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Observation of species and monitoring their populations in the environment are resource-intensive. A good number of experts are needed who can identify, describe and classify different species (called taxonomists), whether in professional or non-professional capacity (citizens scientists). For more information in this regard, please see the European Red List of Insect Taxonomists.  

Taxonomists need proper tools for their work, among others a comprehensive repository of species information, identification keys, field guides. In 2021, the Commission launched two projects to support development of such tools:

The objective of the two projects is to create a centralised taxonomic platform for identification of European wild pollinator species (starting with bees and hoverflies). The platform will gather in one place all information on pollinator species (descriptions, images etc.). It will provide pivotal support monitoring activities within the framework of EU and national policies, in particular the EU Pollinators Initiative, as well as to academic and other pollinator-related activities. The platform is built with both professional taxonomists and citizen scientists in mind. 

In addition, two Horizon Europe projects were launched, TETTRIs and MAMBO, to further boost taxonomic expertise and tools for biodiversity in the EU, including for pollinating insects. 

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