OperationStatusEnum Status values

ACCEPTEDTransaction Status
CANCELLEDTransaction is cancelled
CREATEDWhen organisations are created
FOUNDWhen search results are found once
FOUND_SIMILARSWhen search results are found with multiple occurences
IN_TRANSITTransaction Status
INACTIVE_SERVICEWhen the requested is not authorised
INVALID_REQUESTWhen the XML syntax validation fails
NOT_FOUNDNo Results found
OTHERNot used
PARTIALWhen result has some failures but not all failed
PENDINGTransaction Status
PROVISIONALTransaction Status
REJECTEDTransaction Status
TIMEOUTWhen the processing take more than 60 seconds
UPDATEDWhen the request is updated
SUCCESSWhen the request is successfully treated
FAILEDAll results have failed
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