The Organisation Registration system (ORS), provides a unique identification number for organisations that want to participate in decentralised actions of the Erasmus+ and/or European Solidarity Corps programmes, the OID. The Organisation ID (OID) uniquely identifies your organisation among all organisations participating in the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps actions managed by National Agencies. You can use your organisation’s OID when applying for an accreditation or grant under the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps actions managed by National Agencies Source: Erasmus+ Programme Guide Online, Glossary (Common terms) To obtain an OID, the organisation needs to register once in the Organisation Registration system. See the Organisation Registration Guide for details.
The OID is generated when registering a new organisation in ORS. The OID is an 8 digit sequential number prefixed with an E and is attributed to organisation information once registered in ORS (for example: E12345678). All organisation details, contacts, annexes and authorised users (users who manage the organisation details in ORS) must be managed via ORS.
See Organisation Registration Guide.
All application forms require an organisation's OID. In some forms, participating organisations other than the applicant organisation may or may not need an OID. The options depend on the specifics of the action type and call year.
See Submission phase for details.
When a project becomes available in My Projects, all organisations with an OID that are part of the signed grant agreement will be available in the Organisations section of the project. The beneficiary organisation must always hold an OID and is always available in the project. In addition to the OID, an Organisation ID is also available for organisations in the project. The system suggests an auto-generated number populated to this field when adding or creating the organisation in the system, but can be overwritten. The Organisation ID must be unique for an organisation within a project but can differ from one project to another for the same organisation. OID and Organisation ID in projects The same rules apply when using the mobility import-export file, the Organisation ID and OID columns for sending and receiving organisations will be present in the import-export template. For example Sending Organisation ID (Organisation ID), and Sending Organisation OID (OID registered in ORS). The Organisation ID must be unique for the organisation in the project, and therefore it is not possible to use different Organisations IDs for the same OID in the import file. It is not possible to have the same Organisation ID associated with different OIDs within a project. Here is an example of the Organisations section of a KA121-ADU 2021 project. The OID (1) and Organisation ID (2) are displayed in the list. Certain organisation information for organisations with an OID can be updated, via the Edit functionality, but general updates to the organisation information must be done in ORS. See the page Participating Organisations in projects for details on managing organisations in a project.