- Created by Vasudev TARUN KUMAR, last modified by Javier MARTINEZ BAJO on Oct 31, 2024
Regarding the Data Policy and Protection, Please refer to the following link
Yes, non-certified companies will be onboarded on UDB after April and they will have to submit transactions on UDB until the Obligated parties (final fuel supplier) who puts the fuel on the market by providing additional details like customs & invoice reference.
NTRID in the from VAT or Business registrations number would be useful. It is best to agree with your buyer (counterparty) which NTR ID they will use. so that they can receive the transactions on UDB
It is possible to aggregate and needs to align to the physical movement evidence example: Invoice.
For certificate related updates queries please contact your voluntary scheme
Cancel option is not available in material processing now. It will be implemented soon.
Owner of the material in this case is the Eo, who will be creating further transactions . Stock has to be recorded by the EO in UDB.
As of 1st January 2024, if you balance is negative then you do not need to encode the initial stocks
It refers to Waste or animal by permit number - optional field. Yes Point of origin should provide this information.
Total emissions with negative values will be possible. restrictions will be removed next week.
Support received is related to any from one of these - Feed-in tariff
Feed in premium
Contracts for difference
Consumption support (tax breaks)
Consumption support (mandates)
If you would like to seek access to LIVE environment , please contact your voluntary scheme.
Yes, it is required for transactions to be registered after 1st Jan 2024 (hence ex post registration is allowed). If the transactions are not registered on UDB then such consignments cannot be counted for targets by a Member State.
Could you please clarify the scenario by elaborating what context / need for it. It may be possible but we will have to prioritize based on specific need.
It is generally at the point of origin or the first collector. Once encoded on UDB it will be available in the value chain for the consigned as per the Annex I
Fuel list in RED is referred by production pathway and the fuel name to identify it correctly. Please either refer to your certification or the list in with description extracted from RED. These references will determine the application default GHG values as per RED
There is no deadline set currently on the application for registering initial stocks.
Initial stock to be registered for Molasses as of 1st January 2024. Accept incoming transaction when your supplier deliver. Submit seller transaction when you sell molasses to the buyer.
This is a one time use feature and will not change and meant to register stocks held as of 1st January 2024. If the EO was registered after this date then the transactions should be registered directly via other features.
There is no deadline set currently on the application for registering initial stocks.
If the trader has storage initial stock can be registered as of 1st Jan 2024. It is optional. At any point in time every EO can view the available stocks.
Please refer to the UDB User Guide and Demo Video’s : User Guides / Demo Video's.
All certificates and voluntary scheme need to be register their EO. One EO will be registered only once on UDB. But will have to be linked to multiple schemes. If the schemes faces trouble for this situation they can contact UDB team.
Currently bulk upload for initial stock registration is not available. This option will be available in upcoming future releases
There is no deadline set currently on the application for registering initial stocks.
Default NTR will expire in 3 months for sourcing contact.
3 months period starts from the day the Sourcing Contact is created in UDB.
In the manage sourcing contact click on "Download Bulk Upload Sourcing Contact Template "to download the template.
If the 3rd party is only storing the initial stock, EO (Owner)of the stock.
In parallel The 3rd party facility should be registered under your certificate in UDB as a site.
Yes, in the manage sourcing contact click on "Download Bulk Upload Sourcing Contact Template "to upload bulk data.
If an EO is selling the material then the EO must declare the storage in his certificate as a SITE.
Yes. It would be possible for any type of material.
Currently VAT is not mandatory for creating sourcing contact.
National Trade Register Identification number automatically generated by clicking on ""Generate default NTR"" after selecting country.
For Collecting point for Uco we have sourcing contact option
Certified Economic operators on behalf of point of origins like farmers and restaurants
Only if the certificate scope of the EO is any of the below:
- FG - First Gathering Point (for biomass grown/harvested on farms/plantations)
- CP - Collecting Point (for waste/residue material not grown/harvested on farms/plantations)
- CNPW - Collector of non-primary residual flows
In the manage sourcing contact click on ""Download Bulk Upload Sourcing Contact Template"" to upload bulk data.
For FGP transactions bulk upload for buyer trade is not available. This option will be available in upcoming future releases.
Trader without storage don't have to register the initial stock.
The new raw materials or intermediate products can be requested by the scheme when the materials can be identifiable specifically & uniquely i.e. it should not be a category. Additionally the scheme has to provide description. These materials will be added if they don't already exist. For fuels the fuel has to be approved & published by EC before it can be listed on UDB.
As PoO, the possibility to add material directly will be enabled. The processing can be done using the feature material processing feature.
This should not be any different from current process. UDB is only digitizing the information. If necessary losses feature can be provided to remove the losses due to any process. Please clarify if this is the case.
The collecting point buying from POO can register in this case. Please write to us if the case is different.
This is correct. If the Pos is not marked as complete. the transaction will not reach the buyer.
Currently able to select one sourcing contact from the sourcing contact dropdown list in FGP trade.
"This scenario possible in DDV, AV & DDV_AV to save the final value is equal to zero in POS.
Yes, In UCO if we select 'DDV' as method type "" At least one DDV method type is required"" i.e. GHG Emissions any one field is required to complete the POS data."
The 1st Collection point can aggregate the UCO across multiple restaurants and by specifying the portion from each restaurant in this aggregation for example per month.
If Point of origin is certified it is not necessary to add them to SC. However it is allowed to add to SC as an option.
API to cancel; initial stock is not implemented yet , you should be able to cancel stock created as long as its not been used in an transaction.
Yes, it is possible as long as the consignments have unique foot print i.e. same country of origin and emission footprint.
The incoming quantities cannot be edited currently considering the small variances. If necessary we will consider where the variances are limited by certain amounts. The scheme can make a proposal.
"For Non-certified Economic operators like fuel suppliers and consumers can be onboarded in around March. UDB team shall notify you which can be further passed on to the EOs. There will be a possibility for them to self-register using a website link and start using the application.Training for non-certified economic operators begin only after March, You will get a notification email when the training slots open .
Meanwhile , You could refer to https://wikis.ec.europa.eu/display/UDBBIS/Union+Database+for+Biofuels+-+Public+wiki
F&Q’s – https://wikis.ec.europa.eu/display/UDBBIS/FAQ+-+UDB
UDB stops at final fuel suppliers / obligated parties and will not cover retail customers. In the case large wholesale customer, Final fuel suppliers can indicate the customers by NTR ID & country where the fuel is put on market. Subject to additional legislations end- customers like Aviation / Airlines operators will have access to UDB. In other sectors currently end-customer who are consuming the fuel will not have access unless this is for transformation into Gas or liquid .
No, using conversion feature, an EO can chose the certificate he owns for converting from soybean to Soyoil
Non-certified EO will be onboarded into UDB after March 2024. They will be able to receive the consignments from fuel producers and transact on UDB expost.
The most appropriate fuel codes should be used. FBM0120 is for fuels that are not specifically listed. UDB will be able to identify a consignment with Fuel + Raw material
If you find duplicate site please contact UDB mailbox. It is expected that EO providing unique site name & postcode to the schemes during audits will bring harmonization and avoid duplicates in future.
A lead user of an EO can invite more users. Changing lead user can be done the VS user.
Support received is related to any from one of these - Feed-in tariff
Feed in premium
Contracts for difference
Consumption support (tax breaks)
Consumption support (mandates)
Company reference is internal reference of the EO for the trade or stock evidenced
In case the corporate legal entity is registered then only the lead user of this entity can invite users from the other entities to join the UDB (not the IT team of the UDB). Nevertheless each site will have to be registered separately since it is covered by a separate mass-balancing system. If the certification is at the level of group then only an group entity will receive an invitation. If the certificates are available for each entity then each entity will be registered on UDB as an organization. An EO can work with VS and ensure the appropriate lead users are invited.
In case the corporate legal entity is registered then only the lead user of this entity can invite users from the other entities to join the UDB (not the IT team of the UDB). Nevertheless each site will have to be registered separately since it is covered by a separate mass-balancing system. If the certification is at the level of group then only an group entity will receive an invitation. If the certificates are available for each entity then each entity will be registered on UDB as an organization. An EO can work with VS and ensure the appropriate lead users are invited.
Each time a transaction from a specific site is registered, it should be linked to the respective valid certificate. We need to clarify the issue of self-certification but if these transaction could be linked to the available certificate that was issued as a result of the audit.
Multiple certificates (Same of different VS) can be linked to the same organization. A terminal/site under another certificate for same organization is possible. If we are referring to a site that is not certified then this feature will be enabled.
Any economic operator will have to be on boarded only once in the UDB in order to be able to register transactions. In case of different parts of the business being certified by different certification schemes, the VS will have to upload the different certificates. EOs will have to link respective transactions to the relevant certificate.
The user information can be inserted either by the users themselves or by the their certification scheme. In both cases, information becomes valid once it is confirmed by the economic operator concerned.
EO user registration is only by invitation. Ideally, VS/CB can only update certificates. However, some parts of the certificates may require updates by EO to ease the burden on VS during initial onboarding.
According to the published timing, it is expected that all economic operators should be on-boarded by the end of March 2023. Nevertheless, there is no specific deadline for this since it is considered that economic operators have the incentive to on-board as soon as possible, since those who are not in the system will not be able to register transactions and their raw material and/ or fuels risk to stay outside of the system and not counted for different targets.
There are 3 options to update sustainability: a) Online b) edelivery or system to system & c) with support of service provider.
The message is valid & such options may disappear in the future if those screens will not be enabled for the specific role/user. Mean whilst it is also a placeholder for users who can expect some of these features to be enabled for them.
This is intentional & blocked to avoid a user populating unnecessary data and to ensure adherence for the timeline communicated.
The initial stocks features will be activated once the on-boarding is competed but no later than end March 2023. If the users want to test the application please use the acceptance environment. Live environment should only be used to populate real data. We recommend EOs to follow trainings via VS or those organized by EC.
A user manual will be available along with training. More communication for EOs is to be expected via VS
The current legal basis covers only transport fuels but anticipating the revised UDB text agreed by the co-legislators we will need to cover also bioliquids.
The transactions could be registered directly by the economic operators. If services providers are used, the economic operators can choose one of them for all transactions.
All Biogas producers & consumers, DSO/TSOs to verify the injection & withdrawal, Schemes who certify producers, GO issuers/ registers
Yes, can request inclusions of product names to the existing list
We will include generic names for “biogas from mix of inputs” and “biomethane from mix of inputs”
Currently it is 30 minutes.
For Acceptance it can remain, we have not planned a timeframe for it.
Both the Voluntary schemes need to provide the same NTR number for the Economic operator.
Onboarding has to be done twice as certificates are different for each VS. If the correct NTR is used the EO will have both certificates linked to his NTR.
No and also not possible from Prod to Acc. Acceptance is pure testing ground.
This is an issue of recipients mail server configurations. Invites are sent from our Central Notification System of European Commission (EU-CORPORATE-NOTIFICATION-SYSTEM@ec.europa.eu). The Recipients organization should ensure emails from the domain ec.europa.eu are trusted by recipient’s mail server (white list).
First time login it needs to refresh after the invitation is acceptance, after that the login is faster.
Yes. It’s available now. You can click on the ‘EN’ symbol on the top right corner and switch a language from EU.
The list of materials used by all voluntary schemes are available on UDB. Any interpretations by national systems will be mapped.
- The implementation of data protection within the Economic Operators organization is their own responsibility and need to comply with GDPR
The UDB follows EDPR; The IT security standards of the European Commission are public and can be found here:
Release notes are released here: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/wikis/display/UNIONDB/Release+Notes every two weeks. If you act as a watcher on this page, you will get updates.
Yes, each legal entity (Economic Operator in the UDB), should be identified with one NTR ID. If there are two NTR IDs, this means that there are two EOs.
The EO provides essential information to ISCC (as you as familiar with, the NTR ID, information about materials, scopes and GHG). ISCC compiles the data and uploads it into the UDB.
The legal entity is the overarching organization, called Economic Operator/Organization in the UDB. The site corresponds to the operational unit (main certified site) and other sites covered by the certificate, such as storage facilities (not individually certified), and dependent collecting points.
If these sites are not ISCC certified, we cannot add them to the UDB under the ISCC certificate.
In the acceptance environment is still under development, so bugs or other issues may occur.
The EO shall update the mass-balance start date & duration direct in the UDB.
- ISCC-Reg-11780 certificate uploaded in the UDB
- ISCC-Reg-3996 certificate uploaded in the UDB
- ISCC-Reg-11042 certificate uploaded in the UDB but expired, next certificate will be uploaded soon
- ISCC-Reg-6622 will be uploaded soon
- ISCC-Reg-5211 will be uploaded soon
- ISCC-Reg-12496 certificate uploaded in the UDB but expired, could not find the new certificate
- ISCC-Reg-8124 will be uploaded soon
- ISCC-Reg-3350 certificate uploaded in the UDB.
Unfortunately, this is not envisioned in the UDB.
The objective for the traceability system to be close to real-time since the UDB is a traceability system rather than a reporting system. The deadline to achieve a net mass balancing is not directly related to this rule.
The restrictions on 72 hours is not enabled considering 2024 is a transitional year.
The 72 hours applies from the date of either the invoice or shipment details are available with the Economic Operator. This provides flexibility already for the economic Operator that the transaction may be registered after the shipment (example invoice is generated). Once the transaction is generated, UDB will provide the PoS identifier back to the Economic Operator. The Economic Operator is able to record the emission details before the end of the 3 months balancing period or before the sale of this received consignment on UDB.
There is a transaction reference which the EO can use to link their document to UDB transaction.
If the Buyer does not accept or reject and considering the sale is already shipped, the transaction can be cancelled by the seller
A sale & production cannot be introduced on UDB without having the input in stock
- possible losses of raw materials or final product from production;
This would be allowed implicitly as part of conversion or explicitly for adjustments due to losses
- registration period that allows the EO to do Mass Balance of up to 3 months;
It is possible to register the transaction after the date of Mass-balance end date provided the date of transaction is within the mass-balance period. This will be allowed until the EO has verified & marked the end of mass-balance.
- automatic interconnection in UDB platform between production batches and raw materials;
Yes inputs & outputs are linked for specific batches/consignment.
- managing the raw materials for production as they do in their production plant and not only in a FIFO model;
The EO may choose which raw materials to use for conversion/production & decide which output consignments to group before further sale.
- all final documents SD and PoS should have the possibility to be filled according to the manual existing ones, not missing the cases of the km travelled or any new field changes that happened in the last months.
Updates for sourcing contacts (new ones) can be made at any point in time online on UDB or via eDelivery exchange.
We will create process to remove unprocessed (not needed) feedstock. There will be need to report NTR and name of EO to whom it will be sell (transaction). This EO doesn’t need to be registered.
Yes, this will be made available publicly when the scheme has nominated the same.
The harmonized materials list is consulted with the schemes & Member states already. All fuels listed can only be extended if it is adopted in the directives. All raw materials are listed as per the certification process & can be extended based on recommendation from Certification body/scheme.
All national schemes have been requested to notify EC to be included in the UDB. When a national scheme has notified commission the consignments certified under national schemes & further traded will be transparent to Economic operators.
As of January 2024, all Economic Operators whose organization & certificates are onboarded by their scheme will be able to register their initial stocks (closing of mass-balance) and the trade transaction. Where the Economic Operators completes this registration at a later date, they will be able to submit trade transaction ex-poste when they are registered correctly.
National schemes may notify & include their scheme into UDB without being recognized by EC. DG Ener has sent notifications to all member states to notify their details.
There is ongoing work on linking the UDB with national databases. All certification schemes will be on boarded in UDB, included the ones not recognized by the Commission but used by EU MSs.
There is no hotline planned, As we said we train the trainer, I don’t think the schemes are taking responsibility on this aspect. We are available to engage in a productive dialogue, and hope to assist you towards the effort of a functioning EU UDB
Yes, if they are certified by voluntary schemes and are part of the supply chain.
No. UDB is only available in EU languages.
Currently it is 5 minutes, we are planning to increase it to 15 minutes
For Acceptance it can remain, we have not planned a timeframe for it.
Both the Voluntary schemes need to provide the same NTR number for the Economic operator.
Onboarding has to be done twice as certificates are different for each VS. If the correct NTR is used the EO will have both certificates linked to his NTR.
No and also not possible from Prod to Acc. Acceptance is pure testing ground.
This is an issue of recipients mail server configurations. Invites are sent from our Central Notification System of European Commission (EU-CORPORATE-NOTIFICATION-SYSTEM@ec.europa.eu). The Recipients organization should ensure emails from the domain ec.europa.eu are trusted by recipient’s mail server (white list).
First time login it needs to refresh after the invitation is acceptance, after that the login is faster.
Yes. It’s available now. You can click on the ‘EN’ symbol on the top right corner and switch a language from EU.
The list of materials used by all voluntary schemes are available on UDB. Any interpretations by national systems will be mapped.
- The implementation of data protection within the Economic Operators organization is their own responsibility and need to comply with GDPR
The UDB follows EDPR; The IT security standards of the European Commission are public and can be found here:
Release notes are released here: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/wikis/display/UNIONDB/Release+Notes every two weeks. If you act as a watcher on this page, you will get updates.
Yes, non-certified companies will be onboarded on UDB after April and they will have to submit transactions on UDB until the Obligated parties (final fuel supplier) who puts the fuel on the market by providing additional details like customs & invoice reference.
NTRID in the form VAT or Business registrations number would be useful. It is best to agree with your buyer (counterparty) which NTR ID they will use. so that they can receive the transactions on UDB.
It is possible to aggregate and needs to align to the physical movement evidence example: Invoice.
For certificate related updates queries please contact your voluntary scheme
We have mass balance for 1, 2, 3 and 12months, once provided by EO it cannot be edited .We plan to implement edit of mass balance duration by certification body only .
On UDB a certified material at the point of production is based on certification subject by the schemes that are compliant to RED. It is not allowed and is illegal to relabel the same material to another name. For the purpose of promotion a Member states may decide to interpret the same material differently within the member state. Such cross-referencing can be done by the member states during harmonization process initiated by the member states with Union Database. This will however not lead to change in Annex IX status.
We do not for each flight. Only what’s delivered from EO to EO consignments
primary residual flows' refer to 'agricultural, aquaculture, fisheries and forestry residues and wastes'
and 'non-primary residual flows' refer to 'processing residues and wastes'.
When you are buyer we do not ask for certification details
Basically remove means report that the fuel has been use. We use put-on-market to register this.
If your ISCC certificate has collection point scope you can use Part B scope .
If you certificate possess only point of origin scope we are developing special trade for it where you will be able to register your transaction..
We are working on this and we expect this by end of Q2
TDV not needed for UCO
Please provide more details on the site information.
UDB does not register non-sustainable quantities. Regarding your specific question please discuss with your scheme
Bulk upload of sourcing contact is available .
Bulk upload for Transaction is not available and will be announced when its available.
Each sale is unique and will create a unique POS in UDB.
Yes , this will be possible.
UK will be part of Eu grid.
Both buyer and seller can enter the delivery location if its already known. If the buyer not registered in UDB it will be marked as consumed .
For feedstock MJ is only for fuels and Dry tone is for RM. UOM depends on the registered material type.
1. If outside UDB scope means EO not using UDB scope you can register this transaction in UDB mentioning the Required EO details.
2. If it means non sustainable consignment you don't need to register it in UDB.
If you want to remove it from your mass balance this feature will be possible in future.
Non certified EO's can be imported into UDB for the transaction.
The NUTS2 values need to be the ones subject to a decision by EC (RED II), Currently only NUTS2 value for Argentina & and Australia are approved by EC directives.
If the Blue PoS received can only be registered in UDB at start of next MB period, how can we supply the PoS within 30 calendar days as required?
UDB does not automatically calculate the emissions and is needed to share to EO further in the value chain. This is the responsibility of the EO
Yes.. you can accumulate all volumes for the same point of origin, same GHG and same country of origin.
The transactions can be registered in the past as long as it is within the certification validity
All transactions after 1st Jan 2024 have to be on UDB
National schemes should notify EC, DG ENER about the National scheme so that the scheme can be onboarded on UDB. National schemes should further onboard the economic operators and their certificates on UDB
Regarding an Independent storage site, an trader should ensure this site is listed under his certificate to be able to use the warehouse as the location for the consignments
Initial stocks is one time registration. It can be registered on UDB based on sustainable stocks held as of 1st January 2024
Biomass produced can be introduced into UDB in several forms:
a) 1st gathering points can introduced backdated transactions including stocks held as of 1st October and transactions after 1st October.
b) Point of origins can introduced biomass wastes or animal wastes with stocks as of 1st October and transactions thereafter.
c) Traders who hold stocks as of 1st October can introduce transactions using initial stock as one time activity.
Thereafter all consignments should be originating from their suppliers.
UDB is digitizing all sustainable materials as part of traceability. As such UDB will be able to demonstrate Mass-balance of such materials that can only be part of UDB. This view may not be the same as physical stocks held by EO and as such. It is not intended for UDB to replace Mass-Balance document at this point in time.
The seller will have to indicate the buyer in a sale transaction. Buyer shall update the delivery location. If the Buyer is not on UDB or his site is not certified, it will be considered booked out.
The topic of registering the transaction is explained in the user manual i.e. the 72 hours is applicable from the trigger point. The trigger point is based on economic operators business process giving flexibility to be based on consolidation of shipments under invoice etc.
Every Consignment should be registered on UDB with UDB PoS
All Consignments should be registered by your suppliers after 1st Jan
A supplier can register the transactions retroactively after 1st Jan 2024 in 2024
Input for initial stock is a onetime activity by the economic operator. Retroactive registration after 1st January allows the possibility for delayed submissions during the transition year.
A template based auto conversion will be added in the backlog
In the current implementation we do not allow to record sales transaction with negative mass balance.
In the current implementation we do not show cumulative .
Possible to register transaction for non ISCC buyer , it will be called as Booked out . This feature is currently not available .
The question needs to be clarified but the UDB allows to cumulate the GHG emissions. Each Economic operator can see the total GHG emissions cumulated until the previous stage.
once UDB is fully operational and for the types of fuels covered the UDB PoS is the mandatory reference for sustainability certification and traceability. therefore, should be enough for such purposes.
All consignments if not on UDB cannot be counted as sustainable if there is no corresponding UDB PoS. When Nabisys is integrated, Nabisy PoS should be integrated on UDB.
If the EO registers the consignment using Initial stocks for 2023 stocks they continue to be subject to audits during certification renewal
Ambient litres will be considered
In UDB you can use internal transfer option to move stock from one site to another site internally but the site need to be registered(Certified) .
Bulk Upload Transaction will included in the backlog
All EO should contact your voluntary scheme .
For technical support-EC-UDB-SUPPORT@ec.europa.eu.
For functional topics- EC-UNION-DB@ec.europa.eu.
Yes, a company can have several
users registered to work on a (UDB) system.
Point of origin Economic Operators like farmers & restaurants.
These types of EOs are not expected to participate in reporting trade transactions to UDB.
The trades from POO shall be registered by 1st Gathering or collection point.
Kindly contact your voluntary scheme to update the certificate if status is expired.
If the certificate is expired that certificate sites are not possible to register stock and transaction
We plan to create adjustment/loss feature , In future buyer should be able to include adjustment/loss linked to the consignment .
If the certification number is incorrect, again we need to create a new certificate. Once the certificate has been created, certificate number edit is not possible
Yes, a company can have several users.
Feature would be available in future
The NUTS2 values need to be the ones subject to a decision by EC (RED II), Currently only NUTS2 value for Argentina & and Australia are approved by EC directives.
The purpose of the initial stock registration
is to allow economic operators to register an initial available sustainable stock of raw materials or fuels that would allow them later to trade. This feature will be available only during transitioning into the union database to enable economic operators to start registering transactions.
is it a truckload or shipment or current inventory at that location?
For the raw material Corn unit, should be kgCO2eq/DMT.
For all fuel type unit, should be gCO2eq/MJ.
Initial stock held by the Economic Operator at a site listed in the certificate as on 1st January 2024 to be registered as a one-time activity to kick start the UDB application.
Initial stock is the quantity available to the EO at a particular site as on 1st January 2024. Stock should be issued 1 st Jan 2024,
No other future dates are possible.
Currently for NUTS2 region available only for
Argentina for the material Soyabean and Australia for the material Canola Seed
Material: rapeseed (crop)) with NUTS2 method type. How could we register NUTS2 crop stocks to UDB?
Bulk Upload Transaction is Feature for us to implement
UDB POS is the true source of sustainability information in UDB.
Yes edelivery can be used for bulk upload.
Currently for registering certificate mass balance duration could be 1 months,2 months,
3 months or 12 months
Once the mass balance start date & duration is specified and the transactions are recorded on UDB, the transactions executed would be visible within the specific mass-balance period. The feature for Mass-balance period would be available within Q1 2024 for use. It is not necessary to specify the mass-balance start date for every period. The UDB will auto generate the mass-balance periods based on initial last known mass balance start date and duration. The carry forward of available stocks from one mass-balance period to the next will be automatically calculated for every new period, & hence it is not necessary to manually move the volumes.
Only sustainable material will be traced on UDB except in the case of blending.
With regards to sustainable fuel, only those consignment reported on UDB (by fuel producers) and further sold to fuel suppliers on UDB will be available to the final fuel supplier to mark the fuel as consumed in the market. Offline reporting of consignments put on market will not be allowed on UDB as this defeats the purpose of UDB from traceability point of view and will lead to double counting/ irregularities. EO would have the report of all consignments put for consumption by final fuel suppliers on real time basis. Additionally an annual report can be extracted by both EO and the Member states for sustainable fuel.
Company reference should be the Internal company reference that can directly or indirectly link the evidence supporting the traded consignment. This reference is to be used during the certification audit.
Stock should be issued 1 st Jan 2024, it could be registered at any time.
The NUTS2 values need to be the ones subject to a decision by EC (RED II).
We plan to create adjustment/loss feature , In future buyer should be able to include adjustment/loss linked to the consignment .
Stock should be issued 1 st Jan 2024,
No other future dates are possible.
Physical location(site- address mentioned in your certificate)
where you store your stock
Yes . several user rights can be added
Using e delivery you can upload several transaction
Yes, It is a one time exercise
Could you please address to
EC-UNION-DB@ec.europa.eu through more details
All mandatory fields are marked with red star on the top. *
Adding sourcing contact(farmer) is available all the time .
If your sourcing contact is already registered in UDB , no need to reregister .When the delivery happens the new sourcing contact has to be registered.
If you mean EO details(Suppliers), yes if they are linked to ISCC they should be automatically transferred.
Only one.
You can register multiple sites in your ISCC certificate .
Currently you are able to upload sourcing contacts without NTR and UDB will generate the NTR, We are giving 3 months of expiry for this sourcing contact. Within this 3 months you should be able to provide a unique reference from your system and not just the name so we can create a NTR template for these sourcing contacts.
Currently you are able to upload sourcing contacts without NTR and UDB will generate the NTR, We are giving 3 months of expiry for this sourcing contact. Within this 3 months you should be able to provide a unique reference from your system and not just the name so we can create a NTR template for these sourcing contacts.
The NUTS2 values need to be the ones subject to a decision by EC (RED II).
No, Currently only one certificate is possible to
create point of origin buyer trade
You can record same date for both.
POO should be recorded when you buy the material.
If the site is certified you should be able to select the 'place of delivery ' while accepting the transaction.
Currently only one transaction can register,
Multiple register Transaction is Feature for us to implement
Bulk Upload PoO
is Feature for us to implement
Mass upload will only be possible for sourcing contact .
Yes you can register multiple transaction on one delivery date.
Currently not possible (unless edelivery is being used).
This requirement does not go beyond legislation since the RED II as a higher-level legal act cannot regulate all the details of implementing an information system. Nevertheless, article 28.2 stipulates that the UDB should register all transactions in the value chain. Regarding the 72h, please bear in mind that aggregation of quantities is allowed if the inherent sustainability attributes of these quantities are the same. Therefore, the transaction registration could be based on an invoice that covers an aggregated consignment.
Currently not possible - feature coming soon.
First Collection Point can use it.
EO must have a valid certificate with at least one of the scope activities.
CP - Collecting Point (for waste/residue material not grown/harvested on farms/plantations)
CNPW - Collector of non-primary residual flows
No, Currently only one certificate is possible to add in a Transaction
On accepting the transaction buyer would enter the delivery location.
Your MB book is separate and needed by your CB's and Auditor's.
On the transaction list view page you should be able to see the POS generated.
Bulk Upload Transaction is Feature for us to implement
This will not be possible.
In the current implementation we cannot mass approve transactions.
POO should be recorded when you buy the material.
You can choose the unit according the selected material.
The EO has flexibility to decide the trigger point at which the information is sufficiently available for the EO to introduce the transaction on the UDB except for PoS. The examples for trigger points can be – invoice, bill of lading, surveyor report of internal reference that links multiple evidence. These trigger points are to be linked to the evidence being shared to the auditor.
The EO has flexibility to decide the trigger point at which the information is sufficiently available for the EO to introduce the transaction on the UDB except for PoS. The examples for trigger points can be – invoice, bill of lading, surveyor report of internal reference that links multiple evidence. These trigger points are to be linked to the evidence being shared to the auditor.
The NUTS2 values need to be the ones subject to a decision by EC (RED II).
Gaseous Value chain for non-GoO is to go live before 21st November 2024. Testing will be possible on bilateral basis with EOs and TSO/DSO in Q2 & Q3 2024
Transactions can be registered retroactively from 1st January 2024 based on the initial stocks or transactions received from suppliers after 1st January 2024.
We will be publishing when a new feature is available - Announcements
Currently selling to Non certified EO is not available . But we are currently working on implementing this feature.
Contact your Voluntary Scheme
Please try again ,Currently the sessions will be active unto 30 mins.
Yes, In the transaction if the POS set to 'NO' then it will be in Provisional status i.e. transaction doesn't send to buyer it remains back in seller transaction it can be longer editable
TDV stands for Total Default Value
TDV fetches the value from the fuel production step only.
Every new transaction in UDB create a unique POS . You can refer to the consignment during transaction creation . On the company reference number text field.
Buyer needs to provide the delivery location when accepting the transaction.
As a EO lead user,Go to Organisation->Manage Buyers
In the manage buyer page user able to do a bulk upload buyers
Click on the Download bulk upload template and template fields should be in the below format
Example NTR for the Country
Belgium: National Trade Register Identification Type
Should be BE_OND_CD
A 10-digit number starting with 0.
Example: BE_OND_CD203201340
Company identifier (Machine readable)
Once the GHG data is being accepted , there is a limitation on editing .
Country of origin is linked to material source and combination site.(Refers to the location )
Depends on which type of GHG method was used , If its TDV or DDV we dont expect values.If its AV the value should be provided .
Refer to eDelivery - Promotion to Production
Each material set is unique and should have unique POS from UDB.
POS will be sent directly to the buyer's UDB account.
Mass balance is considered between entry and three months.
For Example: Yes,Farm A processes harvest crops for
Pom B under a tolling agreement, this would be considered a transaction.
If corn was received with TDV or DDV GHG methosd types we don't expect any GHG values. If corn received with AV method type linked GHG values is expected and mandatory.
The forbidden status happens where there is a lot of retries and
manually updating the url. For security reason the login in denied for 24 hours.
Initial stock is the quantity available to the EO at a particular site as on 1st January 2024. Stock should be issued 1 st jan 2024,
No other future dates are possible.
Non-certified Economic operators like fuel suppliers and consumers can be onboarded . There will be a possibility for them to self-register using a website link and start using the application.
We plan to create adjustment/loss feature , In future buyer should be able to include adjustment/loss linked to the consignment .
Trader with storage will not be allowed to do any process, this restriction on material process will be done as soon as possible.
We plan to create adjustment/loss feature , In future buyer should be able to include adjustment/loss linked to the consignment .
Input material can be multiple and output material can also be multiple each would have a diffrent POS's.
In the current implementation ,Material processing cannot be done using Excel.
If for Intermediate product or fuel created after conversion used medoth type is AV , Then cumulated GHG would be based on the input material AV values plus AV values added during the conversion.(AV of input material+AV added during conversion)
We will add Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil material also as a Fuel .
Convertion is distinct / output
Refer to User Guides / Demo Video's
We plan to create adjustment/loss feature , In future buyer should be able to include adjustment/loss linked to the consignment .
Refer to eDelivery - Promotion to Production
Yes, non-certified companies will be onboarded on UDB after April and they will have to submit transactions on UDB until the Obligated parties (final fuel supplier) who puts the fuel on the market by providing additional details like customs & invoice reference.
NTRID in the format VAT or Business registrations number would be useful. It is best to agree with your buyer (counterparty) which NTR ID they will use. so that they can receive the transactions on UDB
It is possible to aggregate and needs to align to the physical movement evidence example: Invoice.
For certificate related updates queries please contact your voluntary scheme
Cancel option is not available in material processing now. It will be implemented soon.
As of 1st January 2024, if you balance is negative then you do not need to encode the initial stocks
It refers to Waste or animal by permit number - optional field. Yes Point of origin should provide this information.
Total emissions with negative values will be possible. restrictions will be removed next week.
Support received is related to any from one of these - Feed-in tariff
Feed in premium
Contracts for difference
Consumption support (tax breaks)
Consumption support (mandates)
If you would like to seek access to LIVE environment , please contact your voluntary scheme.
Yes, it is required for transactions to be registered after 1st Jan 2024 (hence expost registration is allowed). If the transactions are not registered on UDB then such consignments cannot be counted for targets by a Member State.
Could you please clarify the scenario by elaborating what context / need for it. It may be possible but we will have to prioritize based on specific need.
It is generally at the point of origin or the first collector. Once encoded on UDB it will be available in the value chain for the consigned as per the Annex I
Fuel list in RED is reffered by production pathway and the fuel name to identify it correctly. Please eithere refer to your certification or the list in with description extracted from RED. These references will determine the application default GHG valuesas per RED
There is no deadline set currently on the application for registering initial stocks.
Initial stock to be registered for Molasses as of 1st January 2024. Accept incoming transaction when your spplier deliver. Submit seller transaction when you sell mollasses to the buyer
This is a one time use feature and will not change and meant to register stocks held as of 1st January 2024. If the EO was registered after this date then the transactions should be registered directly via other features.
There is no deadline set currently on the application for registering initial stocks.
If the trader has storage initial stock can be registered as of 1st Jan 2024. It is optional. At any point in time every EO can view the available stocks.
Please refer to the UDB User Guide and Demo Video’s : User Guides / Demo Video's
All certificates and voluntary scheme need to be register their EO. One EO will be registered only once on UDB. But will have to be linked to multiple schemes. If the schemes faces trouble for this situation they can contact UDB team.
Currently bulk upload for initial stock registration is not available. This option will be available in upcoming future releases
There is no deadline set currently on the application for registering initial stocks.
Default NTR will expire in 3 months for sourcing contact.
3 months period starts from the day the Sourcing Contact is created in UDB.
In the manage sourcing contact click on "Download Bulk Upload Sourcing Contact Template"to download the template.
If the 3rd party is only storing the initial stock, EO (Owner)of the stock.
In parallel The 3rd party facility should be registered under your certificate in UDB as a site.
Yes,in the manage sourcing contact click on "Download Bulk Upload Sourcing Contact Template"to upload bulk data.
If an EO is selling the material then the EO must declare the storage in his certificate as a SITE.
Yes. It would be possible for any type of material.
Currently VAT is not mandatory for creating sourcing contact.
National Trade Register Identification number automatically generated by clicking on "Generate default NTR" after selecting country
For Collecting point for uco we have sourcing contact option
In the manage sourcing contact click on "Download Bulk Upload Sourcing Contact Template" to upload bulk data.
For FGP transactions bulk upload for buyer trade is not available. This option will be available in upcoming future releases
Trader without storage dont have to register the initial stock.
The new raw materials or intermediete products can be requested by the scheme when the materials can be indentifiable specifically & uniquely i.e. it should not be a category. Additionally the scheme has to provide descrption. These materials will be added if they dont already exist. For fuels the fuel has to be approved & published by EC before it can be listed on UDB.
As PoO, the possibility to add material directly will be enabled. The processing can be done using the feature material processing feaure
This should not be any different from current process. UDB is only digitizing the information. If necessary lossess feature can be provided to remove the losses due to any process. Please clarify if this is the case.
The collecting point buying from POO can register in this case. Please write to us if the case is different.
This is correct. If the Pos is not marked as complete. the transaction will not reach the buyer.
Currently able to select one sourcing contact from the sourcing contact dropdown list in FGP trade
This scenario possible in DDV, AV & DDV_AV to save the final value is equal to zero in POS.
Yes,In UCO if we select 'DDV' as method type " At least one DDV method type is required" i.e GHG Emissions any one field is required to complete the POS data.
The 1st Collection point can aggregate the UCO across multiple restaurants and by specifying the portion from each restaurant in this aggregation for example per month.
If Point of origin is certified it is not necessary to add them to SC. However it is allowed to add to SC as an option.
API to cance; initial stock is not implemented yet , you should be able to cancel stock created as long as its not been used in an transaction.
Yes, it is possible as long as the consignments have unique foot print i.e. same country of origin and emission footprint.
The incoming quantities cannot be edited currently considering the small variances. If necessary we will consider where the variances are limited by certain amounts. The scheme can make a proposal.
For Non-certified Economic operators like fuel suppliers and consumers can be onboarded in around March. UDB team shall notify you which can be further passed on to the EOs. There will be a possibility for them to self-register using a website link and start using the application. Training for non-certified economic operators begin only after March, You will get a notification email when the training slots open .
Meanwhile , You could refer to https://wikis.ec.europa.eu/display/UDBBIS/Union+Database+for+Biofuels+-+Public+wiki
F&Q’s – https://wikis.ec.europa.eu/display/UDBBIS/FAQ+-+UDB
UDB stops at final fuel suppliers / obligated parties and will not cover retail customers. In the case large wholesale customer, Final fuel suppliers can indicate the customers by NTR ID & country where the fuel is put on market. Subject to additional legislations end- customers like Aviation / Airlines operators will have access to UDB. In other sectors currently end-customer who are consuming the fuel will not have access unless this is for transformation into Gas or liquid .
solid biomass fuels are not covered by UDB
Yes,it can be two separate logins or one login For Example: one accounts can be linked to multiple organisation
Yes,in the transaction site dropdown list show after selecting the certificate which is linked to the organisation
In the sale transaction POS data
If we select AV as method type
in GHG Emissions "At least one E field is required" and it is mandatory.
If we select DDV as method type
in GHG Emissions"At least one DDV method type is required" and it is mandatory.
If we select DDV_AV as method type in GHG Emissions
"At least one DDV and one AV method type is required" and it is mandatory.
UDB is not tracing these information
The sustainabiliy declarations & PoS data is encoded by Economic Operators which forms the digital declarations on UDB further information about consignment as per Annex I. These information will be used by auditors during certification audits.
EO have the obligation to register the transactions on UDB since UDB traces the fuel from the raw materials. Nabisy and Carbure is a reporting system and not a tracability system. Nabisy and carbure are working towards integration with UDB as a hub. If the member states would like bidirectional integration then it will require member states to fullfill the traceability requirement to encode transactions into UDB i.e. the raw materials consignment registered on UDB have to be linked to the fuel consignments
As a EO lead user only can possible to manage the change of VS.
Navigate to Organisation ->My Organisation page click on 'Edit' in the General information section to add the required Voluntary schemes.
Initiating purchase is possible for 1st gathering & 1st collection point only. As a buyeryou can accept the incoming transaction registere by the seller.
Possible using internal transfer option. Transaction can be created for the
Units cannot be changes when creating seller transaction , but possible on Conversion.
This requirement does not go beyond legislation since the RED II as a higher-level legal act cannot regulate all the details of implementing an information system. Nevertheless, article 28.2 stipulates that the UDB should register all transactions in the value chain. Regarding the 72h, please bear in mind that aggregation of quantities is allowed if the inherent sustainability attributes of these quantities are the same. Therefore, the transaction registration could be based on an invoice that covers an aggregated consignment.
Yes, the end use into transport sector (Maritime) is to be encoded by final fuel supplier.
It is possible to convert from one UoM to another UoM using the material processing feature today.
You can refer to the Release Notes shared in the public wiki.
In the curent implmentation material processing can be done with multiple input material and one output material, with a maximum of 5 waste.
National schemes should have the same Mass balance rules since they need to comply with RED II
It is foreseen that service provider can assist in such situations for mass uploading or via EOs IT systems integration with UDB via Access point provider. For these 2 options, please contact your scheme.
The trade transactions are to be registered as per the reality and evidences to be submitted to auditors. During the transition year (2024) there will not be any restriction to as the EOs are allowed to register transactions exposte.
Yes, Changes can be requested to Certification Body. Only schemes/CB can change the mass-balance period.
The date used shall be relatable to the evidences used during the certification audit. The reference to this is based on both trade data & Company reference number (Internal numbers for process or surveyor report as applicable & required by the certification scheme etc)
Yes, material cannot be used in a transaction it is possible to manage the delete and edit the stocks.
If that material is used in a transaction then it is not possible to edit and delete following message would appear
"Unable to edit as the pos was used in a Transaction/Material process"
Updates ongoing by the UDB team.
All EOs are required start using as soon as they are onboarded. If EOs are not complying to the certification schemes communication, they may temporaily suspend the certificates of such EOs. Legal deadline for UDB to be full operational is November 2024.
We are happy to support on the initial UDB implementation phase, you could Email to - EC-UNION-DB@ec.europa.eu . udb@iscc-system.org for support . Meanwhile you can also refer to user guide and demo video's published in the WIKI page.
Gaseous Value chain for non-GoO is to go live before 21st November 2024. Testing will be possible on bilateral basis with EOs and TSO/DSO in Q2 & Q3 2024. All interested EOs may contact UDB Team. For GoO, registries who would want to start the integration may contact UDB team for bilateral session as per the communication in the last focus group in December 2023.
Regarding the Data Policy and Protection, Please refer to the following link
Contact ISCC . UDB Team will not be able to support on this.
Initial stock held by the Economic Operator at a site listed in the certificate as on 1st January 2024 to be registered as a one-time activity to kick start the UDB application.
Initial stock is the quantity available to the EO at a particular site as on 1st January 2024. Stock should be issued 1 st Jan 2024,
No other future dates are possible.
UDB & Nabisy team are working on integration requirements & design. The Nabisy database is considered reporting and UDB is a traceability system.
In the Certificate you can add the new site which is used to add the stocks and create transactions and conversions.
Currently through Initial Stock E-delivery you can create multiple stocks.
Update can be done manually through only UI when material stock is not used in a transaction
Auditor will be able to see the list of sourcing contacts for the site/EO is auditing. This list should be consistent with the certification and the data on UDB.
You can aggregate loads having the same material , emission values and same country of origin. If Pos is not final you should be able to edit by adding new loads.
It depends. In general a CP can register the purchases from POO. There are cases where POO is individually certified alongside processing plants and in such cases they can register them directly on UDB.
The 72 hours applies from the date of either the invoice or shipment details are available with the Economic Operator. This provides flexibility already for the economic Operator that the transaction may be registered after the shipment (example invoice is generated). Once the transaction is generated, UDB will provide the PoS identifier back to the Economic Operator. The Economic Operator is able to record the emission details before the end of the 3 months balancing period or before the sale of this received consignment on UDB.
Bulk function not allowed in transaction , But if you mean to register in bulk loads collected in diffrent dates they could be aggregareted in the same trade based on thesame material , emmisions and country of origin.
After the integration of UDB with Nabisy, EO may choose only one method of reporting the transaction that will be exchanged between the two database. More information will be announced when the Nabisys assessment for UDB requirements will be completed & submitted to DG ENER.
Nabisy team is working on the integration requirements. UDB team cannot answer for Nabisy.
It will be allowed unless the POS is not in Final status. In case its already finalised you have possibility to cancel this record and recreate unless it was used for another trade.
We are tarnsulating only to EU languages at the moment.
If you posses the stock from this terminal(tank)it should apprear in your certificate .
Buyer is responsible for entering the delivery date, this can be updated untill the transaction is in accepted status.
Internal transfer via edelivery is not implemented yet , It will be available in the upcoming releases.
UDB should be used as soon as the EO is onboarded & is technically ready to provide information. Any EO not onbaorded by now may be suspended by the scheme if there is lack of reaction. November 2024 is the deadline for the EO to start using UDB failing which the schemes may suspend the EOs certificate.
Using edelivery service buyer should be able to accept or reject transaction.using service -
Training slides will be shared in the public WIKI.
The requirement to submit trade transactions on UDB needs to be fullfilled regardless of Nabisy. Nabisy is currently considered reporting system and not a traceability system. When Nabisy integrated with UDB then the double registration burden will be resolved.
Question for ISCC - Please contact ISCC for the new raw material.
If you are a seller initiating back to back trade located trade with stock phisically located at one of your site you should use only this site no head office .If you are back 2Back trader selling stock hold at the seller site your material will be linked to this site It would appear automatically. (No need to choose a Location for you as a back to back trader)
POO stock registration option would be availablesoon.
Not a question for UDB
Not UDB - Question for ISCC
Contact your Voluntary scheme for re invitation process.
One Economic Operator with one entity legally registered will have only one account per legal entity. It can have many users to manage multiple sites.
Your voluntary scheme is responsible for updating certificate with new sites.
1.For your stock use the initial stock registration. 2. for producing use material processing.
Currently bulk upload for initial stock registration is not available. This option will be available in upcoming future releases
Currently bulk upload for initial stock registration is not available. This option will be available in upcoming future releases
Yes transaction and Sale are same.
"Currently for registering certificate mass balance duration could be 1 months,2 months,
3 months or 12 months
Once the mass balance start date & duration is specified and the transactions are recorded on UDB, the transactions executed would be visible within the specific mass-balance period. The feature for Mass-balance period would be available within Q1 2024 for use. It is not necessary to specify the mass-balance start date for every period. The UDB will auto generate the mass-balance periods based on initial last known mass balance start date and duration. The carry forward of available stocks from one mass-balance period to the next will be automatically calculated for every new period, & hence it is not necessary to manually move the volumes."
Yes you can record initial stocks for UCO materiels. .
Correct all stocks needs to be registered.
All Eo'sin the supply chain must be registered in UDB
When you are certified you should be able to see any other certified EO in the UDB.
The onboarding and process should be followed. ISCC should be able to help you as well.
Mass balance should be registered in the UDB.
Currently you are able to upload sourcing contacts without NTR and UDB will generate the NTR, We are giving 3 months of expiry for this sourcing contact. Within this 3 months you should be able to provide a unique reference from your system and not just the name so we can create a NTR template for these sourcing contacts.
Initial stock is the quantity available to the EO at a particular site as on 1st January 2024. Stock should be issued 1 st jan 2024,
No other future dates are possible.
There is a difference between the sites thatyou pick as a seller for loading. The buyer should know and choose the delivery place.
All EO should contact your voluntary scheme .
For technical support-EC-UDB-SUPPORT@ec.europa.eu.
For functional topics- EC-UNION-DB@ec.europa.eu.
Bulk upload will be possible for sourcing contact .
Bulk Upload PoO is Feature for us to implement in Future.
Bulk Upload PoO is Feature for us to implement in Future.
UDB only uses material from the Annex IX Part A, Part B, aggregated.
Biofuels are derived from renewable organic materials such as plants or waste, and they can be used as an alternative to fossil fuels. Here are some examples: Ethanol,Biodiesel,Biogas,
UDB only uses material from the Annex IX Part A, Part B, aggregated.
UDB team is working on it
UDB team will look into it
You can divide based on your batches and pers site/certification.
UDB only uses material from the Annex IX Part A, Part B, aggregated.
Current the mode of transport could be by train or road or ship,
UDB team will look into the pipeline mode...
Within 72 hours
farms need to be added as a certified site in order to create transaction
Yes Possible
In UDB you can use internal transfer option to move stock from one site to another site internally but the site need to be registered(Certified) .
UDB creates a unique POS in the system based on your record (transaction). UDB POS is the true source
In part A transaction, current implementation place of delivery(Site) is mandatory which is coming from the buyer certificate
if material is not going to any of the addresses under one certificate (but to customer direcly)?
Sorry, They have to use google translate for the momnet...
Could you explain if you want to do conversion? - (Material conversion) or you want to move the deliveries to another plant? (internal-transfer)
UDB only uses material from the Annex IX Part A, Part B, aggregated.
The EO has flexibility to decide the trigger point at which the information is sufficiently available for the EO to introduce the transaction on the UDB except for PoS. The examples for trigger points can be – invoice, bill of lading, surveyor report of internal reference that links multiple evidence. These trigger points are to be linked to the evidence being shared to the auditor.
A guideline for material processing will cover most of these questions.
If the scope of site is meant here, then the scope of materials valid for the site is what is meant. This should also be specified in the certificate & is normally the responsibility of VS.
If the scope of an EO is referred to here, then it is as per the definition in the certificate. Please refer to the below link about the possible values of scope of EO.
Date of processing can be grouped as long as the emission characteristics for processing within the date range is constant. i.e. The EO may chose to use the last day of the week or month to apply conversion.
The conversion allows indeed input or output material & quantity. In such case UDB can recognize the yield at site level but not necessarily at each individual step unless those steps are registered on UDB for each processing step / material created. Implementing a standard yield approach would mean further corrections in subsequent stage for rounding off or variations. We understand that there is no standard yield that can be applied through out the year. Hence this approach is universal for all types of processing. In such cases using a standard yield may not provide accurate information to UDB about the reality to the auditors during audits thereby the reliability of information on UDB.
A batch of input materials with same emission characteristics when converted to an output materials, a new PoS is generated by UDB. An EO will be informed about the different consignments (unique emission & origin characteristics) that he converted in order to use them for future trades. The implementation specifics both on online & e-Delivery will be explained in the guidelines.
Losses can be adjusted during conversion process. Alternatively UDB will provide an feature to adjust losses during mass-balance period.
Transfers between sites for same EO & same certificate will be enabled.
If the crushing activity is executed at the same site and can be uniquely identifiable on UDB as a new material name then this can be registered on UDB using a trade transaction. In the case where the material name is same after crushing & there is a need to recognize the losses after crushing in terms of quantity then the losses features can be applied.
Currently there is no restriction. But this will be restricted soon to EOs who are modifying or converting the materials.
Yes, this can be done and is up to the EO to manage the level of granularity subject to common emission method type, conversion factors and evidence that will be used during the audit.
Gaseous Value chain for non-GoO is to go live before 21st November 2024. Testing will be possible on bilateral basis with EOs and TSO/DSO in Q2 & Q3 2024. All interested EOs may. For GoO, registries who would want to start the integration may contact UDB team for bilateral session as per the communication in the last focus group in December 2023
The EO who is part of multiple schemes, please check the sites, if they are listed twice and report for correction. Over the period we expect the name of the site & post code to be consistent so that only one site appears for both schemes.
Due to the variation across the markets the first registration of a feedstock or fuel has the flexibility to update the emissions before the subsequent sale is made. In all other subsequent trades, the trade cannot be registered until the PoS details are completed. In such a case your suggestion makes sense and to that effect the rule of 72 hours does not hold good. We indeed encourage submission of all documents together, but do recognize that there is a time period needed for the market to digitize their processes.
Yes, Please refer to prior workgroup engagement & the information available on wiki that describes the mandatory & optional fields. User manuals for transactions will also be available soon.
Yes, this is possible.
Normally losses due to transportation & storage will be allowed to be adjusted. This feature will be allowed in the future. Mean whilst it is at the discretion of the buyer to accept the trade transaction. Considering on UDB the trade transaction is for the sale of a consignment that could be shipped in multiple consignments on different dates, what matters is the invoiced stocks that are eventually shipped.
Original PoS is the PoS of the material & consignment that originated from & is normally issued to 1st gathering point by UDB. It is unique. This means each consignment at any point in value chain will have a combination of POS that can uniquely identify a consignment with its emission footprint. The existing Systems at EOs may store such reference received from UDB in order to aggregate or split for referencing in further trading or conversion. The term original PoS also is referred for a new material generated during a material conversion process.
Training sessions are available from February that can cover these topics.
To be able to add the in and out materials and the GHG characteristics, it is possible whilst registering the certificate scope. Additionally GHG emissions are updated for the trade transactions. The question was not very clear to us.
This feature for auto notification is in our backlog for Q2. The Buyer / seller can see all transactions (accepted, rejected, pending etc.) once they log onto UDB and navigate to the manage transactions section.
In case of errors in volumes, units & other details, the transaction can be rejected by Buyer in order to correct the same transaction by seller.
Delivery site can also be updated by the buyer subsequently without rejecting the transaction.
GHG Emissions can be updated until the end of Mass-balance period or mandatorily before the consignment is sold.
A seller cannot register a trade on UDB without the PoS details being filled out. i.e. A buyer cannot recognize this transaction in their mass-balance if the trade transaction is not registered by Seller on UDB. It is in their mutual interest to do so at the earliest. i.e. within the mass-balance period.
- Should they take into account only the biofuel, that is contained in the final mix, or should they declare the quantity of mixture? Biofuel is produced based on certain inputs that are supplied from a certified trader etc. Only these quantities can be used for conversion to biofuel
- What information should be registered with 72 hours? (Quantity, raw material, country of origin?)
– Assuming we are referring to conversion of materials to biofuel, then the quantity, raw materials are applicable. Country of origin is traced by UDB automatically for consignments being converted.
These dates are not applicable until most of the EOs are onboarded across the schemes.
Initial stock registration takes into account stock of EOs at a given point in time (Date to be defined). Any trades after this date can only be registered by sellers (except point of origin). As a buyer one can accept such trades. It is possible initially for some period of time to register such trades ex-post
We have taken note that the first gathering point/trader will have 72 hours to send us its batch of raw materials on the platform: This is 72 hours from the date of invoice -Do we also have 72h to accept it?
Yes, this would also apply for Accept & Rejection of transactions.
-Once accepted can we make changes?
No, this will then need to be a corrective procedure, However a buyer can reject the trade so that the seller can correct it.
-If the deliverer does not use the tool, what happens? I
t is the sellers responsibility to register. Otherwise such consignments are not recognized on UDB
-What are everyone's responsibilities?
-Who is responsible if the accepted value is wrong?
Seller is responsible to register the trade transaction. Buyer has the option to accept or reject. Seller can correct the information before resubmitting
YES, since the 1st gathering point will have to register the transactions and encode a point of origin. Nevertheless, the points of origin are not supposed to register transactions
Any transfers to a site that is listed in the certificate is to be included. UDB only recognizes sites & not storage tanks etc.
Processing & Production is to be recorded under material conversion.
There is a delay of several days between the transaction and the POS
Transactions have to be registered within 72 hours of traded date/shipment.
PoS can be updated later but before the end of mass-balance period. A stock cannot be registered for sale to buyer on UDB if the PoS is not up to date.
Notifications are sent to the users in the following scenarios:
- When a seller initiates a transaction (with the full details e.g., GHG), the buyer is notified.
- When the seller cancels the transaction before the buyer accepts, the buyer is notified.
- When the buyer accepts the transaction, the seller is notified.
- When the buyer rejects the transaction, the seller is notified.
- When the seller updates a rejected transaction, the buyer is notified.
For accepting/Rejecting the trade transaction after the full details (including GHG) is sent to buyer should be 72 hours.
Yes, there will be a function for that. It’s in our current sprint.
Every time a seller initiates a transaction, the seller can see as part of the meta data the amount he/she has in the mass balance and once the buyer accepts, this reduction in quantity is reflected in the mass balance.
A valid certificate is required for a seller transaction. I.e., the certificate must be valid for the trade date.
Do you mean if it’s possible to merge several consignments that have the same characteristics (country of origin GHG emissions) into a transaction? If so – yes.
This is an Internal number that is used to reference activities/transactions/trades etc.
For the below scenarios, the Trade date can be interpreted to mean:
- Surveyor report: unique identifier is available.
- BoL: unique identifier is available.
- Truck reports: unique identifier is available.
- Internal system reference: unique identifier is available.
- Invoicing date of the consignments (i.e., EO can group consignment of multiple shipments that have the same characteristics): unique identifier is available.
The loading date is the date the consignments were loaded from the site of a seller for delivery to a buyer.
The delivery date is the date the consignments were delivered to the buyer’s site.
Yes, this can be done and is upto the EO to manage the level of granularity subject to unique consignment footprint i.e. emission, point of origin and evidence that will be used during the audit.
No, Only the first gathering point shall register the material bought from either certified point of origin or point of origins certified as part of 1st Gathering point.
Manage Buyer feature is used to limit the list of buyers to frequently traded customers/Buyers. This way mistakes can be avoided.
Yes, this will be possible.
PoS data needs to be finalized before the end of the mass-balance period or before sending the transaction to the Buyer
When the seller has completed all the information (Including PoS) and sends the transaction to the Buyer, the buyer will have to confirm the transaction.
From seller able to edit Place of Loading, Delivery Date, Material, quantity, and POS e-fields if transaction is in provisional status.
The trader with storage should have all the warehouses listed in their certificate. If this is not yet the case, please contact your scheme to include the warehouses in your certificate.
For the below scenarios, the Trade date can be interpreted to mean:
- Surveyor report: unique identifier is available.
- BoL: unique identifier is available.
- Truck reports: unique identifier is available.
- Internal system reference: unique identifier is available.
- Invoicing date of the consignments (i.e., EO can group
consignment of multiple shipments that have the same
characteristics): unique identifier is available.
For the below scenarios, the Trade date can be interpreted to mean:
- Surveyor report: unique identifier is available.
- BoL: unique identifier is available.
- Truck reports: unique identifier is available.
- Internal system reference: unique identifier is available.
- Invoicing date of the consignments (i.e., EO can group consignment of multiple shipments that have the same characteristics): unique identifier is available.
Sourcing contact allows the possibility add the supplier source of point of origin from which the materials are bought. It is possible to upload the sourcing contacts once per contact using a bulk upload method.
Could you please articulate the pre-selected third parties? We are not engaged with CarburE & neither clear about their activities? On UDB an EO can submit transaction programmatically from their IT systems or with the help of a service provider nominated by Voluntary scheme who can submit on their behalf. With this approach it is possible to submit bulk transactions.
All feedstocks being collected by first gathering point shall be registered by 1st gathering point on the UDB. Again the same approach as above holds good. A trade transaction will include material, quantity etc. Emission characteristics can be updated at a later point in time. Subsequently when 1st gathering point sells to another party, all information shall be available before registering the trade on the UDB.
All consignments originating from unique point of origin should be corresponded with appropriate point of origin.
The difference between the two is to differentiate the sustainable capacity and both sustainable & non-sustainable capacity per year. If All consignments are sustainable, then both the values shall be the same amounts.
After transition period, each point of origin should be identifiable by an NTR ID. If there is a need to include new format as per the legally issued local identifiers, this should be addressed to UDB team before end of March.
Initial stock held by the Economic Operator at a site listed in the certificate as on 1st January 2024 to be registered as a one-time activity to kick start the UDB application.
- Precise what the meaning of “registration date” is. (background: in user guide is “date of initial registration of stock”, however tests in the acceptance demonstrated that this date was not always auto filled with today’s data).
- Explain what “supports” are, and when do EOs need to enter them. (background: many EOs have replied back that the information in the guide is not clear and they don’t know if “supports” are relevant for them or not.
Refers to Tax breaks or incentives received by the economic Operator. Refer to user guide for list of options and the definitions of these options
Company reference should be the Internal company reference that can directly or indirectly link the evidence supporting the traded consignment. This reference is to be used during the certification audit.
Certificate of origin for Raw materials is the certificate of the EO (first gathering point or point of origin) i.e. the certificate issued by a scheme (Voluntary or National)
Certificate of origin for fuels is the certificate of the EO (fuel producer) i.e. the certificate issued by a scheme (Voluntary or National)
Multiple transport modes are not required in the case of default value of emission method type. Currently only one method type is allowed and is optional. Option to allow multiple method type will be enabled soon.
Initial stock is the quantity available to the EO at a particular site as on 1st January 2024. it can be introduced at any point in time. No deadline is currently set.
If an intermediate product is a combination of multiple feedstocks it can be registered appropriately
There is no deadline set currently on the application for registering initial stocks
The mandate on initial stock is removed. But may be applicable for POO – part A in the future.
The mandate on initial stock is removed. But may be applicable for POO – part A in the future.
Initial stock is the quantity available to the EO at a particular site as on 1st January 2024. it can be introduced at any point in time. No deadline is currently set.
The trade transactions is to be registered within 72 hours based on the invoice/shipment details. However the emission details can be updated until the end-of mass-balance period or the sale of the stock, whichever is earlier. In other words, the sale of the stock cannot be registered on UDB unless the emission details are unknown.
A transaction on UDB is the physical movement of the stock or the trade transaction (for trading without shipment) i.e. on the basis of an Invoice generated during shipment, but not necessarily the PoS. PoS can be updated at a later point in time (if unknown at the point of shipment).
YES, it is pending onboarding of Eos
Initial stock registration is one time activity and cannot be traced in UDB due to lack tracing of such materials encoded. We do not plan to provide bulk upload for the initial stocks registration.
In UDB the options for mass balance are 3 months, 12 months.
Biomass produced can be introduced into UDB in several ways:
a) 1st gathering points can introduced backdated transactions including stocks held as of 1st October and transactions after 1st October.
b) Point of origins can introduced biomass wastes or animal wastes with stocks as of 1st October and transactions thereafter.
c) Traders who hold stocks as of 1st October can introduce transactions using initial stock as one time activity. Thereafter all consignments should be originating from their suppliers.
We are discussing with the national databases about integration with UDB. The goal would be to reduce burden on Economic operator after integration.
Certificates can only be added by the schemes.
For certificates where there are combination of one or more GHG types i.e. the certification of the specific sites & process. The following options can be used (the UDB available certificate GHG categories: DV,AV,NUTS2)
Input | Output | GHG | Use on UDB |
Wheat | Wheat | DV, NUTS2 | DV |
Wheat | Wheat | DV | DV |
Wheat | Wheat | NUTS2 | NUTS2 |
Wheat | Wheat | AV | AV |
For reporting about the GHG method (the UDB choices available for the GHG calculation method are: TDV,DDV,AV) on PoS for a consignment that has a combination of different GHG applied at different points in the value chain.
GHG | Use on UDB |
DV | DDV |
NUTS2 | AV |
Combination of DDV, AV for disaggregated elements | DDV |
AV for all disaggregated elements | AV |
Total default Value | TDV |
For certificates where there are combination of one or more GHG types i.e. the certification of the specific sites & process. The following options can be used (the UDB available certificate GHG categories: DV,AV,NUTS2)
Input | Output | GHG | Use on UDB |
Wheat | Wheat | DV, NUTS2 | DV |
Wheat | Wheat | DV | DV |
Wheat | Wheat | NUTS2 | NUTS2 |
Wheat | Wheat | AV | AV |
For reporting about the GHG method (the UDB choices available for the GHG calculation method are: TDV,DDV,AV) on PoS for a consignment that has a combination of different GHG applied at different points in the value chain.
GHG | Use on UDB |
DV | DDV |
NUTS2 | AV |
Combination of DDV, AV for disaggregated elements | DDV |
AV for all disaggregated elements | AV |
Total default Value | TDV |
It is the accountability of the scheme to ensure all certificates are up to date.
Yes the scheme can delegate this responsibility to the certificate body. The VS invites the CB Leaduser, whilst the CB Leaduser invites the CB user. They will be able to perform certain tasks. These will be listed in the user manual in the next 2 weeks latest.
It is the accountability of the scheme to ensure all certificates are up to date.
It is the accountability of the scheme to ensure all certificates are up to date.
Yes the scheme can delegate this responsibility to the certificate body. The VS invites the CB Leaduser, whilst the CB Leaduser invites the CB user. They will be able to perform certain tasks. These will be listed in the user manual in the next 2 weeks latest.
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