
This page provides an overview on how to fill in and submit the Accreditation Progress Report using the dedicated functionality, including the mandatory conditions to be fulfilled, in order to submit the report. The illustrations on this page are based on examples from a KA120 Erasmus accreditation.

At least once during a period of five years, Erasmus accredited organisations must update their Erasmus Plan (KA120)/Activity Plan (KA150) and report on respect of Erasmus quality standards, and their Erasmus Plan (KA120)/Activity Plan (KA150) progress. See the Erasmus+ Programme Guide for details.

Organisations awarded with the ESC50/ESC52 Quality Label will also be required to report on their Objectives, Quality standards and Activity Plan at least once during the validity of the Quality Label. See the European Solidarity Corps Programme Guide for details.

This type of reporting is done with the Accreditation Progress Report, requested periodically by the National Agency. The National Agency may decide to request a progress report on the different elements of the accreditation at the same time, or separately. The composition and timing of accreditation reports is decided by the National Agency for each accredited beneficiary. Upon requesting an Accreditation Progress Report from the accredited beneficiary organisation, the National Agency will define the specific report parts to be reported on. The requested report can consist of one or multiple specific report parts, as per selection by the National Agency. 

For Erasmus+ accreditations (KA120 and KA150):

Depending on the roles awarded with the European Solidarity Corps Quality label (Host, Support and/or Lead), the requested report can consist of one, multiple or all of the following report parts, as per selection by the National Agency.

For ESC50 - Quality Label:

For ESC52 - Quality Label:

  • Progress report Host role

  • Progress report Support role

  • Locations/Standard Activities Update

In addition to selecting the report parts, the National Agency will define a submission deadline for the requested report, specifying by when the report must be submitted from Beneficiary module. An email notification is sent to the contacts of the accredited organisation when the accreditation report request is launched. The accreditation report can then be completed and submitted from Beneficiary module.

The National Agency may decide to replace any Accreditation Progress Report with a Structured Monitoring Visit.

Accreditation Progress Reports and Structured Monitoring Visits can be requested for accreditations in status Accredited, Accredited (under observation) and Suspended. 

Before you start filling the report, please familiarise yourself with the basic report functionalities explained on page Basic functionalities in report forms in beneficiary projects

Take note

The Accreditation Progress Report can be completed only if the report was requested by the National Agency.

For general information on how the Accreditation Progress Report is handled, please see the page Accreditation Progress Reports in Beneficiary module.

The report to complete depends on the action type and the report parts requested by the NA. In addition, the form and fields to complete adapt as per the information you provide when filling in the report. Please read the onscreen information carefully to ensure you provide the correct information.


Fields may vary depending on the action type and call year of your project. Please read the onscreen information carefully.

The illustrations in the provided Wiki pages are for consultation purpose only and may not always reflect the latest implementation. 



1. Click on "Reports and updates"

In the Accreditation details in Beneficiary module, click on the Reports and updates tab. The reports screen opens and if the National Agency requested the report, it is from here that you will be able to edit and submit the report. In the Reports and updates screen, a Report timeline will be displayed and the Edit Draft button is available. 

If no Accreditation Progress Report was requested by the National Agency, the Reports and updates screen will be empty. 

Click on the Reports and updates tab


2. Click on "Edit Draft"

When the Accreditation Progress Report has been requested by the National Agency, the Edit Draft button is available. A timeline graphic is also displayed, showing your progress with the report and the report statuses. In addition, you can view the History of the report by using the dedicated arrow to open the section for more details or collapse it.

Click on the Edit Draft button to open the report form. Use this button every time you need to access the draft report where you will be directed to the report details screen.

Click on the Edit draft button to open the report form


3. Fill in the report

Before you start filling the report, please familiarise yourself with the basic report functionalities explained on page Basic functionalities in report forms in beneficiary projects

3.1. Check the "Accreditation" section

You will notice that the Accreditation section is already filled in and marked with a green check. It contains general information that is also displayed in the Details section of the accreditation, and it cannot be modified.

Accreditation section in the report is filled and read only


3.2. Check the "Report Structure" section

The Report Structure section is already filled in and marked with a green check. The section contains a table, informing you of the report parts requested by the National Agency. Report parts selected for reporting will display YES or NO.

You may be asked to report on the Erasmus quality standards, Erasmus Plan (KA150) or Activity Plan (KA120) progress and/or Erasmus Plan updates (KA150) or Activity Plan updates (KA120).

For European Solidarity Corps ESC50/ESC52, you may be asked to report on the Progress report for lead role, Activity Plan update, Progress report for support role, Progress report for host role and/or Hosting locations and/or activities update. 

In our example, a KA120 accreditation, all three possible report parts display YES, meaning reporting for all three is required. For each requested report part, a specific item is available in the navigation menu.

The Report Structure section lists the requested report parts

3.3. Check and complete the "Reporting period" section, if applicable

The Reporting period section is only available if the report part Erasmus Plan/Activity Plan progress report was requested for reporting by the National Agency. For ESC50/ESC52, the Reporting period section is only displayed for the Lead role. 

It contains a table listing the Reporting period start date and Reporting period end date. Depending on the accreditation, additional textual fields may be available in this section and must be filled in. 

The Reporting period contains a table listing the Reporting period start date and Reporting period end date

3.4. Check the "Implementation summary" section

The Implementation summary section is already filled in and marked with a green check. Tables are displayed, summarising the implementation of accredited mobility projects your organisation participates in. The information displayed includes activities/mobility activities completed within the reporting period specified at the start of the report. 

The first table displays a list of accredited grant projects (KA121, KA151 or ESC51) in which the accredited organisation participates. Accredited grant projects in status Project ongoing, Submitted and Closed are displayed in the list. For each listed project the number of participants, if any, are also available. 

Please check the relevant projects and make sure they are up-to-date. 

The second table displays the list of activity types from all projects listed in the first table, displaying information such as the Number of participants, Averaged duration in days or Number of participants with fewer opportunities. 

All information in this section is read-only. 

The Implementation summary contains the implementation of accredited mobility projects your organisation participates in


3.5. Fill in all other sections, as applicable (KA120, KA150)

The content of the remaining sections varies depending on the key actions and the report parts requested by the National Agency. Read the onscreen information carefully to fill in the required information. Certain sections also include read-only information and summaries. 

For example, the Accreditation Progress Report for a KA120 - Erasmus accreditation includes the following sections, assuming all possible report parts have been requested by the National Agency:

  • Erasmus Plan progress report with possible subsections Erasmus Plan objectives progress and Mobility consortium, if the accreditation concerns a mobility consortium
  • Erasmus Plan update with possible subsections Erasmus Plan duration, Update request, Accreditation type, Mobility consortium, if the accreditation concerns a mobility consortium, and Erasmus Plan objectives update
  • Erasmus quality standards report with possible subsections Basic principles, Good management of mobility activities, Mobility consortium, if the accreditation concerns a mobility consortium, Providing quality and support to the participants, and Sharing results and knowledge about the programme

The Accreditation Progress Report for a KA150 - Erasmus Accreditation for Youth includes the following sections, assuming all possible report parts have been requested by the National Agency:

  • Activity Plan progress report 
  • Activity Plan update 
  • Erasmus quality standards report


The Accreditation Progress Report may require you to fill in one, multiple or all of these possible report options. 

3.5.1. Erasmus/Activity Progress report section(s)

The progress report section is to assess how much you have advanced towards the objectives you have set for yourself.

Here is an example of a partial Erasmus Plan Progress report section in a KA120 Accreditation Progress Report. The objectives (1) as defined in the accreditation are displayed, including their content. For each objective you must fill in the progress (2) section. 

Erasmus Plan progress report including objectives and progress sections

3.5.2. Erasmus/Activity Plan update(s) section(s)

The purpose of an Erasmus/Activity Plan update is to review and refresh your list of objectives, and to prepare for the next few years of implementing mobility activities at your organisation.

An Erasmus/Activity Plan update typically takes place when the duration of your previous plan is at its end, although your National Agency may also accept or request an exceptional update due to an important change in structure or circumstances of your organisation.

In the Erasmus Plan Update section in a KA120 Accreditation Progress Report the following subsections are available for completion:

  • Erasmus Plan duration - to propose the duration of your revised Erasmus Plan, if applicable, use the available drop-down list
    Example of Erasmus Plan duration section
  • Update request - use the drop-down list to request changes to your Erasmus Plan objectives or accreditation type
    • If No is selected, the Erasmus Plan objectives update subsection will not be applicable for the report
      Example of Update request section
  • Accreditation type - only displayed if YES was selected under Update request
    • use the drop-down list to select if a change of accreditation type is required 
    • if YES is selected, additional fields will become available and must be completed
      Example of Accreditation type section
  • Mobility consortium, if the accreditation concerns a mobility consortium or if a change of accreditation type from Accreditation for an individual organisation to mobility consortium is requested
    • in the case of a change request, specific mobility consortium related fields become available and must be completed
      Example of Mobility consortium section if a change of accreditation type from Accreditation for an individual organisation to mobility consortium is requested
  • Erasmus Plan objectives update - only displayed if YES was selected under Update request
    • for each available Objective you must select an Action, using the available drop-down list; by default No change is selected 

Example of Erasmus Plan objectives update screen

    • depending on the selection made for an objective, additional fields become available and must be completed
      Example of Objective update request
    • it is also possible to add objectives to your plan, using the Add a new objective button displayed below the last available objective and filling the required details 
      Option to Add new objective
3.5.3. Erasmus quality standards section

When submitting your accreditation application, you have signed up to a set of Erasmus quality standards. These standards exist to ensure good mobility experience and learning outcomes for all participants, and to make sure that all organisations receiving the Erasmus+ funding are contributing to its objectives. The purpose of this report is to follow-up on that commitment.

Here an example in a KA120 - Erasmus accreditation. Provide all the required information in this section. 

Example of Erasmus quality standards section in KA120 accreditation 

3.6. Fill in all other sections, as applicable (ESC50/ESC52)

The Accreditation Progress Report for a ESC50/ESC52 Quality Label includes the following sections, assuming all possible report parts for all roles have been requested by the National Agency:

  • Progress report for lead role
  • Activity Plan update
  • Progress report for host role
  • Progress report for support role
  • Hosting locations and/or activities update


The Accreditation Progress Report may require you to fill in one, multiple or all of these report parts. 

3.6.1. Progress report for lead role

The purpose of a Progress report for lead role is to assess how much you have advanced towards the objectives you have set for yourself, in your application for a Quality Label for lead organisation. Two subsections are available and must be completed, as applicable: Activity Plan objectives progress and Project management and coordination.

Progress report for lead role section

The subsection Activity Plan objectives progress lists your Quality Label Objectives

Under Project management and coordination you must provide the answers to the various questions displayed. 

3.6.2. Activity Plan update

The purpose of an Activity Plan update is to review and refresh your list of objectives, and to prepare yourself for the next few years of implementing volunteering activities at your organisation.

For each available objective in this section, you must first select an Action (What would you like to do with this objective?) from the available drop-down list. By default, No change is selected.

Activity Plan update section

If any other option is selected, you must fill in the additionally available fields. Here an example where Request update was selected for an objective. Additional fields become available and must be filled in.

Request objective update

It is also possible to add objectives to your plan, using the Add a new objective button, which is displayed below the last available objective, and filling the required details. 

Use the Add a new objective button to add new objectives, if required

In the Activity Plan indicative targets subsection, which is only available if changes to the objectives are requested, an overview of the planned activities is displayed. For each activity the Revised targets row is available and prefilled as per the current finalised Activity plan for the quality label. Make the required changes in this row for each objective, as applicable. 

It is also possible to add an activity type, using the Add Activity Type button displayed below the table and filling the required details. 

Activity Plan indicative targets section

3.6.3. Progress report for host role / Progress report for support role

Adherence to the European Solidarity Corps Quality Label must be periodically reassessed in order to ensure compliance with the conditions that led to its attribution. This is one of the purposes of the progress report. Depending on the Quality label (Host and/or Support) and the selection made by the NA upon initialising the Accreditation Progress Report, you must fill in the Progress report for host role and/or the Progress report for support role. 

You must provide answers to the various questions displayed for the Host and/or Support role. In addition, you can use the available tick boxes to either:

  • declare that your organisation continues to comply with the conditions that led to the attribution of the Quality Label for support role or to
  • wish to cancel your Quality Label for host/support role. If this option is selected, an explanation must be provided

Here is an example of the Progress report for support role section in the report.

Progress report for support role

3.6.4. Hosting locations and/or activities update

This report part can be used to request update of hosting locations and/or of volunteering activities planned in the Quality Label for the Host role. It is also possible to add new locations and new activities. 

In subsection Hosting locations update request, tick the checkbox to request changes to your hosting locations (1), if required. You can then request updates, as needed. 

  • Use the drop-down list (2) to select if an update or cancellation of a location is required
    • if Request update is selected, you can update the location information
    • if Request cancellation is selected, you must provide a justification for the request

      Hosting locations update request
  • It is also possible to add new locations, using the Add a new location button, which is displayed below the last available location and filling the required details

Add a new location button

In subsection Host volunteering activities update request, tick the checkbox to request changes to your activities (1), if required. You can then request updates, as needed. 

  • use the drop-down list (2) to select if an update or cancellation of an activity is required
    • if Request update is selected, you can update the activity information
    • if Request cancellation is selected, you must provide a justification for the request
      Host volunteering activities update request
  • it is also possible to add new activities, using the Add a new activity button displayed below the last available activity and filling the required details

Add a new activity button


3.7. Add the "Declaration on Honour" and other annexes

Take note

Read the onscreen information carefully and make sure you observe the rules regarding the allowed file types, the maximum allowed file sizes and the maximum allowed number of documents attached. These are mentioned at the top of the Annexes section.

Add the "Declaration on Honour"

To add the Declaration on Honour:

  1. Click the Download the Declaration on Honour button and follow the onscreen instructions to save the file locally. Once downloaded, the Declaration on Honour must be signed by the Legal representative(s). 
  2. Click on the Add the Declaration on Honour button and follow the onscreen instructions to locate and upload the signed Declaration on Honour. The file will be available in the List of documents.

Take note

According to the national context, a signature by the legal representative of the beneficiary organisation may not be sufficient and a stamp for the organisation may also be required. 

Example of adding the Declaration On Honour in an Accreditation Progress ReportAdd Other documents

Attach any other relevant documents, using the Add documents button. Follow the onscreen instructions to locate and upload the desired documents. The files will be available in the List of documents.

Add documents button allows to add additional documents

List of documents

In the List of documents you will view all the files you have attached. The Declaration on Honour is marked so you can identify it easily.

Take note

Read the onscreen information carefully and make sure you observe the rules regarding the allowed file types, the maximum file sizes and the maximum number of documents attached. These are mentioned at the top of the Annexes section.

The files are numbered and listed in the order in which you have attached them. You can view the size of each file, as well as the total size of all annexes. If you want to delete a file from the list, click on the Remove button next to the desired file, then click on YES in the confirmation pop-up window to confirm the deletion.

List of documents


3.8. Tick the "Checklist"

Ensure you have performed all the actions listed in the checklist, and tick the boxes accordingly. All items on the list must be ticked in order to submit the final report.

The checklist is not saved, therefore every time you leave the report screen and return to the report, you must check all the conditions again and tick the checkboxes accordingly.

The Conditions for the report submission are a part of the Checklist section of the report and include a checklist that is ticked automatically with each condition that is fulfilled, namely:

  1. All mandatory fields in the report have been filled in and all sections are marked complete.
  2. There is no mobility activities import process ongoing in a linked accredited grant project.
  3. The Declaration on Honour and all other mandatory annexes (where applicable) have been uploaded.
  4. The Checklist has been fulfilled.


The Submission of the Accreditation Progress Report will be blocked if an import of mobility activities in a related accredited grant project is in progress.

Check the list and make sure all conditions are fulfilled, i.e. all checkboxes are ticked. If one or more of the conditions are not fulfilled, you need to make the necessary changes, before you are allowed to submit the report.

Tick the Checklist

4. Click on "Start submission process" button

The Start submission process button is available at the top of the screen, in the Navigation panel and at the bottom of the screen, under the Conditions for the report submission. It is only active if all conditions for the report submission are fulfilled. 

Click on the Start submission process (1) button, read the information in the pop-up window, then click on Submit Report (2) to confirm the submission.

Start and confirm the report submission


5. Report is "Submitted"

Once the report is submitted:

  • a success message is displayed, indicating the submission has started
  • the report status changes from Draft to Submission in progress, then to Submitted. You may need to refresh the page to view the latest status

Here is an example of the Reports screen after successful submission of the report while the submission is in progress. 

Report is submitted and the submission progress displayed in the timeline

6. View or download the report after submission

You can still access the report after submission, but you cannot make any further changes.

Click on the View Report button to view the report on the screen or click on Download Report to export a ZIP folder including the report as a PDF file and all annexes submitted with the report. You may need to install an external tool to extract files from the ZIP folder.

Report can be viewed and downloaded after submission


7. Report cancelled 

If the report was cancelled by the National Agency after it was submitted, the status of the report will change to Cancelled. Only if the NA requests a new report will you be able to generate a new Accreditation Progress Report. 

Here an example of the updated timeline where the submitted Accreditation Progress Report was cancelled by the NA in their project management system. The report status is updated accordingly and you can still View and Download the report. You cannot make changes to the report and resubmit it. 

Example of by the NA cancelled report and report status updated to cancelled

8. Report submitted but update requested

The National Agency checks that all necessary information submitted in the report is available and/or satisfactory. If not, an update for the report will be requested. Reasons for requesting new report may be missing documentation or insufficient information provided in (a) section(s) of the report. 

In such a case, a new instance of the report is created as a copy of the previously submitted one. The Edit draft button will be available in the Reports and updates tab of your accreditation. 


9. Re-Submission of an Accreditation Progress Report

9.1. Access the "Reports and updates" tab in your project

Click on Reports and updates in the Content menu. 

9.2. Click on the "Edit draft" button to update the previously submitted report

If a new version of the report was requested by the NA, the Edit draft button will be available. In the History, an information message informs you that all answers from the previous report have been copied into this report. Click on the Edit draft button to open the report. 

A new version of the report available if an update was requested by the NA

9.3. Report information as per previously submitted report available in the new draft

The report opens in status draft.

All information as submitted with the previous version of the report is available. All items, except the Annexes and Checklist, are marked with a green check. The Annexes from the previous version of the report are not available and new annexes must be attached. 

9.4. Check and update the report, where required

You can update information in the various report sections if and where required.

9.5. Attach the required annexes, including Declaration On Honour 

All previously attached documents, including the Declaration on Honour, are no longer available and must be re-attached before you can submit the new version of the report. See above for step-by-step instructions. 

9.6. Tick the "Checklist" and check the "Conditions for report submission" 

When all information in the report is complete and the documents are attached, tick the various items in the Checklist. The Conditions for report submission is a part of the Checklist section of the report and includes a checklist that is ticked automatically with each condition that is fulfilled. See above for details. 

9.7. Click on the "Start submission process" button and confirm the submission

The Start submission process button is available both at the top of the screen, in the Navigation panel, and at the bottom of the screen, under the Conditions for report submission. It is only active if all conditions for the report submission are fulfilled, as explained above. See above for additional details. 

Click on the Start submission process button, read the information in the pop-up window, then click on Submit Report to confirm the submission. The report process will continue as explained in step 7. Report is "Submitted".

Report Templates

Expected Outcome

  • The report has been submitted and no further updates can be made

What happens next?

The report is received by the National Agency, and will be assessed by experts. For more details on how the Accreditation Progress Report is processed, please see the page Accreditation Progress Reports in Beneficiary module