below:

  • FG - First Gathering Point (for biomass grown/harvested on farms/plantations)
  • CP - Collecting Point (for waste/residue material not grown/harvested on farms/plantations)
  • CNPW - Collector of non-primary residual flows
titleFGP/CP maybe have thousands of PoO/Sourcing Contacts. They have to find a way to bulk upload these transactions. It is not viable for companies all this work?


In the manage sourcing contact click on ""Download Bulk Upload Sourcing Contact Template"" to upload bulk data.
For FGP transactions bulk upload for buyer trade is not available. This option will be available in upcoming future releases.

titleIf a trader buys POME Oil from certified POO(mill), how can we register stock


Trader without storage don't have to register the initial stock.

titlehow is the procedure for the registration of new materials?Does the UDB need to approve the registration? How is the code assigned to the new material?


The new raw materials or intermediate products can be requested by the scheme when the materials can be identifiable specifically & uniquely i.e. it should not be a category. Additionally the scheme has to provide description. These materials will be added if they don't already exist. For fuels the fuel has to be approved & published by EC before it can be listed on UDB.

titlewe are certified as Biodiesel producer, but also as PoO for e.g. TER. How can we "create" our TER within the UDB and how to process to biodiesel?


As PoO, the possibility to add material directly will be enabled. The processing can be done using the feature material processing feature.

titleDue to weighbridge variances between supplier & CP is there a facility to accept small variances from suppliers and write down the balance in-line with our MB?


This should not be any different from current process. UDB is only digitizing the information. If necessary losses feature can be provided to remove the losses due to any process. Please clarify if this is the case.

titleNo the PoO that are we, is we generate AF cat 2 & 3 from ABP cat 2 and 3. No trading or processing


The collecting point buying from POO can register in this case. Please write to us if the case is different.

titleCould you please confirm that no further transactions can be registered if the PoS from the first transaction has not been uploaded?


This is correct. If the Pos is not marked as complete. the transaction will not reach the buyer. 

titleI am a collecting point with approx 3000 sourcing contacts, do you expect us to select poo’s from a list?


Currently able to select one sourcing contact from the sourcing contact dropdown list in FGP trade.

titleFor UCO we used to received from PoO, Eec zero, Ep, zero, Etd_DDV. It means final value is equal zero, without DDV. Can you please try this variant.


"This scenario possible in DDV, AV & DDV_AV to save the final value is equal to zero in POS.
Yes, In UCO if we select 'DDV' as method type "" At least one DDV method type is required"" i.e. GHG Emissions any one field is required to complete the POS data."

titleHave you considered that a restaurant can only produce a few liters per month of UCO? This means that for an entire year, it could represent up to 400,000entries


The 1st Collection point can aggregate the UCO across multiple restaurants and by specifying the portion from each restaurant in this aggregation for example per month.

titleIf the SC is certified, have we also add it in previous step? Could we add a SC transactions from certified PoO which are not included our list of SC


If Point of origin is certified it is not necessary to add them to SC. However it is allowed to add to SC as an option.

titleAPI question. Which API service should I call to cancel initial stock registration? Or it is only possible to do from the web site?


API to cancel; initial stock is not implemented yet , you should be able to cancel stock created as long as its not been used in an transaction.

titleCan we accumulate and record collections from 1 PoO on a monthly basis?


Yes, it is possible as long as the consignments have unique foot print i.e. same country of origin and emission footprint.

titleDue to weighbridge variances is there a function to adjust incoming stocks put into your mass balance?


The incoming quantities cannot be edited currently considering the small variances. If necessary we will consider where the variances are limited by certain amounts. The scheme can make a proposal.

titleCan I create an outgoing Sale to parties not registered in the UDB? Some buyers are not certified at all.


"For Non-certified Economic operators like fuel suppliers and consumers can be onboarded in around March. UDB team shall notify you which can be further passed on to the EOs. There will be a possibility for them to self-register using a website link and start using the application.Training for non-certified economic operators begin only after March, You will get a notification email when the training slots open .
Meanwhile , You could refer to
F&Q’s –

titleIs this form used also for final consumption, e.g. in case of fueling stations? Who is the counterparty in this case, if the customers are not registered?


UDB stops at final fuel suppliers / obligated parties and will not cover retail customers. In the case large wholesale customer, Final fuel suppliers can indicate the customers by NTR ID & country where the fuel is put on market. Subject to additional legislations end- customers like Aviation / Airlines operators will have access to UDB. In other sectors currently end-customer who are consuming the fuel will not have access unless this is for transformation into Gas or liquid . 

titleIf you have 2BSvs soybeans to be converted into ISCC soyoil, which would be the procedure into the UDB???


No, using conversion feature, an EO can chose the certificate he owns for converting from soybean to Soyoil

title"obligated entities" as those who put gasoline, diesel, methane, for road and rail transport into consumption. We were wondering if such obligated entities (but not fuel producers) should be registered in UDB. Our question concerns obligated entities that purchase biofuels exclusively for domestic mandates (thus, biofuel traders are excluded). Should these economic operators also be registered in UDB?


Non-certified EO will be onboarded into UDB after March 2024. They will be able to receive the consignments from fuel producers and transact on UDB expost.

titleCan rapeseed biodiesel (FBF0018) also be declared as FBM0003 or FBM0120 ?


The most appropriate fuel codes should be used. FBM0120 is for fuels that are not specifically listed. UDB will be able to identify a consignment with Fuel + Raw material

titleAbout the site. How to deal with multiple VS? We are going to have multiple clones of the same site


If you find duplicate site please contact UDB mailbox. It is expected that EO providing unique site name & postcode to the schemes during audits will bring harmonization and avoid duplicates in future. 

titleIs there a way to change lead user?


A lead user of an EO can invite more users. Changing lead user can be done the VS user.

titlewhat is the support received?


Support received is related to any from one of these - Feed-in tariff

Feed in premium

Contracts for difference

Consumption support (tax breaks)

Consumption support (mandates)

titleWhat is the company reference number?


Company reference is internal reference of the EO for the trade or stock evidenced

titleThere may be multiple legal entities within a corporate group (as well as different main points of contact each of whom can then add users) who will need to use the UDB. Does each entity need to be registered on the UDB, in which case should each entity expect to receive a separate invitation or link from the UDB? It seems that separate links for separate legal entities may not be arriving. In any event, this may be difficult for corporate groups to monitor effectively, as a number of different individual contacts may be involved. (Would it assist if users were to compile a list of all individual entities and email contact details)?


In case the corporate legal entity is registered then only the lead user of this entity can invite users from the other entities to join the UDB (not the IT team of the UDB). Nevertheless each site will have to be registered separately since it is covered by a separate mass-balancing system.  If the certification is at the level of group then only an group entity will receive an invitation. If the certificates are available for each entity then each entity will be registered on UDB as an organization. An EO can work with VS and ensure the appropriate lead users are invited.

titleThere may be multiple legal entities within a corporate group (as well as different main points of contact each of whom can then add users) who will need to use the UDB. Does each entity need to be registered on the UDB, in which case should each entity expect to receive a separate invitation or link from the UDB? It seems that separate links for separate legal entities may not be arriving. In any event, this may be difficult for corporate groups to monitor effectively, as a number of different individual contacts may be involved. (Would it assist if users were to compile a list of all individual entities and email contact details)?


In case the corporate legal entity is registered then only the lead user of this entity can invite users from the other entities to join the UDB (not the IT team of the UDB). Nevertheless each site will have to be registered separately since it is covered by a separate mass-balancing system.  If the certification is at the level of group then only an group entity will receive an invitation. If the certificates are available for each entity then each entity will be registered on UDB as an organization. An EO can work with VS and ensure the appropriate lead users are invited.

titleOn the assumption that the UDB will set up each individual entity as a separate user, what happens when the ISCC issues multiple certificates in respect of the same legal entity, for example because a single entity is operating multiple sites? How will the ISCC certification system dovetail with the UDB in terms of the issue by ISCC of several certificates for the same legal entity/user? We understand that some storage facilities with multiple clients are self-certified under ISCC (meaning they themselves have an audit once per year, rather than several on behalf of each client they represent) with their own ISCC certification number. How does an EO declare a movement in the UDB when the terminal associated does not fall under the EO’s ISCC registration?


Each time a transaction from a specific site is registered, it should be linked to the respective valid certificate. We need to clarify the issue of self-certification but if these transaction could be linked to the available certificate that was issued as a result of the audit.

Multiple certificates (Same of different VS) can be linked to the same organization. A terminal/site under another certificate for same organization is possible. If we are referring to a site that is not certified then this feature will be enabled.

titleIf a company is certified under several voluntary schemes, will different invitations or links to the UDB be provided? What should happen in this circumstance?


Any economic operator will  have to be on boarded only once in the UDB in order to be able to register transactions. In case of different parts of the business being certified by different certification schemes,  the VS will have to upload the different certificates. EOs will have to link respective transactions to the relevant certificate.

titleHow and when will user information become available on the UDB system? In order to use the UDB, will users be dependent on the ISCC (or another voluntary scheme if applicable) first entering certification information on the system for them? If this is the case, it would be helpful to know what is the time frame for this to be done by ISCC. It would also be helpful to know what is likely to be the impact of ISCC's recent decision to not become a UDB service provider at this stage.


The user information can be inserted either by the users themselves or by the their certification scheme. In both cases, information becomes valid once it is confirmed by the economic operator concerned. 

titleWhilst it is possible to register a uWhilst it is possible to register a user via a link provided by the European Commission, it does not currently appear to be possible for data to be saved when, for example, a user tries to update a certificate or input information. Can you please clarify whether there is currently an issue with saving data to the system and if so when this will be rectified?


EO user registration is only by invitation. Ideally, VS/CB can only update certificates. However, some parts of the certificates may require updates by EO to ease the burden on VS during initial onboarding.  

titleWe have been asked to clarify whether the registration requirement is mandatory and what is the timeframe for registration? What is the consequence if registration is not completed within this timeframe? Once registration is complete, what is the next step?


According to the published timing, it is expected that all economic operators should be on-boarded by the end of March 2023. Nevertheless, there is no specific deadline for this since it is considered that economic operators have the incentive to on-board as soon as possible, since those who are not in the system will not be able to register transactions and their raw material and/ or fuels risk to stay outside of the system and not counted for different targets.

titleSome users have found that there is no download or upload function available currently.  Can you please explain? Does this mean that the only option is for a user to enter sustainability information manually (or delegate this task to a Service Provider)?


There are 3 options to update sustainability: a) Online b) edelivery or system to system & c) with support of service provider.

titleThe biofuels dashboard for some users currently states as follows: "On this page you are going to see items related to your user role and organisation". However, the dashboard does not appear to be displaying any content. Is this an error and if so when will it be rectified?


The message is valid & such options may disappear in the future if those screens will not be enabled for the specific role/user. Mean whilst it is also a placeholder for users who can expect some of these features to be enabled for them.

titleMany menu options do not currently work, meaning clicking on the selection does not trigger any action. Can you please clarify?


This is intentional & blocked to avoid a user populating unnecessary data and to ensure adherence for the timeline communicated.

titleIs it the intention that a user (other than one who is set up only as a trader without storage) can now input stock and enter genuine (rather than test) transactions, including back-to-back trading transactions, on the system which involve the receipt and despatch of that stock, provided the user concerned has closed the Mass Balance for the relevant period ? Some users have made the point there is currently no button for uploading stock.


The initial stocks features will be activated once the on-boarding is competed but no later than end March 2023. If the users want to test the application please use the acceptance environment. Live environment should only be used to populate real data. We recommend EOs to follow trainings via VS or those organized by EC.

titleDoes the system contain a User Manual and if so how can this be accessed?


A user manual will be available along with training. More communication for EOs is to be expected via VS

titleIf we are selling raw material only for bioliquid products, do we have to load our data on the UDB?


The current legal basis covers only transport fuels but anticipating the revised UDB text agreed by the co-legislators we will need to cover also bioliquids.

titleWe are certified under 2BSvs and ISCC. Usually, we buy Soybean under 2BSvs and sell FAME under ISCC in our plants, how should we manage this internal movements?


 The transactions could be registered directly by the economic operators. If services providers are used, the economic operators can choose one of them for all transactions.

titleConcerning the biogas sector, who is concerned by the UDB?


All Biogas producers & consumers, DSO/TSOs to verify the injection & withdrawal, Schemes who certify producers, GO issuers/ registers

titleConcerning the list of raw material, we can’t find “sugar beet co-product”. There is only “sugar beet residue”. Is it possible to add?


Yes, can request inclusions of product names to the existing list

titleConcerning the list of fuel, we can’t find simple “biogas” or “biomethane” but only “biomethane from …” or “biogas from …”. Whereas biogas/biomethane is made from a mix of inputs and not only one?


We will include generic names for “biogas from mix of inputs” and “biomethane from mix of inputs”

titleWhile entering data into the database: logging out of the window is too quickly. Is it possible to prolong the activity time?


Currently it is 30 minutes.

titleIn which timeframe will be the data deleted within the acceptance version?


For Acceptance it can remain, we have not planned a timeframe for it.

titleIf a participant belongs to two Voluntary Schemes, how does the mapping happen in the database? 1) How does the registration via the access link work? 2) Does the participant have to register twice?


Both the Voluntary schemes need to provide the same NTR number for the Economic operator.

Onboarding has to be done twice as certificates are different for each VS. If the correct NTR is used the EO will have both certificates linked to his NTR.

titleIs a data transfer from the test version (acceptance) to the live version possible?


No and also not possible from Prod to Acc. Acceptance is pure testing ground.

titleHow can the mail with the invitation link be made more trustworthy? (Mails end up in the participants' spam or do not arrive at all).


This is an issue of recipients mail server configurations. Invites are sent from our Central Notification System of European Commission ( The Recipients organization should ensure emails from the domain are trusted by recipient’s mail server (white list).

titleWhen logging into the UDB, the website has to be reloaded several times to get to the start page. Can this problem be fixed?


First time login it needs to refresh after the invitation is acceptance, after that the login is faster.

titleWill the UDB be available in all EU languages?


Yes. It’s available now. You can click on the ‘EN’ symbol on the top right corner and switch a language from EU.

titleWill there be a merge of the Biomass list between the different voluntary scheme systems, national systems and the coding of the UDB? –


The list of materials used by all voluntary schemes are available on UDB. Any interpretations by national systems will be mapped.

titleIs there a document that we can send to the Economic Operators for information regarding data protection?


  • The implementation of data protection within the Economic Operators organization is their own responsibility and need to comply with GDPR

The UDB follows EDPR; The IT security standards of the European Commission are public and can be found here:

titleCould you provide release updates individual visible after log-in in the Database so that users see what is new in the acceptance version?


Release notes are released here: every two weeks. If you act as a watcher on this page, you will get updates.

titleIs it enough to add 1 type of NTR per legal entity?


Yes, each legal entity (Economic Operator in the UDB), should be identified with one NTR ID. If there are two NTR IDs, this means that there are two EOs.

titleWho is responsible to add the valid certificate number, EO or ISCC? (currently missing for ISCC-Reg-8124, ISCC-Reg-5211, ISCC-Reg-6622, ISCC-Reg-11780 )


The EO provides essential information to ISCC (as you as familiar with, the NTR ID, information about materials, scopes and GHG). ISCC compiles the data and uploads it into the UDB.

titleDoes the legal entity need to be added as site? Site of legal entity does not have a mass balance.


The legal entity is the overarching organization, called Economic Operator/Organization in the UDB. The site corresponds to the operational unit (main certified site) and other sites covered by the certificate, such as storage facilities (not individually certified), and dependent collecting points.

titleSome of the missing sites are certified only under a national scheme (e.g. in France). Shall we add them to UDB as well?


If these sites are not ISCC certified, we cannot add them to the UDB under the ISCC certificate.

titleIn Acceptance we made some testing. After adding a transaction, “Country of Origin” field picked up automatically “Hungary”. Is it a bug in Acceptance? Are we able to add manually the country of origin based on POS data?


In the acceptance environment is still under development, so bugs or other issues may occur.

titleWho is responsible to add mass balance start date and duration, EO or ISCC?


The EO shall update the mass-balance start date & duration direct in the UDB.

titleExxonMobil has 9 ISCC EU registrations. Will the onboarding take place at the same time for all registrations? Giving the fact that “EOs will no longer be able to register the initial stock after 6 months of onboarding to UDB” timing and harmonizing the deadline is crucial for us. What is the current onboarding status of our registrations?


    • ISCC-Reg-11780 certificate uploaded in the UDB
    • ISCC-Reg-3996 certificate uploaded in the UDB
    • ISCC-Reg-11042 certificate uploaded in the UDB but expired, next certificate will be uploaded soon
    • ISCC-Reg-6622 will be uploaded soon
    • ISCC-Reg-5211 will be uploaded soon
    • ISCC-Reg-12496 certificate uploaded in the UDB but expired, could not find the new certificate
    • ISCC-Reg-8124 will be uploaded soon
    • ISCC-Reg-3350 certificate uploaded in the UDB.
titleIs there a mass upload option for registering the initial stock (e.g. csv or xls)?


Unfortunately, this is not envisioned in the UDB.

titleAs for the 72 hours period for registering transactions - voluntary schemes approved by the Commission allow to provide the sustainability information in PoS in 30 days after the date of physical delivery. Does it mean the EOs should require PoS until 72 hours after date of physical delivery?


Transactions would need to be registered on UDB within 72 hours. However, there is a flexibility on UDB for providing PoS details on the PoS identifier generated within the end of mass-balance period or before a sale can be made with this consignment.

titleHow this 72 hours period for accepting or rejecting the transaction corresponds with the 3 months balancing period according to REDII? On what basis there are stricter requirements in the UDB and how the transfer of related sustainability documents together with physical delivery will be ensured?


The 72 hours applies from the date of either the invoice or shipment details are available with the Economic Operator. This provides flexibility already for the economic Operator that the transaction may be registered after the shipment (example invoice is generated). Once the transaction is generated, UDB will provide the PoS identifier back to the Economic Operator. The Economic Operator is able to record the emission details before the end of the 3 months balancing period or before the sale of this received consignment on UDB.

titleEO are concerned to keep their registration number of incoming and outgoing documents (SD and PoS) that they are using and not the one generated by the UDB platform. It’s important that the registration number of each document could be chosen by EO: sequential numbering entered by the EO; or sequential numbering generated by the UDB platform, if desired by the EO.


There is a transaction reference which the EO can use to link their document to UDB transaction.

titleWill the EO be notified if there will be no action from the buyer (acceptance or rejection) and the transaction will be cancelled by the system after 72 hours?


If the Buyer does not accept or reject and considering the sale is already shipped, the transaction can be cancelled by the seller

titleEO would like to be more comfortable being reassure that UDB platform contemplates the following: - sales and production before having raw material in stock;


A sale & production cannot be introduced on UDB without having the input in stock

- possible losses of raw materials or final product from production;

This would be allowed implicitly as part of conversion or explicitly for adjustments due to losses

- registration period that allows the EO to do Mass Balance of up to 3 months;

It is possible to register the transaction after the date of Mass-balance end date provided the date of transaction is within the mass-balance period. This will be allowed until the EO has verified & marked the end of mass-balance.

- automatic interconnection in UDB platform between production batches and raw materials;

Yes inputs & outputs are linked for specific batches/consignment.

- managing the raw materials for production as they do in their production plant and not only in a FIFO model;

The EO may choose which raw materials to use for conversion/production & decide which output consignments to group before further sale.

- all final documents SD and PoS should have the possibility to be filled according to the manual existing ones, not missing the cases of the km travelled or any new field changes that happened in the last months.

titleThe EOs have been asked to supply a list of all “sourcing contacts” as soon as possible. In some cases this will be 50,000 points of origin. The list changes daily as the EOs gain and lose customers, so how are they meant to deal with the changes between the day the list is submitted and the UDB is used?


Updates for sourcing contacts (new ones) can be made at any point in time online on UDB or via eDelivery exchange.

titleDescribe distinction between unprocessed "feedstock" and processed material.


We will create process to remove unprocessed (not needed) feedstock. There will be need to report NTR and name of EO to whom it will be sell (transaction). This EO doesn’t need to be registered.

titleRegarding Service Providers, will an EU-approved (or VS approved) list be available?


Yes, this will be made available publicly when the scheme has nominated the same.

titleWill guidelines be issued to harmonise the list of materials in the UDB with those in the economic operators' certificates? Does the Commission foresee the possibility of extending this list?


The harmonized materials list is consulted with the schemes & Member states already. All fuels listed can only be extended if it is adopted in the directives. All raw materials are listed as per the certification process & can be extended based on recommendation from Certification body/scheme. 

titleHow does the Commission intend to manage certified biofuels in national systems (such as INS) ensuring both EU reporting and consistency with national databases?


All national schemes have been requested to notify EC to be included in the UDB. When a national scheme has notified commission the consignments certified under national schemes & further traded will be transparent to Economic operators.

titleCould you please clarify if this understanding is correct and that the start date for uploading transactions and sustainability documentation has not been defined yet?


As of January 2024, all Economic Operators whose organization & certificates are onboarded by their scheme will be able to register their initial stocks (closing of mass-balance) and the trade transaction. Where the Economic Operators completes this registration at a later date, they will be able to submit trade transaction ex-poste when they are registered correctly.     

titleWhat is the UDB link with the National Schemes? For example, the National Italian Scheme: if they are not recognized, they are not included in UDB, so how can companies manage with all supply chain related with that scheme?


National schemes may notify & include their scheme into UDB without being recognized by EC. DG Ener has sent notifications to all member states to notify their details.

titleHow does the Commission intend to manage certified biofuels in national systems (such as INS) ensuring both EU reporting and consistency with national databases?


There is ongoing work on linking the UDB with national databases. All certification schemes will be on boarded in UDB, included the ones not recognized by the Commission but used by EU MSs.

titleWill the UDB team organize any initial trainings to explain exactly how the platform works? What type of day-to-day support will be provided? Will an operational hotline be accessible?


There is no hotline planned, As we said we train the trainer, I don’t think the schemes are taking responsibility on this aspect. We are available to engage in a productive dialogue, and hope to assist you towards the effort of a functioning EU UDB

titleWill EO’s of third countries also be held to the deadline of 1 January 2024?


Yes, if they are certified by voluntary schemes and are part of the supply chain.

titleIs the UDB also available in languages other than those used in the EU?


No. UDB is only available in EU languages.

titleWhile entering data into the database: logging out of the window is too quickly. Is it possible to prolong the activity time?


Currently it is 5 minutes, we are planning to increase it to 15 minutes 

titleIn which timeframe will be the data deleted within the acceptance version?


For Acceptance it can remain, we have not planned a timeframe for it.

titleIf a participant belongs to two Voluntary Schemes, how does the mapping happen in the database? 1) How does the registration via the access link work? 2) Does the participant have to register twice?


Both the Voluntary schemes need to provide the same NTR number for the Economic operator.

Onboarding has to be done twice as certificates are different for each VS. If the correct NTR is used the EO will have both certificates linked to his NTR.

titleIs a data transfer from the test version (acceptance) to the live version possible?


No and also not possible from Prod to Acc. Acceptance is pure testing ground.

titleHow can the mail with the invitation link be made more trustworthy? (Mails end up in the participants' spam or do not arrive at all).


This is an issue of recipients mail server configurations. Invites are sent from our Central Notification System of European Commission ( The Recipients organization should ensure emails from the domain are trusted by recipient’s mail server (white list).

titleWhen logging into the UDB, the website has to be reloaded several times to get to the start page. Can this problem be fixed?


First time login it needs to refresh after the invitation is acceptance, after that the login is faster.

titleWill the UDB be available in all EU languages?


Yes. It’s available now. You can click on the ‘EN’ symbol on the top right corner and switch a language from EU.

titleWill there be a merge of the Biomass list between the different voluntary scheme systems, national systems and the coding of the UDB?


The list of materials used by all voluntary schemes are available on UDB. Any interpretations by national systems will be mapped.

titleIs there a document that we can send to the Economic Operators for information regarding data protection?


  • The implementation of data protection within the Economic Operators organization is their own responsibility and need to comply with GDPR

The UDB follows EDPR; The IT security standards of the European Commission are public and can be found here:

titleCould you provide release updates individual visible after log-in in the Database so that users see what is new in the acceptance version?


Release notes are released here: every two weeks. If you act as a watcher on this page, you will get updates.

titleCertified Companies which buy fuel already blended with biofuels and sold it to non certified companies (gas stations) should declare these transactions to UDB?


Yes, non-certified companies will be onboarded on UDB after April and they will have to submit transactions on UDB until the Obligated parties (final fuel supplier) who puts the fuel on the market by providing additional details like customs & invoice reference.

title If YES, should all of these transactions to be declared one by one (for each different VAT number)


NTRID in the form VAT or Business registrations number would be useful. It is best to agree with your buyer (counterparty) which NTR ID they will use. so that they can receive the transactions on UDB.

titleor could we consider all these transactions as one and declare all the quantity to NON CERTIFIED entities in just one transaction?


It is possible to aggregate and needs to align to the physical movement evidence example: Invoice.

titleI did not received an invitatio nso far whilst the UDB registratio as EO is OK according to ISCC. How to proceed?


titleMy certificates and site information are incorrect, is this normal? I have contacted ISCC many times but no respond, do we have to wait until ISCC HUB is ready? Christian Laemmer for TotalEnergies Fluids SAS


For certificate related updates queries please contact your voluntary scheme


titleGaseous Value Chain
titleWhen should we expect the start of the pilot testing and stock registration for gases?


Gaseous Value chain for non-GoO is to go live before 21st November 2024. Testing will be possible on bilateral basis with EOs and TSO/DSO in Q2 & Q3 2024. All interested EOs may. For GoO, registries who would want to start the integration may contact UDB team for bilateral session as per the communication in the last focus group in December 2023

titleEO Questions
titleWhen should we expect the start of the pilot testing and stock registration for gases?


Gaseous Value chain for non-GoO is to go live before 21st November 2024. Testing will be possible on bilateral basis with EOs and TSO/DSO in Q2 & Q3 2024. All interested EOs may. For GoO, registries who would want to start the integration may contact UDB team for bilateral session as per the communication in the last focus group in December 2023
