
Take note

The illustrations in the Application Forms wiki pages are for consultation purpose only and may not always reflect the latest implementation.

There may be minor changes to the screen appearance and layout which are described on the updated page: How to complete the application form

In the Project objectives section of the application you are asked to describe the needs and challenges of your organisation, list the objectives your organisation wishes to achieve through the project, and select up to three topics you plan to address by implementing the planned mobility activities in your project. 

How to complete Project Objectives in KA122 Applications

This page explains how to fill in the fields in the Project Objectives section as well as to delete objectives. Our examples below are based on a Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education (KA122-SCH) application form

Take note

The number of objectives you want to specify for the selected project depends on your organisation's needs and expectations. 

You must specify at least one objective. The maximum number of objectives is limited to 5.

You must select between one and three topics to be addressed by the project.

This page is relevant for:

  • Erasmus+ Call year 2024
    • KA122-SCH - Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education
    • KA122-VET - Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in vocational education and training 
    • KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in adult education 

Before you start

  • The Context section must have been completed, indicating at least the project title, start date, and duration as well as the National Agency that will be assessing your application.
  • The Participating Organisations section must have been completed, adding the Applicant organisation and, if already identified, the planned hosting organisations.
  • The Background section must have been completed.



1. Open "Project objectives" 

Click on Project objectives in the Content menu. The Project objectives screen opens.

The Project Objectives screen

2. Fill in the most important needs and challenges in your organisation

In the avaiable field at the top of the screen, provide a description of the most important needs and challenges your company is currently facing and how an Erasmus+ mobility project can help improve organisation for the benefits of all its learners.

Fill in the most important needs and challenges

3. Define and describe the project objectives

In this subsection you must define the objectives your organisation wants to achieve with this project. 

3.1. Objectives displayed as cards

  1. Objectives are displayed as cards, which can be expanded and collapsed individually, using the dedicated down/up arrows in the upper right corner of each card or the Edit (pencil) icon.
  2. The card for Objective 1 is already available when you open the section. If necessary, additional cards can be added by clicking on the blue plus icon (+) at the top of the table.


 The maximum number of objectives you can add in the application form is 5.

Objectives - card functionality

3.2. Fill in the objective details 

An empty Objective card is marked as Incomplete and preceded by a red vertical bar. Once all the information is filled in, the card is marked as Complete and preceded by a green bar.

For each objective in your list, type the requested information in the following fields: 

  • Title (describing what you want to achieve)
  • Explanation 
  • Measuring Success

Fill in the objective details

3.3. Delete an objective

If you have added more than one objective, you have the option to delete any objective by clicking the Delete icon (X) next to the card you want to delete. Confirm the deletion by clicking on Yes in the pop-up confirmation window.

Take note

You cannot delete the last remaining objective, as a minimum of 1 objective must be specified. 

Delete an objective

4. Select up to three topics you will work on

Scroll down to the section What topics are you going to work on in your project?

What topics are you going to work on

Select between one and three topics that you will address in your project.

  • To select a topic, click in the empty field to open the drop-down list of topics, then click on the desired topic. You can scroll down in the drop-down list to see all available topics. The selected topic will be added below the selection box.
  • To remove an added topic, click the X next to the topic name. 

Select relevant topics

It is also possible to filter down the list by typing (part of) a topic name or keyword in the available field. Any topics that match the entered (part of a) term will display and can be selected. 

Search for a topic

5. Example of a completed "Project objectives" section

Once you have correctly completed all sections and subsections, the section is marked with a green check.

The section is marked complete